"Since everyone is here and everyone has introduced each other, let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Zheng stepped out the door first.

It is also like Qi commanding a vigorous and resolute style.

Seeing the old man walking out, Gu Qing wanted to walk in the middle and back of the line, but he was greeted by several other "middle-aged and elderly people", so he could only walk in the front with Mr. Zheng.

Members of the Kyushu Technology security team were not arranged to rest elsewhere in the base like other ordinary security company employees. When Gu Qing came out, An Hetang was already sitting and waiting in the co-pilot seat of a camouflaged off-road vehicle.

"Mr. Zheng said just now that although this place looks lonely and vast, you set the record for the longest latency of the company back then. You have something, old An."

Hearing Gu Qing's complaints, An Hetang's eyes seemed to go back to the old times ten years ago.

Looking at the distant sun, this Anxi elite who has been in charge of someone's safety, with a smile on his lips, said indifferently: "It's not too long, but they tricked me into the end of the acting time. If I don't come out, I can only walk back.

I sneaked around and controlled the No. 1 red square played by Mr. Zheng. At that time, Mr. Zheng would still resist and play tricks to catch me, but I just avoided it.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it at his temple and almost shot him. "


The member of the security team who was driving swallowed unconsciously.

He is also an elite who has stayed here in Anxi, and he knows very clearly that Mr. Zheng in the car in front was also among the top few ten years ago.

Take a gun and hit the temple of this character hard.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down the security team member's cheek.

Macho, really macho.

The off-road convoy did not travel fast, and did not encounter herdsmen or other large wild animals along the way.

When they reached a valley, the sun was still high.

The entire experimental site is not small, and it can even be said that it covers a very large area.

The whole mountain and valley was the testing ground.

A soldier in camouflage came out, his voice was not loud, but he reported very clearly: "Report! The surrounding area has been cleaned up!"

Mr. Zheng saluted him back.

Then the convoy drove into the side of a cliff in the test site one after another.

There's an open door, it's not obvious.

After verifying the formalities and identities, the convoy continued to drive inside.

Gu Qing felt the coolness in the tunnel. When the car stopped, he walked out of the car door and saw a huge hollow in the mountain, surrounded by buildings and military equipment.

Mr. Zheng didn't say anything, but Mr. Feng from the Central Plains Bacteria Zone took the lead and said: "I know that you Anxi are doing fortifications all day long, but I didn't expect that there are caves and underground bases everywhere here. I'm afraid Whack-a-mole can't make such a scale." .”

Wang Zhao from the Equipment Development Department and other scientists and experts looked at the surrounding environment energetically.

Faced with the ridicule of the old man, Mr. Zheng did not refute or respond.

Many facilities in Anxi have their own stories. It would be frivolous for others to say so, but Mr. Zheng knew that he was also feeling emotional when the old man said so.

After all, everyone complained about being a gopher at the beginning, otherwise it would be impossible to come back alive from Korea.

Afterwards, under the guidance of the staff, everyone came to a meeting room in the base.

The conference room is decorated in a very modern way, not only has a large-screen command system, but also high-tech equipment such as a digital information simulation sand table and a monitoring system.

In addition, there is a queue of uniformed staff working here.

A series of instructions were confirmed and issued by them.

Gu Qing's eyes are very good, and he can see someone fishing in the corner at a glance. Although there is a program where each command is reviewed, the SR1 glasses can clearly mark the special background symbol in the upper right corner of the screen.

Obviously, the servers, monitors, and systems used in this base are all the result of the joint cooperation between Kyushu Technology and Fungi.

Although the staff and scientists of Bacteria have done a lot of localization and modification, and even changed many program passwords, as long as the core of the system is the technology of Kyushu technology such as Kyushu compiler and Kyushu coding language, then Gu Qing can pass through AI such as Xuanwu. , to enter the core control layer of the system at the fastest speed.

The SR1 glasses are just a superficial label displayed, and he himself can control all the smart devices in the base in a minute.

