"We are already using Biati's blade batteries, so can Tesla's battery suppliers only be from Ningde Times and Biati?

Xiawei's smart car and smart driving are already ahead of us, and there is even a Daxia electric car called Leading, which also has good smart driving technology. The smart driving of Kyushu Technology has also begun to be installed in the new cars of these Daxia car companies. In terms of energy vehicles, what else can we, Tesla, do to take the lead? "

Maskkr fell into deep anxiety, and he even felt something moving in the back of his head, which made him short of breath.

From the founding of Zip2 and PayPal, to the founding of Everdream, every time he was bold enough to start a business, then sold the company's stock at the time's high point, and then took the cash to start a business.

He sold 3.95 billion U.S. dollars worth of Tesla shares before he acquired the advanced technology of Lite, but now, Lite’s traffic is declining year by year, and that ghost thing in the Kyushu community will absorb a lot of traffic every once in a while, and SpaceX’s star Chain’s profitability is even inferior to that of Lite, so now Tesla is the most profitable company among all the investment projects of Maskr.

In 1012 of the Xiayin star calendar, Tesla was launched.

In Xiayin Star Calendar 1013, Tesla's market value exceeded US$10 billion. In the following year, Tesla's annual revenue exceeded US$2 billion. Five years later, Tesla's market value approached one trillion US dollars. .

But now, under the offensive of these car companies in Daxia, the market value of Tesla is "steadily retreating."

The reason why Maskr is so anxious is that Tesla is the most profitable enterprise in the business empire he controls, and there is another point, that is, the future of Tesla is directly related to how much money he can get to leave!

That's right, Tesla's annual profit is actually not directly related to his own account.

In the 1018th year of the Xiayin star calendar, the board of directors of Tesla passed a special new equity incentive plan.

The plan stipulates that until 1028 in the Xiayin star calendar, Maskr will have no salary income or bonus in Tesla.

He only has performance-linked option income.

If Maskr can complete the market value target and operation target at the same time, you can get a corresponding option, and you can get up to 12 options in this decade.

Now Maskr has received more than 40 billion US dollars in option rewards. If Tesla can climb to the top at the exaggerated growth rate before, he himself may have more than 100 billion U.S. dollars in option rewards.

From a practical point of view, if Tesla can develop to that top level, Maskr, as the chairman of Tesla, will be able to accept this reward for everyone.

Because this means that the capital behind them can also obtain considerable benefits in the process of Tesla's development and growth.

But now?

Some scholars have already chanted the slogan that Tesla will go bankrupt within ten years.

Musko used the social media capabilities of Lite to suppress these voices with great difficulty, but these dog scholars actually went to the Kyushu community to shout.

However, the examples and data cited by these scholars are real news that Daxia users "like to hear and see", and Kyushu Technology deliberately keeps these scholars, so Tesla also has some golden and jade labels in Western public opinion. .

Seeing the speeches of these big summer companies, Maskry became more and more angry.

Gradually, the expression management of this Youtai person gradually got out of control.

He pressed a button on his desk.

The assistant from the office of the chairman of Tesla came from the other side of the room.

"I'm going to SpaceX to take care of some important business. If anyone calls me, let him wait."

After all, Masikr quickly left the headquarters of Tesla Company while the assistant bowed his head.

Instead of getting in his own sports car, he got into the business car prepared by the bodyguards.

"Go to the SpaceX satellite research lab, hurry up."

Hearing the boss's order, the driver who left from the elite force stepped on the accelerator and started to accelerate.

Twenty years of driving experience, the "veteran driver" who had driven a tank shuttled through the traffic all the way, and even forced some vehicles to brake suddenly and slow down.

Two years ago, Tesla launched the FSD fully automatic driving function in North America, and many Tesla owners chose to use FSD instead of manual driving.

Someone even uploaded a 579-kilometer video of the Tesla Mod 3 turning on the FSD fully automatic driving function, starting from SpaceX’s Los Angeles headquarters, and going to the former headquarters of Tesla in Silicon Valley.

In this video, the scenes of vehicles driving include urban roads, expressways, highways and other road conditions.

However, after turning on the FSD fully automatic driving function, Tesla Mod3 can easily handle left turns, lane changes and overtaking, and up and down ramps.

According to the photographer of the video, the whole process took 9 and a half hours, and there was no manual takeover during the driving process.

When this video came out that year, the sales of Mod 3 increased a lot, but the video shooter did not upload any other more amazing videos.

And now, Maskr, the manager of Tesla, departs from Tesla's current headquarters in Silicon Valley to SpaceX's Los Angeles headquarters. Not only did he not take his own Mod 3, but the only two Mod 3s in the fleet are None of the drivers turned on the FSD fully automatic driving function.

"Drive steadily on the road, drive faster, I'll sleep first, if there is a phone call, deal with it according to the old rules, and wake me up if there are more than two redials."

After finishing speaking, Maskkr put on the blindfold, leaned back, and took a deep breath under the wrap of the smart cockpit.

He must maintain a sleep time of more than five hours a day, otherwise his brain will ache and even dizzy.

The doctor suggested taking melatonin together with Taoyao, but when I remembered that Taoyao was made by Kyushu Technology, every time I drank a bottle, it was to increase the profit of Kyushu Technology, and Maskr gradually stopped using it. This thing is gone.

Of course, there are already alternative products, but the effect is not as good as Taoyao, even if you drink too much, you will feel flustered and irregular heartbeat, but it can indeed keep your mind clear.

Feeling the gentle massage of the massage parts on his head, and the air conditioner blowing out fresh air rich in oxygen ions, Maskr slowly fell asleep while taking a deep breath.

The driver glanced at the state of his own boss, and began to accelerate slowly.

They were asked to protect the personal safety of Muskkon, and at the same time, they also had an important mission to let Muskkon make the right decision and implement it quickly.

Nowadays, in the elite class of the United States, more and more people have begun to abandon ordinary telephone calls, faxes, and Internet communications. In some special cases, they even choose to go to meet and negotiate in person.

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