"So what? Let SpaceX's Starlink satellite fall, and then fall around the return capsule, destroying these robots and mechs, and then we send an elite team to break through the coastline and air defense of Daxia, enter the inland Xishu, and break through many obstacles. Obstruct, then blow up this capsule?

Wake up, this is simply impossible, no one can complete this task, even if they want to destroy the technology of Kyushu outside of Daxia, it is just to add weight to others.

You are lucky enough to be safe now and not continue to be tortured to extract confessions by those people. "

A middle-aged blond man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stopped Maskry from talking.

But what he said made Ma Si Krypton raise his eyelids: "Did they do the thing in Kingdom of China?"

"I don't know, but maybe, after all, there are only those arms dealers who can do such a mindless thing. And if one party is annoyed, and the dark clouds of war are born in the kingdom of Ming, they can also benefit.

I heard that Kyushu Technology's animal experiments were successful at that time, and some people wanted to use aircraft carriers.

This group of lunatics, no one can stop them from pursuing the smoke of gold. "

After the middle-aged blond man said this, he closed his mouth.

Seeing this, Masker smiled and said, "What? I remember that your family also has shares? You crazy people."

Facing the ridicule, the middle-aged man opened his mouth again and said: "The focus of the future is still to cooperate with allies and partners to maintain a peaceful, free and open Indo-Pacific region."

"Freedom, peace? Look at electric cars, look at satellites, look at chips, do we still have the ability to maintain our so-called peace?

I have a hunch that despite the smooth development of Kyushu Technology, I am afraid that Kyushu Technology alone can drag us into the abyss. "

"It doesn't matter whether it's abyss or not. We also have industrial layouts in Daxia and investment projects in the Kingdom of China. If we can't sell arms, we'll just lose a layer of commercial projects."

"Oh, so you guys are rushing to sell oil to Europe?"

"Why do you want to discard a business that can make money now?"

In the chairman's office of SpaceX, Maskr was arguing and discussing with a group of capital elites. Even though he hated Kyushu Technology to the bone, whenever there was an argument about using force to destroy the headquarters of Daxia Kyushu Technology, the general manager There will be voices of peace and opposition.

Capital has no national boundaries. Although capitalists have nationality, they can change nationality at any time.

After the opening of the economy, Daxia has always been very friendly to capital willing to enter the manufacturing industry, so even if they put high-polluting real industries in Daxia before, they have reaped a lot of benefits.

Gradually, these Western capitals have more and more interest projects in Daxia. Even though Daxia's nationally independent industries have actually risen, foreign capital has long been stationed in many industries through joint ventures and cooperation, and has earned a lot of money. Take huge profits.

Therefore, apart from the military-industrial complex, which only knows how to sell arms and hype crises, when other capitals in the United States make choices with their feet, many of them are actually unwilling to completely stand on one side.

Even for them, it's fine now.

The Daxia government is working hard to support national capital, which is also indirectly helping them make profits. The West has been harvested and fought by various finances, and countless capitals have been acquired at a reduced price, which is also helping them grow themselves.

So the great man has a very accurate description of capital: from the day capital was born, every pore is dripping with blood and dirty things, capitalists will take risks if they have 50% profits, and they will take risks if they have 100% profits Dare to trample on all the laws of the world, with a 300% profit...

Even knowing that Kyushu Technology is cutting off the profit chain they used to rely on for their livelihood, the new profit chain and the fear of the final war of destruction have made many Western capitals choose both ends of the snake and mouse.

And what Musk said is indeed true. The close binding of the military-industrial complex with a certain corner building makes Uncle Sam engage in a different kind of militarism.

Trillions of funds have been invested in the military through the hands of the military-industrial complex.

Various hands in the military-industrial complex, after repeated relays, only tens of billions of trillions of funds fell into reality, and some projects were even empty shell projects, spending funds for no reason, but zero output.

Uncle Sam's real elite executives all clearly know the fact that they can't fight against Da Xia now, as long as they don't fight, they won't lose, as long as they don't lose, they can maintain their current "b" status and deter their partners them.

Li Jian didn't know that the landing of the return capsule would attract the attention of several military leaders from Global Capital and Blue Star. He stared at the data transmitted by engineering robots seriously. The life collection data of the personnel are marked and displayed.

"A normal adult's heartbeat is 60-140 beats per minute. Under normal circumstances, it is relatively normal to reach 70-80 beats per minute. However, after training in the Future Warrior project, you now only have a frequency of 50 beats per minute. Is it normal?

After all, when the second dog landed last time, although its heartbeat was fast, it was relatively slow compared to other dogs of the same kind.

How long will it take? Why hasn't the data been transferred yet?

How much equipment did the group of people in the research base stuff into it? ! Is there anyone else who hasn't been reported yet?

No, it’s good to stay in the reentry capsule for a longer time. The reentry capsule has a pressure control system, so it can have more time to work, and it has already landed. The excess energy reserve can fully support the work of the pressure control system.

The pressure changes slowly, so that your body can accept this change more calmly, and then check and appease the internal organs, and then take Taoyao to ensure nothing goes wrong. "

With a serious expression on Li Jian's face, he didn't say a word.

But his heart is like a mother-in-law's nagging, always chanting these "annoying" sentences.

[The data transmission is completed, after 30 seconds, the door of the return cabin will open]

"Attention all numbers, attention all numbers, I am number zero, I am number zero, the return capsule is about to open, repeat, the return capsule is about to open."

Li Jian tried his best to control his breathing, and issued orders in extremely standard Daxia Mandarin and some terminology.

The light in the return cabin gradually brightened to be the same as the outside world. Li Ying took a deep breath, and she even felt that the air in the space suit smelled like grass mixed with soil.

The pressure gradually changed from heavy to light, but the heart rate gradually slowed down.

[Three, two, one, the hatch is opening]

Sinan displayed the operation prompts on the screen professionally.

The sun's rays gradually shone into the return cabin through the slowly opened hatch.

Looking at Li Ying's swinging arm, the stone hanging in Li Jian's heart finally fell to the ground.

Peace is good enough.

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