When violence cannot be controlled and reduced, and when anger cannot be vented, human beings will accumulate even more terrifying destructive power.

The changes of the twenty-four Starlink satellites of SpaceX are like twenty-four bullets placed on everyone's heads.

The bullets have already exited the barrel, and the direction they are aiming at is undoubtedly the manned spaceship of Kyushu Technology's manned space mission.

After connecting and exchanging information with the Southwest Hair Color Command Center, the older Zhang Xiaozhi unconsciously breathed heavily.

He still has a family. After the mission is successful this time, the life of his family will go further.

Although regarding the matter of death, he had already accepted his fate of heroically dedicating himself one day when he worked in the unit, but when death was imminent, his eyes were still a little dazed.

At this time, Zhou Jianwen also glanced at his two teammates. He thought of his fiancée and the flag he set up before, with a desolate expression and a little mockery of himself.

Li Ying looked at the silent expressions of the two colleagues. Although she felt very sad, she still held back her tears.

"So, what should we do now?"

This doubtful voice made captain Zhang Xiaozhi feel at ease.

"We can't change the enemy's mind, but we can do what we can to prepare ourselves," he said in a voice channel.

During the previous training, we had the issue of imaginary enemies in space and solutions to mission crises. Although we all underestimated the other party’s sinister intentions, twenty-four satellites is a lot, but this is like playing a game of one life, as long as we are calm Calm down, there must be a glimmer of life!

Zhou Jianwen, you and I check the various equipment of the spacecraft and the thrust settings of the engines. We must control the spacecraft at the first time, and avoid the oncoming satellite weapons without a large deviation from the orbit.

Li Ying, you have a delicate mind, take a deep breath now, adjust your mentality, and keep in constant contact with the command center.

I believe that the experts and engineers of our company are also working hard to find ways to save us. If we give up at this moment, it is equivalent to giving up ourselves!

cheer up! The ancestors were not overthrown by those dangers back then, and we are timid and cowardly at this time, isn't that a shame? !

In the future, I don't want to hear the children from the younger generation complain that I am a coward when I worship my ancestors and eat incense! "

Zhang Xiaozhi, who grew up in Guangdong and Guangxi, became a genealogy warrior at this time.

Although he is no longer a young man, the words he said quickly inspired the will of the two teammates.

The violent acceleration of the rocket and the shaking of the aircraft made them feel a little uncomfortable, and they were confined in a small space, knowing that they were "wandering". This feeling of loneliness and loneliness has been eroding their stability. mentality.

It was also in this situation that after hearing the bad news, they all looked lost for a moment.

However, the captain's speech, the good foundation laid by the previous training, the desire for life, and the trust in the company's scientists and engineers quickly cheered them up and began to work together.

After Li Ying took over the communication channel, she found that the Southwest Launch Command Center on the ground had been on call.

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, she tried to take the initiative to ask the command center if a solution had been discussed.

Then, she heard the voice in a video that she often plays on the voice channel.

"This is the Southwest Launch Center. I am No. 9. I am No. 9. We have opened the core control authority of the spacecraft and uploaded the intelligent program AI Sinan. Please activate and wake up the AI ​​program as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your triumphant and safe return. "

Listening to Gu Qing's voice, Li Ying's mood became much calmer.

She relayed the news to the captain.

Zhang Xiaozhi just opened the control panel of the spaceship, and he immediately found that this control panel is slightly different from the past.

Click on the information prompt in the upper left corner.

In the short information entry, he saw such a paragraph: "The core control authority has been opened, and the intelligent AI program Sinan can be activated when necessary, and it will plan a reasonable route for the aircraft."

Just such a paragraph of content made Zhang Xiaozhi feel refreshed.

When he was in class before, he heard an academician say that the company was developing an all-terrain intelligent driving AI for sea, land, and air, but he didn't expect that sea, land, and air also included space.

In line with Sima's idea of ​​being a living horse doctor, he called out the password.

"I'm Zhang Xiaozhi, please activate and wake up Sinan."

In an instant, such a line of prompt content appeared on the screen.

[The identity verification is successful, the voice password has been activated, and Simon is waking up. 】

[Already connected to Zhoutian Xingdou Project God's Domain, connected to Lingjing Ecological Database, connected to Watcher System]

The densely packed text disappeared quickly after being displayed for three seconds, and Zhang Xiaozhi couldn't even understand some of the text.

Of course, this is not to blame for his lack of cultural literacy, because some of the characters are actually fonts developed by Daxia's Oracle and Gu Qing, and the function is not to keep secrets, but to reduce the conversion time when the system is connected.

Even if this time is negligible.

Sinan, the name of the ancient compass in Daxia, the main component is a magnetic needle mounted on the shaft. Under the action of the natural geomagnetic field, the magnetic needle can rotate freely and keep in the tangential direction of the magnetic meridian. The south pole of the magnetic needle points to the geographical south pole. Use this feature to distinguish the direction.

It is often used in navigation, geodesy, travel, and military affairs. Of course, in ancient Daxia, Sinan was first used in the fields of sacrificial sacrifice, military affairs, and divination to determine the direction by looking at Fengshui.

I don't know why, but when the simulated image of Sinan with a square plate and a small spoon appeared on the screen, Zhang Xiaozhi's mood instantly settled down.

[Hi Captain, this is Sinan.

Is there any order issued? 】

There is no mechanical voice, and no other unique UI design, this AI program just displays such a string of text on the screen.

Zhang Xiaozhi is not the first time to use his own company's intelligent AI, so he said in a familiar way: "Calculate the orbit, read our mission log, and control the spacecraft to reach the marked return area under the condition of ensuring the completion of the mission and our personal safety. .”

At the end, he asked cautiously, "Can it be done?"

[Zhou Tian Xing Dou Project Shenyu has fed back environmental data, and has connected to the Lingjing ecological database for simulation, please wait 3... 2...]

[The best plan has been calculated, please check and choose the captain]

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