As a large enterprise with a very complex internal structure, SpaceX engineers and scientists do not only obey the orders of the boss Maskrypton, they also obey orders from NASA and certain special departments of Uncle Sam’s official department, even to some extent , when there is a fundamental conflict between these orders, this group of SpaceX scientists and engineers will directly choose the official order, and "temporarily" abandon the order of their own boss Maskrypton.

After the official staff recorded the relevant inference materials about the JZ-404 rocket, they asked the next scientist to express their views on the Kyushu Science and Technology manned spaceship without stopping.

A scientist who had a great reputation at the end of the last century stood up with his pale hair.

He glanced at the closed door of the conference room, and knew that those special personnel with live ammunition just now must have not left.

Then, he slowly said: "Dr. Thomas's inference is very likely, the aerospace department of Kyushu Science and Technology has a very close cooperative relationship with Daxia Aerospace Group.

At the beginning, Daxia’s Zhou No. 1 flew in space for a total of 21 hours. In more than a year, their Zhou No. 2 could fly in space for 6 days and 18 hours. In the second year, Zhou No. It can be equipped with human metabolism simulation device, anthropomorphic physiological signal equipment and physical dummy, and it can stay in orbit for more than 180 days in space.

Then, in just a few years, they completed the manned spaceflight mission and became the third Guo Jia of our Blue Star who was able to independently carry out manned spaceflight activities.

It took no more than six years, but Kyushu Science \u0026 Technology was able to leap forward from launching equipment and satellites to manned spaceflight in just three years after possessing more advanced and powerful technology than Daxia Aerospace Group at that time. I think In the next few years, Daxia may even build a space station and then start the moon landing plan.

You can watch this video. After reaching the first cosmic speed, the spacecraft of Kyushu Technology runs by inertia. The centrifugal force of its flight is in balance with the gravitational force of the blue star, and it flies along the most standard planned elliptical orbit in our industry.

When changing orbit, the propulsion system of the spacecraft will also provide a very standard thrust very punctually. There is no air in space, but the spacecraft can rely on the reverse thrust of the fire-breathing as power.

When I saw Kyushu Technology’s animal experiments before, when the return capsule of the animal experiment decelerated and landed, the spacecraft returned to the atmosphere until it landed. In addition to having a parachute to provide reverse resistance to reduce its descent speed, there is also a propulsion device that constantly interferes with the orbit. , every movement of the return capsule is like solving an extremely complicated formula, and no step is superfluous.

This shows that the aerospace data owned by Kyushu Technology not only does not have too many errors, but they have even developed a system for adjusting the orbit.

And during the execution of the entire launch mission, the materials of the spacecraft and rocket performed extremely well.

Our academia has always speculated that Kyushu Science and Technology has a large-scale material experiment base and even special material equipment, because many of Kyushu Science and Technology's technological equipment have equipment performance far beyond our ordinary experiments.

For example, this kind of material that has both heat dissipation and heat insulation and natural rapid degradation capabilities is not a known commercial material at all. "


Unknowingly, the meeting in this meeting room lasted for six hours.

When Masken woke up from the car and hurriedly called scientists and engineers for a meeting, he was surprised to find that these people happened to be in the company...

Seeing everyone's exhausted expressions, Ma Sikr only thought that everyone was suffering from insomnia because of Kyushu Technology, and instead comforted him: "I know what Kyushu Technology has done recently has made everyone a little anxious, but everyone is from our SpaceX. Elite technicians must maintain a good sleep, so as to ensure good health."

Later, the chairman of SpaceX continued to speak: "Dr. Thomas, can the orbit calculation program developed and designed before calculate the exact coordinates of Kyushu Technology's spacecraft in orbit?"

Thomas, who had already dealt with a bunch of people's questions, made a long Hache after hearing Musk's roll call.

After stretching, he replied with a weary look: "The program still needs to be changed, after all, the return capsule of Kyushu Science and Technology's animal experiments last time was not in the same orbit as their manned spacecraft, and their mass and speed are different. "

Hearing this answer, after recharging his energy, Musker hurriedly said: "Then please modify the program as soon as possible. We want to prevent Kyushu Technology from carrying out such evil manned space missions. Their purpose of spaceflight is very unsafe. I wonder if they will use the special fighters developed by the future fighter project to project combat power on a global scale through manned spacecraft.

This kind of terrible thing, we must stop them! "

Thomas looked at Muskry in surprise.

This is the second time he heard the same words. That's what Uncle Sam's official folks said earlier...

However, after seeing the anxious look on Maskrypton's face, he subconsciously nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will contact the team to modify the optimization calculation program, and it will probably be completed in a few hours."

Recalling the previous publicity time of the Kyushu Science and Technology Aerospace Department, Maskr nodded and agreed with Thomas' plan compared with the time when his company was able to mobilize satellites.

"Then I will trouble you. After the matter is completed, the company will definitely give the R\u0026D team more research funding."

As for the matter of receiving research funds as wages, everyone sitting here is aware of it, and they are also members of the spoils, so there is no objection.

Then Maskr looked sincerely at the oldest scientist in the conference room.

He put his hands on the desk and asked: "Dr. Jim, can you now analyze the information of the Kyushu Science and Technology spacecraft based on the information we have temporarily?

Such as the temporary thrust of the spacecraft's power engine, the robustness of the materials, and the flaws in the design of the spacecraft? "

Hearing the familiar question again, Dr. Jim subconsciously glanced at the door of the meeting room.

Two hours ago, the group of special personnel with live ammunition had left SpaceX. There was not even a footprint on the floor, and the air was much cleaner.

After pondering for a while, the white-haired old doctor, like an old turtle, said slowly: "I may not be able to give an accurate value for the time being, after all, Kyushu Technology has never announced the data of these devices , and did not agree to any outsiders visiting these devices."

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