Of course, Gu Qing knows that there are definitely a lot of devices that are not connected to the Internet and weapons that do not need to be connected to the base. If he makes any changes, he will be "brought to justice" immediately and transferred to the criminal court.

Many people in Junfang are targeting his brain and Kyushu Technology, a giant company.

However, there was no change in Gu's expression.

Sitting aside, everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then Mr. Zheng opened his mouth to enter the topic.

"The international situation is turbulent, and the financial market is even more paradoxical. Recently, a western technology company even broke through some of the technology locks of Kyushu Technology, ignoring the patents of Kyushu Technology, doing theft, and transforming a robot named 'Zeus one'. This robot is very similar to the robot shape of the Kyushu Technology Yishen Mecha.

Especially after the release of the video about this mech and robots of the same type of technology, we discovered that many forces are in contact with this Rosen Technology...

This time, the special position protection system experiment developed by Jiuzhou Technology Co., Ltd. will be carried out. The main test content of this test is to test the position protection capability of this system in a high-intensity and high-intensity combat environment; The guardian mech team jointly developed and trained by our side has the penetration attack capability; the third is to test whether the special functions of the Kyushu science and technology satellite system can be used in harsh environments under the new combat system. "

Mr. Zheng cut straight to the point, making everyone focus on Gu Qing.

Before coming here and hearing this passage, most of them absolutely didn't know what they were going to do, they just followed orders.

Turn down other invitations, postpone unimportant work, and work overtime continuously to complete important work, just to arrive at the destination on time.

"I would like to invite Gu Qing, the president of Daxia Jiuzhou Technology Co., Ltd., to introduce this special position protection system that has not been officially named, and the main content of this experimental exercise."

Amid the serious applause, Gu Qing stood up.

He resisted the urge to snap his fingers, and introduced in a very unpretentious manner: "The special position protection system is one of the projects that our company and the fungus are still conducting in-depth cooperation and research.

The function of this system, just like its name - is a system for special position protection, mainly aimed at the task of protecting special positions.

Our Daxia air defense system currently has a number of high-tech products, such as the HQ-9BE long-range air defense missile single-weapon system that has been installed, the FD-2000 medium- and long-range air defense missile single-weapon system, and the HQ-17AE short-range air defense Guided single weapon system, and portable air defense guided single weapon system such as QW-2, QW-12... and so on.

As an international advanced guided single weapon, the HQ-9BE air defense and anti-missile compatibility capability can not only intercept various types of targets, but also has a large killing space, strong anti-multi-target saturation attack capability, multiple anti-jamming methods, and simple and fast maintenance support, etc. Advantages and features, it is used to intercept air attack targets at different flying altitudes, including conventional combat aircraft, stealth aircraft, armed helicopters, cruise guides, air-to-ground guides, etc., and has the ability to intercept tactical ballistic ground-to-ground guides. Its maximum combat slant range is 260km, and its maximum combat altitude is 27km. It can guide 16 missiles to intercept 8 targets at the same time.

Moreover, its main combat mission can not only take into account field air defense, but also command other air defense weapons to form a multi-layer air defense system for systematic operations. "

Unlike introducing commercial products, Gu Qingyi did not introduce his own products, nor did he report other competitors' products. Instead, he gave a simple but in-depth introduction to the current protection capabilities of Daxia.

Even laymen like Professor Li Weijian of the Bacteria Hospital are not clear about some of what he said.

This is the military capability of Daxia today, outsiders can't understand it, and insiders look more and more afraid.

And Gu Qing didn't just introduce a defense system, he turned on the tablet in his hand, and after asking for the staff's consent, he entered the temporary verification code, which was linked to a large screen in the conference room.

Then, he posted a few pictures on the big screen, and then said: "If the HQ-9BE air defense and anti-missile compatibility can block the threat of medium and high altitudes, then the accompanying short-range air defense researched by Daxia The weapon system - HQ-17AE, is to write all kinds of low-altitude attack targets one by one in the roster of King Yan.

