After the final assembly of the entire aircraft and the ground inspection, the robotic arm in mid-air is also loaded with testing equipment to scan and model the inside and outside of the aircraft.

In the observation room outside the wind tunnel, Gu Qing saw engineers wearing SR1 glasses and fine touch gloves zooming in on the scanned and projected aircraft model, zooming in, and zooming in again.

And there are AI prompts on the side.

[Modeling of the fuselage has been completed, and the logic test has passed]

[The special metal device has been linked to the sensor, and the data meets the standard]

[Fuselage attitude adjustment completed]

On-site manual inspection, machine inspection, AI modeling and reprocessing, and the self-inspection of the aircraft's own system is also completed.

At this time, the staff and the robots in the wind tunnel also began to organize their tools and evacuate from the core area of ​​the wind tunnel in an orderly manner.

Under normal circumstances, the wind tunnel test is divided into six stages.

The stage of data submission before the manufacturing conformity inspection, the stage of determining the manufacturing conformity inspection items and inspection plan, the intermediate manufacturing conformity inspection stage of the test piece, the final manufacturing conformity inspection stage of the test piece, the manufacturing conformity inspection before the test and the test witnessing stage, Post-test data submission stage.

It seems complicated, but in simple terms, it is necessary to collect the model design information such as the digital model of the wind tunnel test, model processing and testing requirements, and model design report before the wind tunnel test. provided to the wind tunnel management.

After approval, the wind tunnel management party will also inspect these items. Although generally, the management party will not inspect all parts of the wind tunnel test model, the management party will extract key components and some important parts. Parts are checked.

After the wind tunnel management fully understands the digital model design of the aircraft, it is necessary to mark these inspected parts to avoid the situation that cannot be inspected later.

After these inspections are passed, the wind tunnel management will also exclude representatives from witnessing the test and key blowing trips to ensure that the test standards are met and that the test object is the applied object. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the test personnel carry out the work in strict accordance with the test program.

After a while, the wind tunnel management has a very comprehensive data grasp of the main manufacturer of the aircraft, the model processing unit, the specific parameters of the aircraft and even the manufacturing process.

After all, the resources consumed to design and manufacture an aircraft are far less than the cost of designing and building an advanced wind tunnel. Doing so can minimize malicious people from deliberately destroying the wind tunnel test building.

But in doing so, it is also showing all the aircraft data to the wind tunnel management.

Gu Qing has always been in control of the research and development process of major projects in the aerospace department. The results that were made public before can of course be solved with the wind tunnel provided by Daxia.

But now Kyushu Science and Technology has changed from a small and harmless enterprise to an important force that all parties attach great importance to, and many experiments cannot be carried out in the official test sites.

The wind tunnel, which is crucial to the development of spacecraft, aircraft, automobiles and other projects, naturally must be in their own hands.

After all the preparatory work was completed, the aircraft, which was gradually lit up on the wind tunnel platform, began to work.

In the wind tunnel that had been restored to silence, there seemed to be the sound of birds chirping.

At this time, everyone in the observation room looked at Gu Qing in unison.

The thirty-year-old young man said loudly: "Let's start according to the established plan."

Luo Yongshan, the project engineer of the Moon Chaser Starship, heard these words and unconsciously took a deep breath.

If the fighter plane designed by him fails in the wind tunnel test, it will not only be a major blow to him personally, but also a failure case with great influence on the entire project team.

The other staff in charge of the wind tunnel are also in a very serious mood. After all, this experiment is the first formal test of this wind tunnel. Sorting it out inside not only costs money, but also consumes people's patience.

Therefore, this time the fighter jet wind tunnel test can only succeed, not fail.

The whistling wind gradually sounded in the wind tunnel.

From the design point of view, the wind tunnel is actually an alternative man-made tunnel, but the length, height and internal air circulation system of this tunnel are all controlled by human machines.

The motor started to start, the wind speed gradually increased, and the fighter plane in the wind tunnel began to spread its wings like a bird about to take off.

