Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 133 [Boundary Monument 20] (for the head: Mosen Yuhai, Jiageng)

Chapter 133 [Boundary Monument 2.0] (for the head: Mosen Yuhai, Jiageng)

But, he can only think so.

Originally, he thought that the security conditions of this meeting held in the Incubation Park of the University City were mediocre, but when he entered, the men in uniforms at the door made him feel the intimidation of the bodyguards around the head.

There are also several security gates, which can barely detect the small toys in the clothes of some executives.

Gu Qing naturally saw Gao Xizhen, the person in charge of Han Xing.

This bad old man is very bad, but he will be replaced in a few years from memory.

Of course, in this world, the time for this old man's resignation should be brought forward.

Giving everyone a standard smile with eight missing teeth, Boss Gu continued: "Double choice, as the name implies, two-way choice, you can choose to become a partner of our Kyushu Technology Company, or you can choose not to.

Of course, in front of our company's upcoming [Boundary Monument 2.0], perhaps, if you don't become a partner, then as an enemy, you will die miserably. "

He was obviously a thin and thin young boy, but he uttered wild words like this.

As soon as Gu Qing's voice fell, the live broadcast room of the six media outlets with simultaneous streaming exploded in an instant!

"Hold the grass, where is this evildoer so rampant?"

"Nimma, is it so hanging? This is like an old cow flying on a plane. The old cow-force, the cow-force is going to heaven!"

"Another big talker, careless, don't read it."

"Based on the excellent experience of [Boundary Monument 1.0], I actually feel that what this kid said is still a little credible?!"

To the outside world, the Huaxia nation is an eclectic and humble nation.

I never take the initiative to make enemies, and I seldom brag about myself. When something happens, my first reaction is to think about whether I have done something wrong.

After all, the strong should take it for granted, and the weak have been since ancient times.

Overseas users who jumped over the wall to watch the live broadcast didn’t understand Chinese at the beginning, so they called OMG directly after someone translated it!

"If you don't install this software, will you die a miserable death?"

"What is this Daxia man talking about!?"

"OMG! He looks so thin, don't Daxia people eat meat, egg and milk every day?"

The barrage of users on the external network seemed so weak under the torrent of barrage from domestic users that it was covered up in an instant.

But the barrage can be covered up, but the expressions of everyone present cannot be covered up.

Under the high-definition cameras of the six media outlets, Mr. Ren and Mr. Lei sitting at the front had fairly stable expressions, but Ku Ke from Pingguo and Gao Xizhen from Han Xing frowned in unison.

The two sides formed a stark contrast.

In fact, the biggest question is, is [Boundary Monument 2.0] really that strong?

You know, the highlights of a mobile phone are generally three things: screen, cpu running speed, and camera, followed by appearance design, system ecology, use and maintenance, etc.

And looking at the statement made by the CEO of Kyushu Technology, this optimization software may also become the existence of hardware such as screens and cameras.

This is unheard of in the short history of smartphones.

In the eyes of everyone, Gu Qing's demeanor is still calm and composed.

He has been in this world for so long, and now the military has stabilized, and the leaders of relevant departments have taken care of him. Although he has made enough preparations, he is still a little nervous at the moment.

"There is a good saying, when you know someone, don't look at what he says, but look at what he does.

Our Kyushu Technology is not the kind of company that writes a PPT and starts selling concepts.

As we all know, the hottest smartphone market is the Android open source system developed by Google and the IOS Pingguo system developed by Pingguo Company. Of course, some of the participating manufacturers also use Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Symbian and other systems.

But today we are talking about global partners, which is naturally a strong alliance, so without further ado, please experience the experience of [Boundary Monument 2.0]. "

Gu Qing snapped his fingers, and the sound of the conference room gradually rang with the gurgling sound of spring water.

Immediately, the first security team of Kyushu Technology walked up to the audience with a suitcase each.

Then, the suitcase was opened, and there were mobile phones inside, which were basically the flagship models and mid-range sales models of major manufacturers in 2017.

"Each model has two mobile phones, one of which is installed with [Boundary Monument 2.0] and the other is not installed. Although there is no special mark, I believe everyone will clearly feel which one is installed. Which one is not installed, boot unlock password: 123456."

Gu Qing smiled and said: "And I want to emphasize one point, the mobile phone with Android [Jiebei 2.0] did not replace the product system of each company, nor did it touch the core of each system, it just replaced some redundant, useless or complicated The stuff has been optimized, and it will be automatically uninstalled and deleted after half an hour, please don't make a fuss.

So everyone, see you in half an hour. "

After snapping your fingers, wave your sleeves without taking away a single cloud.

The people on the stage left, and the people off the stage were dumbfounded.

Gao Xizhen glanced at Kuke, then stretched his arms, and took out two Pinguo X and two Korean Galaxy Note 8 in the suitcase.

Kuke took over his flagship machine from last year very naturally, and turned it on proficiently.

Gao Xizhen glanced at Kuke secretly, then stopped and brought his flagship machine from last year in front of him.

In the full-screen battle in the second half of 2017, the Korean star Galaxy Note 8 is a mobile phone product that can compete with Pingguo X in terms of craftsmanship and price.

Snapdragon 835 processor + full screen + Samsung's first dual-camera + 6GB of running memory, the performance is the ultimate in the Android Qualcomm system, and in terms of appearance, it is also one of the few mobile phones that look better in real life than in photos.

As a result, Mate 10 just ate a lot of its expected share in one summer.

Both phones turned on at the same time, very suddenly.

A Korean star icon flashed on the screen of the mobile phone on the left, and three seconds later, it entered the mobile phone unlocking interface.

Gao Xizhen looked at his own mobile phone which was still displaying the boot screen on the right, and his heart skipped a beat.

Of course, in the entire meeting room, many people were shocked.

Yu Chengdong took the Mate 10Pro from the suitcase, and then took out his own Mate 10Pro.

Three mobile phones, one with [Jiemene 2.0], one with [Jiemene 1.1 Enterprise Custom Edition], and one with bare metal.

"Try to turn it on at the same time." Mr. Ren said.

Vice President Yu nodded, and handed the bare phone to the executive beside him, and the two of them moved left and right and pressed the power button at the same time.

Following a brief vibration, also after three seconds, one mobile phone directly entered the unlock interface, and two seconds later, the other also entered the unlock interface, and at this time the third mobile phone had just finished playing the boot animation...

The startup speed of the mobile phone system undoubtedly shocked everyone, and it also made the netizens who watched the live broadcast frantically swiping their screens.

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