They are all engaged in scientific careers, so how does it have anything to do with feudal superstitions like "evil poison"?

If anyone else had said that, they would have scoffed at it.

But the person who said this was Gu Qing, just like Newton pointing at their noses and saying that gravity should be overthrown-although it is outrageous, maybe it is really feasible?

"Your filter material and additive procedures are all reduced and simplified according to the production process of mineral water?"


"I read the experimental records. You have chosen a lot of filter elements, and even considered a lot of additive ratios, but why have you never thought about high-pressure boiling the treated water?"

Faced with Gu Qing's doubts, the engineer Yang Shixiong shook his head and said, "Because it is not necessary, after all, the water body is clean and non-toxic, and even at some stage, they are HO, an inorganic substance composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, which is harmless. Colorless and tasteless.

If they are used for high-pressure boiling operation, it is a waste of space and energy in the space station, and even because of such an extra program, the instability factor of the space station will increase. Once some problems occur, this High-pressure boiling devices have the potential to be dangerous devices.

From a security point of view, it is harmful but not beneficial. From the point of view of actual demand, this device has no effect. "

"Look, Lao Yang, you have made the mistake of textbookism again. The requirements of the experiment are not rigid. When we are working on a project, we should not look at whether the device is compliant, or whether it is wasteful or not. Instead, we should put the project first. do it successfully.

Let me tell you a little story about Chinese medicine. "

Hearing that Gu Qing wanted to tell a story, the young researchers in the lab became a little interested.

During the internal discussions among the R\u0026D personnel of Kyushu Science and Technology, the older generation of researchers often said: "How about the story that Mr. Gu told back then", and every time Gu Qing told the story, he could accurately explain the story at that time. Therefore, many young researchers are unwilling to give up the refreshment of the achievement task of "President Gu Tells a Story".

Even Yang Shixiong, the middle-aged engineer who is the person in charge of the R\u0026D project of the space station, frowned slightly when he heard that Gu Qing was about to tell a story.

Seeing that everyone's attention was focused, Gu Qing said naturally: "This is a traditional Chinese medicine recipe handed down from ancient times in Daxia, and it also has the effect of drawing inferences about the abnormality of the experimental animals you mentioned today.

In ancient times, or let’s add an attributive, a thousand years ago, there was no penicillin, no amoxicillin and other drugs.

When ordinary people have a bad stomach or feel uncomfortable, some people will choose to follow the local prescription given by the old people, go to the sunny and sunny river to fetch a ladle of water, and then find a shady place Well, take a ladle of cold well water.

Combine two bowls of water into one bowl, some people will add a little vinegar, some people will add one or two hot red stones. Then drink the bowl of water.

After that, people with a bad stomach will often feel a lot lighter after going to the toilet next time. And people who are not feeling well will also feel that their physical energy has recovered a little.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, this kind of water composed of yin and yang has the effect of exorcising evil and strengthening the body. As for the patient's physical discomfort and stomach discomfort, if it happens to be caused by the invasion of external pathogens, drinking this kind of water will indeed have a therapeutic effect. "

yin and yang?

After listening to Gu Qing's story, Yang Shixiong looked puzzled and said: "So the discomfort of these animals is due to the invasion of external evils? There is a problem with the water they drink, or the air they breathe? Or is it the anaerobic environment we simulated? Is there a problem with the environment?"

And other researchers also have doubts.

"Air purification should be no problem. After all, the air purification standard we use is the information given by the official aerospace group. If there is a problem, our official space station in Daxia may have already started to have problems."

"Is there an oxygen-free environment? Animals are indeed much more sensitive to the environment than we are."

"Can heating pure water solve this problem? It feels like a wizard treating a disease. It's still a bit unreliable."

Faced with these doubts and doubts, Gu Qing did not explain in detail in order to pursue students to answer every question correctly like a school teacher.

Pointing to the data on the big screen and the deduction plan of the Lingjing Ecological Laboratory, he said: "Only when the problem is solved can we go to the next stage.

As for the effect of boiling water on the human body, everyone has a different opinion.

At least from now on, we can separate some experimental animals, some continue to live according to the current conditions, and the other is just adding a process of boiling water. I think we will have an answer soon. "

Facing Gu Qing, no one dared to say that his plan was not good.

Because for so many years, none of the solutions given by Mr. Gu are unworkable!


Yang Shixiong, the person in charge of the research and development project of the space station, took a deep breath, and then asked: "You are talking about pressurized boiling water, to what extent do we need to pressurize, and how much boiling water?

Then should they cool down the boiled water and give them to drink, or give them warm water? "

Gu Qing waved his hand: "This is something you should consider. On the life and health project, I think you can communicate more with the biomedical department, and at the same time communicate more with the TCM physicians in our company's internal hospitals.

Modern medicine is useful, and Chinese medicine is also useful. If we want to achieve our goals, we should adopt various opinions and stick to our own path. "

After saying a few words of persuasion to the middle-aged man, Gu Qing pointed to the equipment on a test bench in the laboratory and said, "This space scale is the sample sent by the Aerospace Corporation?"

The engineer next to this device nodded like a student who raised his hand and said: "Yes, this space scale can not only measure the weight change of astronauts in the space station, but also measure the mass of other objects."

"Actually, Daxia is the third Guo Jia who has mastered the technology of measuring the mass of objects in space after Mao Xiong and Uncle Sam. It's just that this scale still has some deviations from certain precise values ​​when measuring .

If you have time, you can talk to the satellite research and development department. They often deal with outer space affairs, and have high attainments in items such as object weight and object offset operations. "

Gu always suggested that these experimental departments should communicate more with other project departments. One of the biggest factors was that he did not want R\u0026D resources to be wasted too much.

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