More than a thousand words are eloquent, highlighting a theme: I have what I have, but you don’t. If I can become a brother today, I am willing to bring everyone rich together.

Get rich first and get rich later, and finally realize the freedom of wafer manufacturing in Daxia.

After Li You finished reading, he took back the document.

Then someone said sharply: "A real man should be the national treasure."

It attracted everyone to echo.

But everyone can say what they say, but not necessarily what they do.

So, Li You took out the second document.

Mainly it's a cooperative mode.

The first one: Kyushu Technology, as an equipment supplier, directly sells robotic arms and silicon crystal ingot cultivation equipment to everyone, with one-hand money and one-hand goods, and the maintenance cost only needs a few hundred million.

This solution is very common in the aviation industry. Airplanes are cheap, and maintenance and parts maintenance are the most costly.

The second type: Kyushu Technology invests in technology, occupying 15% to 30% of the shares, and provides production equipment and technology at low prices to partners.

The second solution is to change the common model after opening, and both parties will make the cake bigger together.

Both modes of cooperation have their pros and cons.

The former does not need to hand over shares and has higher autonomy, but it needs to spend more money. The disadvantage is that it is more troublesome when upgrading technical equipment.

Although the latter has to hand over a part of the shares, the autonomy is a bit low, but it costs less. You have me in both parties, and you are in me. If the cooperation is happy, technology and equipment can be easily "shared".

Many joint ventures have gradually grown up in this way.

However, Gu Qing obviously underestimated the appetite of these domestic friends.

It is no longer the poor and empty Daxia decades ago.

Top ten domestic wafer fabrication plants.

For example, Pudong freshmen.

Pudong Xinsheng Semiconductor was established in June 2014 by the founder of Xiaxin Technology. It is the main body of the Daxia 02 special 300mm large-size 12-inch silicon wafer project, with a total investment of 6.8 billion yuan and an area of ​​150 acres.

It is estimated that the monthly production capacity will reach 100,000 pieces by the end of this year, and Xiayin Xingli will achieve a monthly production capacity target of 300,000 pieces by the end of 2020, and will eventually reach a production capacity of 1 million pieces.

Do you feel something is wrong?

It was Xia Xin's handwriting again, and behind Xia Xin was...

Look at another one.

Yanjing Youyan Group.

Yanjing Youyan Technology Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Youyan Group) was founded in 1952. It is a comprehensive engineering technology research and development and high-tech industry cultivation entity led by innovation in the Daxia nonferrous metal industry. It is now managed by the State ZI Committee zY enterprise with a registered capital of 3 billion Xia Yuan.

The projects that the company is mainly engaged in are very in line with the attributes of this kind of enterprise. You can write two hundred words in just one word. Even if you only look at the project of wafer manufacturing, it can be regarded as a remarkable achievement.

Large-diameter monocrystalline silicon (sheet): Yuyan Research Institute has the largest and most advanced technology-level production capacity of silicon monocrystalline silicon for integrated circuits in Daxia, which can produce a series of large-diameter monocrystalline silicon rods with a diameter of 200mm-450mm Silicon polished wafers and lightly doped polished wafers.

The products have been highly praised by important high-end customers such as America, Neon and Korea, and are mainly used in the field of large-scale integrated circuits.

Simply put, it is a high-end company that can be sold, but it is not common in "entertainment news".

There is no one simple in the other ones, and this is the characteristic of Daxia.

Therefore, relying on Xiaxin's background, Pudong Xinsheng joined forces with other companies that use the same technology direction as Kyushu Technology.

Money, we have, can give a lot.

Shares, everyone can negotiate to give, but the technology upgrade needs to keep up.

In this way, under the witness of Director Zhao.

Among the top ten companies, five companies choose to accept 10% of the technology shares of Kyushu Technology Corporation, and give more than 100 million technology licensing fees per year.

Although the other five companies did not sign contracts due to technical reasons, they also expressed that everyone should communicate more with a view to future cooperation.

The next day, Busy Gu finally met with the executives of the five companies.

After some conversations, the five executives were extremely excited. The manufacturing process of Jiuzhou Technology Company was several steps ahead of everyone else, and the cost was only a quarter of our current cost.

Since the price increase in the semiconductor industry in 2017, Daxia's wafer manufacturing and export companies have the opportunity to take a breather and reduce their losses.

But this year, when the evil wind blew, the price of wafer manufacturing collapsed from the top of the mountain, and all the companies that had just invested a lot of money suffered terribly.

With the help of Kyushu Technology, their cost can be reduced immediately to a price that foreign manufacturers cannot match.

Moreover, Kyushu Science and Technology Company has made it clear that it will not expand production on a large scale. The five families carefully summed up and immediately expressed their chest.

"Harmony makes money, harmony makes money." Gu Qing said with a smile at the dinner table, replacing wine with tea, "We can be regarded as a family behind closed doors. In the future, when we export, we need to divide the specifications into camps and discuss it carefully, at least with the blessing of new technologies. Now, everyone can make money, and there is no need to make money at a loss."

An executive from Pudong Youyan, as a person in the system, also gave a cup of tea instead of wine, and then said: "Mr. Gu's feelings are admirable to Liu. He could have expanded production by himself and monopolized the source of the wafer manufacturing industry." , but for the development of Daxia’s semiconductor industry and the future of Daxia Technology Company, selling technology at a low price is really a responsible entrepreneur.”

"You're right. Mr. Gu is indeed a responsible and ambitious entrepreneur."

Gu Qing was in a good mood at first, even a little ecstatic.

After all, a bunch of bigwigs boasted about him, which he had never experienced in his previous life.

But when he heard - entrepreneur, three words.

Immediately there was a chill.

"Just kidding, I'm just a young man who likes to study technology and is very curious. I can't talk about an entrepreneur. All the adults here are adults of my uncle's generation. Don't bully me."

Boss Gu, who felt the word "dangerous" on his head, repeatedly waved his hands away.

Too many "entrepreneurs" did bad things in his previous life, and he didn't want to be one of them.

Among the people here who can make it this far, which one is not a human being?

Seeing that Gu Qing was somewhat resistant to this title, he calmed down and did not bring up this topic again.

However, there is a tradition in Daxia that there is always something to talk about at the dinner table.

This does not need to brag about each other, it can only talk about things.

Gu Qing, who was a bit socially fearful, calmed down a lot when talking about things.

"At present, our company is reserving technical talents in the semiconductor-related industries, waiting for some of the current working talents to be able to let people take over production, and then we can assist everyone in upgrading industrial equipment and technology.

According to my estimation, we should be able to start assisting the first company in the middle of this month. "

PS: Where the "entertainment media" does not pay attention, many people have been working silently.

Huaxia has stood firm for thousands of years because there are always "fools" fighting for her.

Thank you for your recommended tickets and monthly tickets, good night

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