Fixed-wing aircraft, military helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, even tactical air-to-ground missiles and rockets and other weapons are all within its target range, which makes the HQ-9BE system not only guarantee the air safety of mechanized combat troops, but also other Airspace security in special territories.

Today, our experimental exercise will last for two games. The first half is the joint breakthrough of the guardian team against the HQ-9BE long-range air defense missile single-weapon system and the HQ-17AE system. The special position protection system jointly developed by Kyushu Science and Technology and Daxia Junfang was broken. "

It is precisely because Gu Qing’s introduction to the HQ-9BE long-range air defense single-weapon system and the HQ-17AE system was true and in-depth enough, so after he told the content of today’s exercise, everyone knew how important these two exercises are today big.

One is the shield that the Bacteria is currently proud of, and the other is the strongest mech combat team in Blue Star.

In the first half, if the former loses, the developers of this complex system will fall into anxiety and self-blame. If the latter loses, it proves that Western Rosen Technology may also have the ability to break through these two shields.

The win or loss in the second half is, in a sense, a battle within Kyushu Technology. For Kyushu Technology, whoever wins and loses has merit.

The "middle-aged and elderly groups" represented by Mr. Zheng and Mr. Feng, when they heard Gu Qing introduce these systems, they were already sitting upright, listening to every word seriously.

They know more than these "laymen". The two systems that Gu Qing mentioned are already the advanced generation installed in Daxia. Although there are more advanced ones, they are all small-batch equipment and cannot be rapidly expanded Scale application.

Therefore, for the exercise in the first half, they, the middle-aged and elderly people, attached great importance to it.

The Anxi area belongs to the "three mountains and two basins" terrain.

There is not only the lowest point of the Daxia Federation land - Aydin Lake, which is 155 meters below sea level, but also the extremely towering mountain - Chogori Peak, which is 8611 meters above sea level.

Because it is far away from the ocean and surrounded by high mountains, it has a temperate continental climate with a large temperature difference. In the coldest time, the average temperature in January can reach below minus 20°C, and there is even a record of minus 50.15°C. The hottest time is July, with an average temperature above 33°C, and the absolute maximum temperature once reached 49.6°C, ranking first in the Great Xia Federation at that time.

Today is August 24th, and the current temperature in this mountain range is 30.5°C. Not to mention wearing a mecha, just running a few steps in short sleeves can make people sweat.

In an encrypted communication channel, a long signal suddenly came out.

"The exercise is the battlefield. This is not only the twenty-ninth time that our guardian team has participated in an actual military exercise, but it is also the first time that we have participated in a special exercise that involves breaking through two sets of defense systems at the same time.

I won't say much else, everyone knows it well.

Winning is beautiful, winning catches them off guard!

This is our goal! "

Although it has been several years since the completion of the training of the Future Warrior project, Li Shan's bald head is still not as beautiful as a dead tree. The shiny forehead saved him from a lot of troubles about hair when wearing mechs.

As the commander of the guardian team, he knew that this exercise was also a display of self-defense ability in a sense.

He knew about twenty-four satellites falling from the sky.

Based on what he has learned about Kyushu technology over the years, he probably knows who wrote the crashed twenty-four satellites.

And his team members, who have experienced blood and fire, are not as young as they were before.

In the communication channel, there are one after another resolute voices.

"The Kirin system has been turned on, the command center has been connected, the team's communication core has been built, and the reconnaissance drone group has taken off"

"The war system has been connected!"

"The communication channel is established, and the anti-tracking program is activated!"


When the report was over, Li Shan chose a drone screen, observed the surrounding scenes, and said in his mouth: "All units pay attention to concealment. The HQ-9BE and HQ-17AE systems have long-range and near-ground detection capabilities."

"Five minutes later, the UAV turned on the jamming device, synchronously introduced Zhou Tian Xing Dou engineering data assistance, and pushed 90% of the power of the mecha to the engine engine, and must act according to the route marked by Qilin.

In case of an emergency situation, cover alternately, the exposed unit will directly open all fire weapons, and the assault team will charge directly! "

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