[In the first stage, the system starts successfully. 】

[Second stage, preparation]

The right side of the large screen in front of Gu Qing displayed such a string of characters, and then the pipes on both sides of the wind tunnel began to exhaust and pressurize. In the northern passage, a large device was crazily absorbing gas, and in the south passage, there were also A large device is beginning to evacuate the interior to a vacuum as best it can.

Presses, heating and cooling systems are also working in sync.

[The second stage is ready, start]


With a bang, an extremely strong air flow erupted in the wind tunnel. The device in the north of the wind tunnel is a super high-pressure gas tank, while the device in the south of the other side is a vacuum tank. At the same time, the wind tunnel channel is heated and cooled. Two temperatures, as long as the valve is opened, a huge pressure difference will be generated between the two gas tanks in an instant, and the high-pressure gas will spurt to the vacuum end in an instant, and under the action of this gas movement, the speed of the airflow will increase by 5 times, reaching the standard of high speed of sound.

And the plane on the wind tunnel platform has already spread its wings and soared high.

Under the impact of the huge airflow, this fighter plane is like a petrel fighting the waves, with a proud and tough posture, agile and stable.

As time slowly passed, the airflow in the wind tunnel gradually became slower, and then the fighter plane also landed slowly.

[In the second stage, the system runs successfully. 】

[The third stage, preparation]

The high-sonic standard is only an appetizer, and the real hard work is only now officially started.

At this time, the little joy of the two successes just now was suppressed by everyone.

After hypersonic speed, there is hypersonic speed.

Normally, Mach 1 is equal to 1 times the speed of sound, which is also equal to 340 meters per second.

If the flow velocity in the wind tunnel is converted to Mach number, then 3-10 km/s is equivalent to 30 times the speed of sound or Mach 30.

The most basic data standard for hypersonic weapons is that the speed exceeds Mach 5, so the development of hypersonic aircraft requires the support of hypersonic wind tunnels.

According to the classification, aerospace aircraft can be divided into first-level and second-level. The first-level aerospace aircraft can be derived from aircraft such as hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft, suborbital bombers, and hypersonic passenger aircraft; while the second-level can be derived from orbital bombers, space carriers and other spacecraft.

In order to carry out the third stage of work, the wind tunnel must have a stronger wind force, and in the case of using both the pressure difference and the temperature difference, the engineers of Kyushu Technology also designed the shock stage unit generated by the explosion.

The energy of the explosive explosion is used in the wind tunnel, and the combination of strong pressure, temperature difference and pressure difference can generate super-high-speed airflow in an instant.

Originally, Gu Qing wanted to add an arc acceleration device, but the design team of the wind tunnel told Boss Gu a very regrettable message.

If the arc acceleration device is to be added, the completion and landing time of the wind tunnel project will be delayed by about one year. If the two systems are not compatible, the time will be extended.

Scientific experiments are not piled up with building blocks, materials and technologies can be piled up on the project.

Experimental buildings such as large-scale wind tunnels require not only materials and technology, but also the unification of equipment and technology. Randomly adding technology from other systems requires more design resources, energy resources, and material resources.

After countless troubles, there is also the problem of maintenance and maintenance.

Therefore, the first ultra-large wind tunnel of Kyushu Technology still relies on the combination of explosion, pressure difference and temperature difference to complete the final high-intensity wind speed test.

The heating system began to seal hydrogen and oxygen into large container tanks of special materials, and the vacuum tank and pressure tank that had worked once before also started to work for the second time.

Time passed by, and the air in the wind tunnel began to flow slowly.

The fighter plane without a name, at this time, its wings gradually have red lines of flames appearing.

The missile fixing devices under the cabin and wings also began emergency self-inspection and strengthening, and some unstable devices on the outer branch were also retracted into the cabin.

[The third stage is ready, start]




There was no sound, but everyone felt a tremor in their hearts, and even some trees on the mountain range began to shake the crisp and tender new branches that grew this spring and summer.

And Gu Qing and others saw the air surge like a mushroom explosion in the picture taken by a fixed camera position.

No matter how arrogant people are, they dare not enter this huge and rapid air flow, because the pressure difference and the explosion shock wave will instantly break through the fragile human body and tear it into pieces in the true sense.

