"Dr. Jose, Mr. Gu is currently at the experimental base, and I can't get in touch with him for the time being."

The little mouse Zhang Tianhao shook his head, but the other party sighed: "He's in the lab again, he's already so far ahead of us bad old men, he has countless wealth, but he can still concentrate on scientific research.

No, I can't be compared to him. I will find a way to participate in that experimental project team. Remember to reserve a spot for me. "

The scientist patted Zhang Tianhao on the shoulder, then hurriedly turned around and ran back to the blackboard gathering place.

Malay Prime Minister An and others cast doubtful eyes on Zhang Tianhao.

The reporters also raised their cameras, and they couldn't take pictures of other people, so it's always okay to take pictures of this core high-level figure of Kyushu Technology.

Moreover, with such a large community of high-quality talents, it is impossible for Kyushu Technology to really be doing "charity". There have always been rumors in the outside world that Kyushu Technology has allowed these elites to live in the Titan star community for some kind of evil experiment.

Zhang Tianhao looked at these curious people and the cameras, sorted out his thoughts, and replied: "Titan Star Community is the future community of human science and technology led by Mr. Gu, and such a community naturally requires high-quality talents to join and build together.

Moreover, in addition to elites such as mathematicians, scientists, and artists in our Titan community, there are also ordinary people from friendly countries around the world.

For example, some friends who open a shop in this square are very ordinary people. They can also earn some living expenses for their families in the distance by opening a shop here. "

"The one just now?"

"Who was that just now?"

"Dr. Jose is a national geneticist. He used to work in the cutting-edge laboratory of Yale University in the United States with scientific ideals. Twelve years ago, Dr. Jose found himself under the control of Yale University's laboratory. , the experimental materials cannot be satisfied, and it is even more embarrassing to find literature assistance.”

Just as Zhang Tianhao was speaking, someone beside the square suddenly interjected loudly: "Who goes to that garbage school at Yale? Dude, before we survived, we had to suffer from Uncle Sam's cowardice, and for their so-called freedom, we contributed technology to those Chaebol?

Think of their sweet dreams! "

When the media reporters heard this sound, their ears were like radar, frantically looking for the source of the sound, and then frantically filmed with their own shooting equipment.

Jose, who had already returned to the gathering place at the blackboard, also stopped in his tracks, because he thought of what he had experienced at Yale University, and a sense of disgust naturally arose in his heart.

Afterwards, he turned around again vigorously, held a media reporter's microphone, and said with a serious face: "All scientists and scientific research workers in the world who want to have a dream scientific research environment, I have to tell you that Uncle Sam's promotion The freedom, openness, and development of China only exist in media announcements.

Back then, when Daxia hadn’t grown to the level it is today, I resigned from Yale University. When I came here, the media said I was ‘reckless, a bear’.

But when I came to Daxia, what I faced was not a verbal false promise. What I faced on the first day I woke up from Daxia was professional technicians, abundant research funds, and expensive signing bonuses. And the opportunity to promise me that I can set up a genetic research center by myself after the results are produced.

In Daxia, my dream came true. And in the Titan star community, I have a more perfect dream!

Not only a single professional, no longer just a narrow door of science, here, I enjoy the world's top medical resources, can interact with the world's top scientists and artists, and can also communicate with other Industry workers make new learnings in unfamiliar fields.

Genetics is a subject of continuous learning and progress. I believe that I will find the ultimate code of our human beings here.

My friends, like-minded scientists and scientific research workers, I am waiting for you in Daxia, in the Titan star community of Kyushu Technology, let us create a future that can make mankind happier! "

Dr. Jose's speech was full of excitement, even beyond everyone's expectations.

A seemingly old-fashioned and pedantic scientist would actually be so "deviant". This performance directly stunned the media reporters and the delegation of the two parents.

After Dr. Jose finished his speech, he said hastily: "My sharing class has begun, goodbye everyone!"

After the words fell, the middle-aged and elderly scientists, who seemed to be young, walked into the crowd who were discussing with vigorous steps.

Jose Pareja, an idealist with a high pursuit of scientific research, was able to go to Yale from the United States, which proves that he definitely has solid and advanced scientific research capabilities, and he resolutely ran from Yale to Daxia, The dilemma it faced at Yale may not be simply targeted or oppressed.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the group of young people and middle-aged and old people gathered under the blackboard, and remembered that when the first blackboard was erected, his teacher Gu Qing was speaking and teaching in front of everyone.

From the best software programming, to mechanical physics, to mechanical language, the development of human history and civilization, the nature of biology and machinery, countless subject knowledge, on that day, burst out from the mind of a young man, bringing a crowd Scientists, historians, and biologists roam the ocean of knowledge.

Just a speech and a teaching course increased the application documents for long-term residence of human elites such as scientists, artists, biologists, etc. in the Titan star community several times, and then, in the word of mouth of these human elites, attracted It has received applications from thousands of foreign elites.

Facing the eager eyes of the reporters seeking knowledge and the puzzled expressions of the parents of Malay and Xin Jiapo, Zhang Tianhao could only introduce this "outrageous talker" more carefully to everyone, and then slapped his ass and left. Big Brother.

He said calmly: "After Dr. Jose resigned from Yale University in the United States, he entered the School of Life Sciences, Aoki University, and engaged in research on Drosophila melanogaster.

This kind of fruit fly is an insect that breeds on fermented products or rotten fruits. It is widely distributed in many regions of the world and is extremely harmful to many agricultural crops.

If I remember correctly, about three years ago, Dr. Jose's research team published a long article in the journal "Cell Reports", demonstrating the puzzle of how the wings of fruit flies flatten, and found that the wings of fruit flies have two layers on the back and abdomen The first attachment of cells depends on the degradation of basement membrane components between the two layers of cells.

