The two of them didn't talk about any major military affairs in the garden, nor did they talk about the so-called technology, the international situation, and they didn't discuss the situation related to the exercises these days.

"You're not too old, you're thirty years old, right?"

"It's almost thirty-one."

"Zi Zai Chuan Shang said: 'The dead are like a husband, never give up day and night', I still remember when you came to us to discuss cooperation, you were still a fledgling college graduate.

In a blink of an eye, you are now the founder and real power controller of the world's top technology company, and even the leader of a private company in the aerospace field. In the field of military technology, your company has made quite a lot of achievements. "

Just when Gu Qing was thinking about what the old man wanted to say, he heard a topic that no one had mentioned in front of him.

Mr. Zheng stroked his beard, and said meaningfully: "It's time to solve your personal problems? Find a like-minded comrade. You two men and women will not be tired to work together. When I am old, I may still be able to move. Go and see this little man. Grandson, tease tease.

Don't rush to refute, as the old saying goes, "A lonely yin will not grow, and a lonely yang will not give birth." Your age is a good age for young and strong, and our Great Xia Federation has always been striving for more children and more blessings.

Of course, I’m not just talking about male grandchildren, but also female grandchildren. If you can have more children, your family will be happy, so will I, and other people will be happy too. "

Saying this, Mr. Zheng suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant sky, and continued: "In the ancient court of Great Xia, the ancestral temple is just a link, and children are the hope.

If the prince wins the country, the country will be safe.

If you've been alone like this, what will other people think?

Don't say how much the future soldier project can extend your lifespan, it's all illusory flowers in the mirror and Jing Zhongyue.

All we see is you, and there is still only one person.

No family, no descendants, such a big business, do you want to find an outsider to manage it?

Not to mention whether your family would like outsiders to manage this huge enterprise, neither myself nor my comrades would want outsiders to manage this huge enterprise.

Due to rules and reality, Kyushu technology can only be controlled by you at present.

I hope you understand what I'm talking about. "

Urging marriage? Rushing to have a baby?

No, I want a guarantee.

It is a stable credential.

In other words, Mr. Zheng needs Gu Qing to plant a root and bear at least one fruit at the same time.

In the world of adults, especially in this "highly respected" class, "love" is a feeling that can be cultivated.

In other words, whether it is the West or the East, certain levels of positions require family members to sit.

Even the beggar monk, in the process of Jackie Chan, has "solid" descendants, so that people can feel at ease and at ease.

If it was ten years ago, I heard an old man persuade me to get married and have children.

Gu Qing will definitely have a smile on the corner of his mouth and treat the other party as a joke.

Don't refute, don't agree, just watch and play.

but now.

As Mr. Zheng said, he has already established a career, and this "career" is still very large, so he must consider the issue of starting a family.

Looking at the blue sky in the distance, the beauty of the blue waves.

For some reason, Gu Qing thought of the farmers who worked in the fields, the factory workers who went to work, the service personnel who desperately called to entertain customers every day, the salesmen, the doctors and nurses who couldn’t sleep well all day and all night, the poor who couldn’t eat but could A beggar who picks out a few banknotes from his rotten clothes and hobbles to donate...

The heavy picture scroll seemed to place a heavy weight on his heart.

Man, do something and don't do something.

Thinking of his grand ambitions back then, Gu, who was no longer so young and frivolous, said with melancholy eyes: "I don't want to see the shroud of horse leather return, and I don't want to see all industries wither and capital flourish.

The tide of the times is slapping me violently, and there are too many stories that have been echoing in my mind.

Sometimes, I wonder, are we human beings flesh-and-blood intelligent robots composed of memory and a logical program, or is there really a god, a so-called Tao, that dominates our consciousness and our choices?

This kind of dominance is not rigidly asking us to do this or that, but in the dark, let us either take the initiative to pursue it, or passively accept it.

Old man, I once had someone I liked, she was beautiful, at least in my opinion at the time, she was beautiful.

She is ordinary, but also unique.

So ordinary, she blended into the crowd, like a drop of water being dropped into the ocean. It was so special that the crowd in the sea couldn't hide her charm.

But, she is gone.

This is a memory of my old days. The only ones in this world who know about this matter should be you and me.

It doesn't matter whether you listen to me or not, my wish has not changed.

Since I can do something, I want to do something.

Let it go, if I meet a girl I like, I will work hard. If you can't meet, I will not refuse you to introduce a blind date.

After all, a blind date is just a way to meet strangers and make friends. "

When Gu Qing was talking about this long paragraph, Mr. Zheng didn't interrupt.

He looked at Gu Qing in amazement, looking at the dusk in the eyes of this legendary post-90s.

What kind of opportunity and past was it that cultivated such a mysterious and special genius?

As for the "person of interest" that Gu Qing revealed, he is "gone", so naturally it is not easy to investigate.

However, after this trial, Mr. Zheng still grasped a lot of important information.

As for using the environment and identity to fight psychological warfare, it's a bit invincible?

The old man who lived his life as a soldier was very pleased with this, and even wondered when he would have this kind of opportunity in the future, to test the secret hidden deep in Gu Qing's heart.

However, the old man did speak and act in an iron-blooded style. He said that he would let people go after eating, and he really called the off-road team after eating and chatting for a while.

"Be careful on the way back. Next time you want to eat roasted whole lamb, just tell me. Then I will arrange to treat you to a big meal!"

"Well, I also wish you good health, old man, and I hope we can eat a lot of delicious food in the future, hahaha!"

After Gu Qing finished speaking, the driver put up the window.

The bulletproof glass with a thickness of several centimeters is not only bulletproof, but also can effectively block the transmission of sound.

An Hetang was sitting next to Gu Qing. He looked at the base building not far away, and saw people running cross-country with heavy loads on the hillside, and he was also deeply moved.