Through combustion, an explosion will eventually occur. Under the action of the temperature difference and air pressure difference, the powerful airflow is countless times more powerful than the fat blue cat's plus air cannon.

And that fighter plane, under the bombardment of the hypersonic wind, not only did not disintegrate, but also did not change its attitude suddenly and was forced to collide.

It is like a bird in mythology, it is still so brave, it even seems to be singing generously in the face of a hurricane!

And while the fighter plane was maintaining its attitude——

"Mach 2, Mach 3, Mach 4?!! Mach 5?!!"

"Hold the grass?!"

A young wind tunnel worker suddenly made a sound.

If it was during normal working hours, his frivolous and rude behavior would be quickly stopped by people's eyes.

But today, even those engineers who are usually more mature and prudent are already terrified and unable to express their excitement in words.

Even Gu Qing was slightly absent-minded when he saw this scene.

What is the concept of Mach 5?

The Mige-25, which used to have a red sickle, once showed a terrifying speed of Mach 3.2, which means that this fighter can easily avoid the Sidewinder missile with a speed of Mach 2.7.

It's just that the current fourth-and-a-half-generation and fifth-generation aircraft have given up the "stupid method" of avoiding missiles simply by relying on speed, and instead use electronic attack and stealth capabilities to improve the survival rate of fighter jets.

At present, the hottest J20 in Daxia has an official maximum flight speed of Mach 2.5, which is 2.5 times the speed of sound.

According to Daxia's long-term "false standard" strategy, the maximum flight speed of the J20 may reach Mach 2.8, but it is absolutely impossible to exceed Mach 3.

And this fighter, which can obviously carry people, can reach a flight speed of up to Mach 5.

what does that mean?

After being shocked, many staff even felt a sense of panic.

Such a terrifying weapon actually appeared?

And it is true in their testimony.

Some people even turned their attention to Luo Yongshan, the chief engineer of the Moon Chaser Starship project, because they knew that the main designer of the fighter was this seemingly harmless middle-aged man.

Luo Yongshan seemed to be unaware of these gazes.

He took out the tablet, connected it to the system in the observation room, and checked the data very skillfully.

Gu Qing was at the side, still silent, waiting for him.

And Zhao Jianming, the person in charge of the wind tunnel, is also checking the data for other problems with a serious face.

The person in charge of the relevant links returned to work after being absent-minded for a moment.

No one dared to be negligent, and no one dared to declare the experiment a success without doing any checks.

They need to be responsible for the experiments, and for every scientist and engineer.

The intelligent AI program Tiangong has already activated supercomputing and fixed-share cloud computing resources at this time, and based on the data currently available, it has created a feudal system in the experimental server of the Lingjing Ecology and conducted tens of thousands of experimental deduction.

It is foreseeable that with the increase of experiments conducted in this wind tunnel experiment building, the data of the experiment server will become more and more "real".

Five minutes passed, Luo Yongshan, Zhao Jianming and others still did not say a word.

And Gu Qing just waited patiently, without urging or interfering.

After half an hour passed, the intelligent AI program Tiangong had given the feedback data of the real wind tunnel test. Zhao Jianming and Luo Yongshan said one after the other: "The data is accurate and the experiment is successful."

Clap clap! ! !

Applause and cheers resounded all around at this moment, and the R\u0026D personnel embraced the engineers and scientists, their faces full of excitement and excitement.

But no one hugged Gu Qing at this time, because there were already two security personnel standing silently beside him.

A gentleman does not erect dangerous walls, and Gu Qing will not give any dangerous people the opportunity to contact him.

When everyone's excitement began to cool down, and the corners of Luo Yongshan's and others' grins gradually stabilized, Gu Qing smiled and said suddenly: "Congratulations, everyone, the first step in the journey of thousands of miles, we finally took it down. .

This fighter plane should also have its own name. "

Before the experiment is successful, each aircraft only has a code name within the project, which may be numbers, letters, or even some inexplicable symbols.

But if the experiment is successful, this fighter plane will have its own name.

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