What Li Qulu said was not complicated, but the local staff of Neon Island quickly translated other information.

The internal adjustment of resources shows that the company's top management is indeed going to promote nuclear power projects here.

Detecting the reasons why the progress of special projects such as local soil quality, rock formations, water quality, etc. is hindered, it means that these projects have indeed encountered many problems when they landed in their own homeland.

The Neon locals who can enter this nuclear power engineering project are almost all highly educated or senior technical personnel, and those with a little bit of quality cannot be squeezed in, so they naturally think of certain things.

"No way, the pollution is really so serious that foreign companies are not even allowed to enter the country to investigate?"

"What are the Investigation Section and TEPCO thinking?! Are we going to reject Kyushu Technology's landing project in our local area? It is simply impossible in society to provide such high-paying jobs to unemployed middle-aged people like us."

"The unemployment rate is so high, those women still need us to pay for the family's expenses, but they only need to be responsible for grocery shopping and housekeeping, Ma De!!!"

"I just want to have a stable job. I can use the company's network to play games in the Lingjing ecology at night. Is it so difficult?"

"The company won't give up on this project because of this, right? We will be laid off again then? But I have no way to find another such good job. It would be great if I could go to Daxia Kyushu Technology to work, but Now I heard that Kyushu Technology has higher requirements for the recruitment of local positions, and if foreigners want to get in, I am afraid I have to finish my Ph.D."

These Neon local employees are like chirping sparrows. At the beginning, they can be patient and think about what the person in charge said. After a while, they are all thinking about what to do in the future.

Li Qulu looked at these scattered local employees, but there was no worry on his face.

He even felt a little happy in his heart. This kind of disorganized team is actually the scene that the company headquarters and himself want to see most.

Local employees complain about their local official organizations, work and employment, and hate other social activities and the maintenance of those interpersonal relationships, which can intuitively reduce management costs.

Especially now that the neon local class is solidified and the residents are becoming more and more self-centered, this group of highly educated and senior engineers will become the best tool to use.

Even to a certain extent, Li Qulu "likes" the scattered and self-contained employees of Neon Local more than the employees of Korean and Western branches.

And these problems are not problems without solutions.

But he needs to convey this sense of danger to these native employees.

Therefore, when these discussions became louder and louder, Li Qulu coughed lightly.

With the help of directional sound transmission technology, his cough was clearly heard by every local employee at the rally.

In an instant, there was no sound.

"Actually, I personally want to reveal to you a news about the company's headquarters. This matter has been lingering in my heart today, like a thorn in my throat. However, considering everyone's work, the establishment of our branch has not come easily, so I have been suppressing it personally. own emotions.

But today, I heard everyone talking about it, so I still want to share this news and my personal thoughts with you. I hope everyone can have their own thinking and don't follow blindly. "

The news that a senior executive of Kyushu Science and Technology wanted to disclose made many people stretch their necks unconsciously.

Looking around, these local employees stretched their necks like ducks, their eyes full of curiosity.

Li Qulu showed embarrassment, and then said with emotion: "For everyone's work, our company has mature arrangements for the formal staff of this overseas branch.

You can choose to rely on the work contract signed with our company to apply for a Daxia work visa, or you can apply for our company's jobs in other Guojia and regions.

If you do not want to renew your contract with our company, our company will also provide subsidies, but at the same time, you will also be required to fulfill the provisions of the confidentiality agreement and non-compete agreement in your future work and life.

And I actually want to tell you that if you really don't renew your contract, according to the current local working environment of Neon, you will go to other industries to compete with others, and you will be at a disadvantage. It was a huge blow, so I have been in close communication and conversation with the Neon Island official.

At the very beginning, they fully agreed and agreed that our project could be legally implemented.

However, according to the latest report from Neon Kyodo News, your management personnel have announced the policy of building a new generation of nuclear power plants, and are considering extending the operating life of nuclear power plants to a maximum of 60 years, and trying to restart those nuclear power plants that have passed the review of new safety standards in the future. .

Since the Fu nuclear leakage incident more than ten years ago, your management personnel have given up specific discussions on the addition and reconstruction of nuclear power plants, and only allowed our company to build an experimental nuclear power plant.

But now, everything has changed. For the sake of energy, they are even willing to take out those defunct nuclear power plants and put unprofessional people in charge, and they are unwilling to build new nuclear power plants or use high-tech personnel.

The reason why I called everyone together today is that I want to share with you the views of our company headquarters on nuclear power plants in an open and honest manner.

At the beginning, we promised Nihong officials that after the completion of the nuclear power plant, we will rely on the stable energy of the nuclear power plant to build factories here, open up new living cities, trade port areas, provide more high-paying jobs for this land, and provide everyone with A more stable and safe living environment.

This is actually a deal. If your managers want to increase residents' income and manage public security, they must agree to build a nuclear power plant.

That's why our company has become the first foreign-funded enterprise with a nuclear power plant construction license in the past ten years.

However, during this period of time, the obstacles encountered by our company and the announcements released by your official management personnel all show one thing. The Nihong official seems to have backtracked. Of course, I only say that there is such a possibility. "


How could these local staff, who had long been dissatisfied with the government, fail to hear what Li Qulu meant.

The so-called full-time employees all have mature arrangements, and the so-called possibility, almost bluntly expressing to everyone that the project may be dying.

In an instant, the assembly site was like a vegetable market, and noisy noises rang out.

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