In the summer funded by the Qingbei Life Science Joint Center and the Daxia Natural Science Foundation, he led the research team to further study the protein secretion pathway of Drosophila.

Later, when we were recuperating in the Titan star community, there was a new research topic, and this research topic was related to the research direction of biological proteins. I didn't know much about other situations.

The Titan star community will provide laboratories for some scientists who recuperate here, but they will not investigate and spy on their research materials, so I think we can all wait quietly, waiting for a bigger wave of biogenetics to appear in the future. "

Zhang Tianhao's explanation was applauded by everyone, but in the applause, it was obvious that everyone had their own concerns.

Xinjiapo's parents, who have been committed to building the world's top finance and science Xiao Guojia, are applauding and speculating in their hearts at this time.

In his archives, Uncle Sam released a federal interagency action plan two years ago to strengthen America's attractiveness to high-tech professionals around the world.

Moreover, he is well aware that the current global situation has reached a dangerous cycle that is prone to major incidents. The competition for global high-level talents in various Guojia and regions is becoming increasingly fierce. Let alone technology companies, many Guojia organizations are doing everything possible to hunt industry elite.

In order to continue to attract global talents, the United States has allocated hundreds of millions of funds to guide public opinion, and in order to retain talents working in the United States, there are countless threats and temptations.

But now, Daxia Jiuzhou Technology, a private technology company, already has such a strong talent appeal.

It not only digs the world's top talents, but also effectively "attracts" these local elites on a large scale. Its company's talent resource reserve is probably richer and stronger than some big ~country~.

Is my little Guo Jia working closely with such an enterprise, can he really achieve the expected results?

From a worse perspective, Xin Jiapo's parents even expected that as the cooperation with Kyushu Technology deepened day by day, those domestic scientific research talents with real materials might be snatched away by this enterprise through various means.

After all, the brain drain in Korea has already sounded the alarm for many Guo Jia. Once the cooperation with Kyushu Technology is too close, very bad things may happen.

The silence of Xin Jiapo's parents did not disturb the excitement of the Malay parents.

Malay Prime Minister An looked at this group of human elites discussing knowledge under the blackboard, and his heart was full of yearning and excitement.

Guo Jia's geographical location restricts the choice of many things. If Daxia can have such a powerful technology company that can attract talents from all over the world to come here, then Guo Jia himself will be more "friendly" and safer to Daxia. Why not?

Now that the global situation is so paradoxical, only by having a strong support can we have enough safe space and time to develop people's livelihood. Moreover, Kyushu Science and Technology has such a strong attraction for scientists, and there is no need to worry about any major technical problems in future cooperation projects.

Of the two parents, one is worried about being picked by Kyushu Technology in the future, which will affect his own development and future; the other is happy to cooperate with a strong partner, and feels more secure in future cooperation.

Perhaps the original intention of cooperation is determined by people's "personality" and the collective "thinking mode" at the very beginning.

Among the emotions of countless people, what everyone doesn't know is that from the year 1008 of the Xiayin star calendar to the current year 1024, tens of thousands of foreign technical experts have come to Daxia for development. Among them, scientists who use the United States as a springboard And technologists make up the majority.

With this experience, other stories in the Titan star park have made countless media reporters from shock to gradually becoming "sluggish".

Little-known scientists, artists who have suddenly disappeared into the media, and various "human beings" with strange shapes, but the mixed voice makes people able to hear clearly what the narrator wants to express.

Even the Dabai robot can prepare milk tea and ice cream according to different people's tastes, so that everyone can have the most perfect summer dessert experience, which has made reporters too lazy to "find an angle to shoot".

Just take a picture, Titan Star is like the world in the movie, without any flaws.

At noon, after having a "staff meal" in the cafeteria of the Titan star community, everyone became very curious about the food therapy in the Titan star community.

After a meal, I suddenly lifted my spirits and felt full of energy, and my eyesight was slightly improved after a meal because of eye discomfort caused by overtime work and long-term use of electronic devices.

"This morning's Titan Star community trip is coming to an end, friends from the media and international friends are invited to go to Exit A3 for inspection, some materials without the permission of others are not allowed to flow out.

This afternoon, the staff of the Daxia City Bureau will bring you a more comfortable tour itinerary for the two of you, and our company will notify you 12 hours in advance tomorrow..."

When Zhang Tianhao said this concluding remark, whether it was the foreign team or the media reporters, they all showed a look of reluctance.

During the inspection process, the security personnel of Kyushu Science and Technology also "very naturally" discovered that some reporters had hidden storage devices, but they still physically cleaned up the storage devices under the "pacification" of the professional team of the legal department.

Although some members of the team led by the two parents were found to be hiding storage devices, they still chose to hand in the files honestly, leave them for the record, and then retreated unscathed after being warned by media reporters.

Back in his special car, Li's parents in Xinjiapo closed their eyes with a tired face.

Although the food he ate in the Titan star community cafeteria not long ago had lifted his spirits and his physical condition has recovered a lot, he still felt tired.

The team organized by myself and others is almost a confidant team, but many problems were exposed during this trip to Daxia, which was found out by Daxia.

Commercial espionage? Steal the business intelligence of Kyushu Technology Company?

He didn't believe this reason, and it was impossible for everyone to believe it.

In the midst of exhaustion, Li's parents still had the joy of surviving the catastrophe. Fortunately, these "commercial spies" did not do anything on the plane, otherwise the trip to the Great Summer would be even more difficult.

Moreover, there were things he couldn't accept.

"There are only a few commercial spies detected by the Malay team. It seems that the skills of this Malay parent should not be underestimated."

This moment.

On the plane, Ban Guo's parents suddenly sneezed.

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