Over the past few years, with the help of "technology and hard work", his physical fitness has far surpassed that of ordinary people. Even compared to his original self, he can completely be crushed with one hand.

But this kind of "inefficient" movement still makes him yearn for it.

"What? Remember when you were training before? There are so many young people in the security department, if you don't train them, who will?

Do you want to talk to these research departments in the life science department?

Let them provide free medical treatment, and then you will train the security personnel to death. If the load of one hundred catties is not enough, go to the material project team of the Titan star department. They have a lot of exotic materials with high density and heavy weight.

It is entirely possible for a backpack to weigh several hundred catties. You can also adjust the weight part. Those who like to practice blocks can press their muscles hard, and those who like to practice legs can put heavy weight on the legs.

From time to time, the weight ratio can be changed and adjusted. I believe these young people will definitely thank you instructors for their training.

After all, this is the only way to become a superior person through suffering, and the five-figure or six-figure base salary of our security department is not so easy to get. "

Although he noticed that Boss Gu's emotions were very active today, An Hetang still held back.

He said with emotion: "People always need time and pressure to grow, a few hundred catties is still too heavy, I think it can be added slowly in batches.

Those who have recently joined the job start with a weight of 50 catties; those who have been employed for one year start with a weight of 100 catties; "

Gu Qing was very satisfied with the arrangement of Anhetang, and even applauded: "Yes, we have to keep pace with the times. The Future Warrior project was first used by the security department. As a result, some people were clumsy in the physical fitness test, which caused our scientists, The team composed of medical scientists and other elite figures is puzzled.

Don't say that I told you. In fact, someone from the Future Warrior project team has already said so. "

"The ones who are clumsy are all the cooks and scouts who went out of our army, and the one who stands out is low-key and clumsy.

The next time you encounter insufficient data, you should still communicate with the experts and professors on the bacteria side, they will definitely be able to give good advice. "

Hearing what An Hetang said, Gu Qing thought for a moment.

"Understood, that is, the group of sixth-year-olds is lowering the average score, in order to make the intensity of subsequent training and experiments not so high, right?

Then, Xuanwu, mark the group of people with the worst performance and year-end evaluation in the past few years, and let them enter Director An's training team in the future. "

In just a few words, Blue Star's newly rising "military force" - the Kyushu Science and Technology Security Department, is about to prepare for a new round of demonic challenges.

In fact, the usual training intensity of the Kyushu Science and Technology Security Department is extremely high. Many strong men with excellent physical fitness in the bacteria team test will enter doubts and puzzled thinking circuits when receiving training for newcomers from the Kyushu Science and Technology Security Department.

Everyone's daily training is to train as a human being.

The usual training of the Kyushu Science and Technology Security Department is to train newcomers to death, and at the same time be proficient in the use of system software and the repair and maintenance of some industrial equipment.

That is, more money, more money, more money, nothing more.

Otherwise, many people will resign and go to other companies to take a supervisor position.

Gu Qing and An Hetang just looked at the endless Gobi and the blue sky, chatting and deciding the future of many people.

The ancients said that companionship is like companionship with tigers, but An Hetang has always been surprised that his boss is not a so-called young man at all.

Many seemingly cumbersome regulations have only one clear function, which is to protect the safety of young people.

Ordinary employees who violate the regulations will be directly punished accordingly.

And those managers are even more cautious, walking on thin ice, for fear that there will be a little problem, and they will be sent to eat big pot dishes.

However, after Gu Qing and others left, in a certain base in a certain district of Anxi, the tranquility of the past had not yet been restored.

After eating in the cafeteria and resting for a while, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Feng co-hosted a meeting about Kyushu's technological and military technology products. They made a detailed summary from the mecha squad, including the special defense system. and extremely rigorous discussions.

Compared with the meetings that Gu Qing participated in these days, the atmosphere of today's meeting has become extremely lively, it can even be said to be as lively as a vegetable market.

One by one, you will sing, and I will appear on the stage.

According to the scriptures is only the most basic thing, what is important is divergent thinking and imaginative thinking.

"In my opinion, this special defense system developed by Kyushu Technology can be used as the core of positional warfare, the real electronic core and physical defense core.

Even if Kyushu Technology is not allowed to continue to develop mid-range, mid-range, and long-range defense systems, we can completely embed this system into other defense systems, just check for leaks and make up for gaps.

Especially the electronic warfare capability of this special defense system, we must not only be able to use it, but also master its working principle and learn it further. "

"Even this system, if we can simplify it, we can try to put it on the space station! In the future, if other units use the excuse of satellite orbit change and technical mistakes to force us to fight in space again, they will suddenly be rejected. If it is under control, even the satellite's system lock can be solved by the system's AI in an instant.

In a sense, we can become shepherds to maintain the order of other planets and the sky above other Guo Jia. "

"I don't know how much the price is, so I gave a value ranging from one billion Xia Yuan to five billion Xia Yuan. It's really good, don't learn, learn bad."

But among this group of people who were discussing enthusiastically, there was a strong man with a figure like a polar bear, but he didn't say a word.

His eyes were fixed on the profile page of the guardian team, thinking about his failure at the beginning, he felt a dull pain in his forehead.

For others, it is pushed based on videos and materials.

But for those of them who participated in the exercise and had close contact with mechs, sometimes they could only smile back when they heard some weird remarks.

"The special defense system of Kyushu Technology is not so easy to separate, otherwise this system would not be able to wipe out the mech squad so easily.

This is the first time the guardian mecha team has suffered a defeat. I think they will definitely still want to get back on the field, so they should pay more attention to their physical training methods and the upgrading direction of mecha technology in the near future. "

PS: Thanks to the book friend Eterleo for the reward of 3500 starting coins, I didn't expect to see you again. . .

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