Do you need to ask how the leeks feel before cutting?

Although it was a waste of time, Gu Qing still said: "Then it's time for bidding. If you feel that [Boundary Monument 2.0] does not meet your company's expectations, you can leave now."



After experiencing [Boundary Monument 2.0] for half an hour, as long as you are not confused, you will know that without the blessing of this thing in the future, your own flagship may be severely beaten by someone else's flagship machine loaded with this software.

Unless they can also use the maximum potential of Qualcomm's best CPU in the same year, and optimize the software one by one, but that is obviously unrealistic...

The potential of a chip cannot be realized in a few days or a few weeks. Even the best chip that was the main focus of the year still has potential to be tapped in the next two or three years.

Moreover, many manufacturers have their own Xiaojiujiu.

The long-term vision is to obtain authorization so that I can continue to study in private.

Those who are short-sighted are thinking, with this software, can the system software departments be laid off?

You know, the annual salaries of software engineers and technicians are not low, and many even have dividends.

Creatures like capitalists are inherently cunning and short-sighted.

After waiting for a few minutes, seeing no one left, Boss Gu sighed, he is really a good person.

But if these people cooperated so well, he couldn't be blamed.

"Then the next thing is to bid for the number of global partners of Kyushu Technology Company. Friends from the media behind please pay attention to the live streaming, and I hope everyone here pay attention to the gentleman's demeanor. After all, the bidding will be broadcast live, and the highest bidder wins."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

This kind of meeting is not confidential?

The people eating melons were so elated, they hurriedly called their friends to eat melons together.

Looking at the executives of various companies present, they even had a sense of participation in the meeting room.

Pingguo, Xia Wei, Han Xing and other bigwigs held a meeting to bid, which is very exciting to think about.

Of course, although the bigwigs at the meeting were a little upset, no one jumped out to express their objection.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he was kicked out by Kyushu Technology if he opposed the live broadcast? And without [Boundary Monument 2.0], you can see the next flagship machine, and it is almost impossible to sell a few.

Seeing that there were no objections from the crowd, Gu Qing went on to talk about the detailed rules.

"Because of the agreement signed with our partners before and the limited human resources of our company, we will release five partner quotas for mobile phone manufacturers in Daxia, of course Xiangjiang, Liuqiu and other places are also included.

Two places in Europe and two places in other regions. "

As soon as the voice fell, a thousand layers of waves were immediately stirred up.

Gao Xizhen looked at Gu Qing in shock, what are two places in other regions?

Of course, Han Xing was entangled in the issue of regional quotas, but the executives of Lianxiang in the conference room were entangled in another issue.

Should they bid for places in Great Xia Kingdom or places in other regions?

In 2014, Lianxiang acquired Motorola for billions of dollars, and now it is a real multinational enterprise.

Gu Qing is naturally aware of these issues, but this is also his decision after his bad taste came up.

He really wants to know how these companies bid.

"Of course, I know that many of you are multinational companies with companies and employees in many countries, so in addition to the quota for partners in Daxia, you can get quotas for other regions as long as you have a company and more than 100 employees in this region. To participate in the bidding, it should be noted that there is only one quota for one parent company.

And the regional division is like this, five in Daxia, three in Europe, and only two in other regions including the United States, Canada, Nihong, Korea and other countries.

There are a total of ten places, which is not too many.

In this regard, we at Kyushu Technology are also very helpless. Human resources are limited and we cannot give more quotas. Of course, this is still a one-year cooperation period, and we will give our partners the use of these versions of [Boundary Monument] permissions, and other non-partners, sorry, [Boundary Monument] will no longer be supported.

Existing installed users can continue to use it, but as long as the new mobile phones are not produced by our partners of Kyushu Technology, they will not be able to use any [Boundary Monument] software.

In order to protect everyone's interests, if you have purchased our Titanxing series smart home appliances from Kyushu Technology Company, and the mobile phone brand is not the partner's brand, you can only use the activation code to install [Boundary Monument] and use the smart home functions limitedly.

If you have no objection, then I will invite Dong Qi, the vice president of our company, to preside over the next process. "

Of course there are objections, and more than one person has objections.

But Gu Qing waved his hand and walked down the stage quickly.

Deaf people don't answer, who wouldn't?

Just as Gao Xizhen stood up, the figure of Gu Qing had already disappeared from the stage.

At this time, the live broadcast cameras of the media also sharply focused on him.

Netizens saw this scene, and the live broadcast room suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

"Isn't this Han Xing's boss Gao? Standing up for punishment?"

"Come back soon~ I can't bear it alone~"

Taking off the microphone, Gu Qing drank the goji berry water in the thermos in one gulp.

He let out a long breath.

The feeling of pretending-force-running is awesome.

In fact, he also noticed the actions of many manufacturers' executives, but it would be too troublesome to stand there and reply one by one.

What's there to talk about with a group of stinky men? It's better to go back to the experimental building to teach the group of R \u0026 D personnel.

The meeting entered the bidding stage.

Dong Qi is worthy of being a child of the Thirteen Lines family, standing on the stage without any embarrassment.


At this moment, Dong Qi just wanted to grab Gu Qing and give him a hard meal.

Come on stage to show off, leave a lot of questions and run away. Is there a boss who does this?

If it wasn't for this heartless person who knew how to prepare a document for himself, he probably wouldn't even know what to say on stage.

But fortunately, the strength of the product can impress these people. Although the question asked is a bit sharp, it belongs to the kind that can be shelved.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also saw what is called Tai Chi-style reply.

If you ask about regional distribution, then I will talk about industry share.

If you ask why there are so many places in Daxia, I will say that they supported a lot in the early stage.

Coupled with some science popularization from time to time, netizens have not only increased their knowledge of related aspects, but also realized the shamelessness of foreign bosses.

Being in a high position does not necessarily mean having a moral education.

Just like the few people sent by Han Xing, they took up time to raise their hands to ask questions, and asked some nt questions from time to time, which caused chuckles from time to time in the conference room.

With the end of the questioning process, Dong Qi also tried to see him.

"Next, we will bid for the number of partners in Daxia for the next year. In line with the principle of peace and friendship, please send a representative from the Daxia mobile phone manufacturer to write your company's quotation in the envelope. We will make a ranking quotation later."

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