
Recently Mr. Lei, who was pouring peaches on himself every day, heard a burst of chattering voices.

He saw a group of suits and leather shoes in a blink of an eye, but they looked like business people from neighboring countries, chattering in English mixed with other foreign languages, including Thai.

At this time, the temporary pass on his chest suddenly vibrated.

Pick up the pass, and there is an AI dialog box on the screen showing the text: [It has been detected that the area you are in is an international conference room with multiple foreign language communication environments. Do you need AI real-time translation and manual simultaneous translation services? 】

And there is a line of small words below this text: [AI real-time translation technology is provided by Kyushu Titan Star Technology. Manual simultaneous translation will be matched with a senior translator by you]

Has Kyushu Technology finally started to develop towards real-time translation? While doing real-time translation, I also hired translators at the same time. I really know how to collect materials.

With emotion, Lei Jun chose the AI ​​real-time translation service.

[The translation permission has been opened for you, and the translation content has been delivered. Please note that AI real-time translation still has technical defects. If there are problems in your business work due to technical and translation defects, our company will not be responsible. 】

"5G is the fifth-generation communication technology, and we haven't popularized it yet. Kyushu Technology is already preparing to upgrade to 5.5G in Daxia. It really deserves to be Bluestar's top high-tech enterprise."

"I heard that the agreement has been signed, so it will definitely be more convenient for us to cooperate with Kyushu Technology."

"The Federal Reserve's interest rate hike has messed up the economic environment for all of us. This time we must introduce Kyushu Technology's technology back to China, so that we can not only resist other Guo Jia's dumped products, but also sell products faster and earn foreign exchange. .”

"I hope that Jiuzhou Technology can give us a fair chance. Since we can enter their company, we should be able to gain something."

"With the exchange of agreements, we can also let Jiuzhou Technology become a shareholder of our company. As long as we can master competitive and strong technology, we can go to many Guojias to sell products!"


Lei Jun was shocked not only by the content of these translations, but also by the origin of the translated voices.

I didn't wear headphones, and the sound didn't come from inside the seat. It sounded like someone was doing simultaneous translation with him by my ear.

"Wait, at the mecha competition a few months ago, they used this technology of directional sound transmission, but at that time it was a large-scale sound transmission of the group, and now they can achieve single-to-single what?

And these companies, from the ASEAN side?

Kyushu Technology can't go overseas by itself, do you want to find an overseas company as a joint venture? "

Mr. Lei fell into deep thought.

On today's conference day, he was running around like a headless chicken. Although he himself didn't feel embarrassed, Kyushu Technology did have something wrong with Rice and certain companies.

Moreover, wandering around in conference rooms and seeing the elites of different companies in corridors, those business elites who used to face themselves with a pleasant face, today's eyes are different from before, which is a kind of contemplation and passion.

Is it true that I can no longer lead Rice to fully integrate into this new era?

Lei Jun listened to the explanation of the number of wins on the podium, and unconsciously fell into deep thought.

July 8th is a day of entanglement for countless media.

The day before, I had to pinch my nose to report a bunch of black technology of Kyushu Technology, and the day after that I had to squat outside the gate of the new technology area, catch a person who participated in the Kyushu Technology Conference, and frantically interview.

The same is true for reporters in Daxia, and it is also true for those reporters outside Daxia.

Outside the Xinke District of Rongcheng, countless reporters with long guns and short cannons pointed at the checkpoints of the Xinke District, forming a scenic line.

But what the global media did not expect is that there are too many things that need to be reported today.

According to several foreign media reports including the French Press, the Brazilian Federation officially stated that the Brazilian Federation has reached an agreement with Daxia to no longer use the US dollar as an intermediate currency, but to conduct trade in the local currencies of both parties.

According to reports, this agreement allows the largest economies in Great Xia and Latin America to directly conduct large-scale trade and financial transactions, exchange Xia Yuan for reals, and the two sides can communicate with each other instead of relying on the US dollar.

"This is expected to reduce costs while promoting greater bilateral trade and facilitating investment," the Brazilian Federal Trade and Investment Promotion Agency said in a statement.

After this report, the French newspaper also published a "small" report: On Daxia's Pudong Oil and Gas Trading Center platform, Daxia and France successfully completed the first trade settled in Xia Yuan.

The trade involves the import of liquefied natural gas, the purchaser is Daxia, and the seller is a large Alian dog. The main company of this trade is Total Energy, the largest energy multinational company in France.

"Smart, wise and romantic France" people have their own little thoughts.

In terms of scale, the currency swap trade between the Brazilian Federation and Baccia is definitely one of the symbolic events in the change of the world's financial structure, and its own energy multinational company Total Energy uses Xia Yuan and Baccia to settle liquefied natural gas, Naturally, it is a "not very important" little thing.

Total Energy ranks 25th among the world's top 500 companies, while Daxia Pudong's natural gas trading center ranks extremely low in the world.

Although the trading center platform has been established for nine years, due to Uncle Sam's persistence and even intensified bad deeds over the years, other Guo Jia companies dare not come to this trading center with great fanfare to settle business with Xia Yuan.

This time, France's Total "has risked the world's disgrace", and its influence in the global business field is, to some extent, even more influential than the currency swap between Brazil and Daxia.

After all, no matter how big the Brazilian Football League is, it is just a United Nations player, not the Big Five.

Although France is jokingly called the shame of the five heads, it can only be ridiculed by the five heads. Once others dare to tease France, they will be greeted by a standing army of more than 340,000 armed with live ammunition. A huge army of half a million people.

Britain and Germany, both of which are troikas, actually have an active military force of less than 200,000.

There are also more than a thousand tanks, Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighter jets, more than 180 ships, plus a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, a dozen destroyers, and more than a dozen nuclear submarines.

As soon as these family backgrounds are shown, Guo Jia and the region with more than 90% of the Blue Star are actually incomparable.

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