"Mingguo? Let's put the cooperation in these places aside for now. During this period of time, our main task is the research and development and launch of the space station."

After the words fell, Xuanwu's logic program intelligently adjusted part of the work arrangement.

Part of the international business has been delegated to the assistant to the president, the department heads and the business cooperation department.

After looking at the work that needs to be done today, Gu Qing looked up at the ceiling.

Although it is an ordinary ceiling, his eyes seem to be able to penetrate hundreds of meters of building materials, and even cross the distance between the ground and the atmosphere, and see the Daxia space station in space orbit in a single leap.

"How fast can the space station developed by Daxia Aerospace Group run?"

In a low voice of doubt, Xuanwu gave an extremely precise answer.

"Sir, from the official information of Daxia that has been made public, it can be found that the Daxia Space Station can circle the Blue Star 19 times a day, that is, it can circle the Blue Star every 96 minutes, and the speed is about 7.8 kilometers per second.

However, in some of the projects that our company’s aerospace department and the Titan star department have cooperated with, they speculated that the Daxia space station also has the ability to accelerate and decelerate, so for the fastest moving speed of the Daxia space station, I estimate it to be about 7.8 per second. Kilometers to about 8.1 per second.

Because the distance between the Daxia space station and the earth is about 400 kilometers, there is still a small amount of air within this distance.

If there is air, there will be friction. If the space station has no propulsion speed, the space station will crash into the atmosphere due to the gravity of the blue star.

Moreover, the previous Starlink satellite out-of-control incident also exposed that the Daxia Space Station has a very good orbit adjustment capability. "

Hearing Xuanwu's answer, Gu Qing said with emotion: "Well, after all, the movement of the spacecraft in the Daxia Space Station in orbit basically depends on the Hall thruster. Xenon is used as a propellant to generate thrust through electricity, although it is environmentally friendly and technological. , but the thrust aspect is indeed a mystery, until an emergency, we have no way of knowing how powerful the Moore thruster used by Daxia on this space station is."

The thrust of the Hall thruster is very large, and it can guarantee the speed of the spacecraft in orbit. For example, a certain satellite probe launched by the European Space Agency more than ten years ago flew at an altitude of 250 kilometers from the blue star orbit for two years. For a long time, because it uses a Moore thruster, it only consumes 40 kilograms of xenon.

If this satellite probe used ordinary fuel, it would have exhausted the fuel and fell down.

The results of Daxia’s aerospace project are like the tip of the industrial iceberg that Daxia showed to other Guojiahe regions of Bluestar, which surprised many insiders in the industry.

After sorting out his thoughts, Gu Qing shook his head.

Walking out of his bedroom, he said to An Hetang next to him, "I won't eat nutritious meals today. Does the cafeteria make any special meals? Let's go eat some special meals."

An Hetang looked at the genius in front of him who was talking in a certain laboratory yesterday, criticizing scientists and engineers like criticizing elementary school students. Relying on his huge work experience, he instantly adjusted his brain circuit.

"Recently, many chefs in the canteen are studying Chinese medicine more systematically, so they are currently studying the recipes that patients with insufficient Yang Qi should eat. For example, today there is a big pot stew consisting of carrots, nuts, leeks, mutton, and beef.

I have eaten it once before. There are salty and spicy flavors. These foods are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which can not only replenish Yang Qi, but also enhance the body's immunity. "

Hearing An Hetang's recommendation, a black line suddenly appeared on Gu Qing's face.

He glanced at the latest cafeteria menu provided by SR1, sighed and said: "The things I told the engineers on the space station before are not metaphysical fictions.

Daxia TCM emphasizes the balance of yin and yang. Everyone's body is a combination of yin and yang and the five elements. Only when yin and yang are balanced and the five elements are running smoothly can the body be considered healthy.

According to this theory, if we live in the dark underground for a long time, it will indeed make the body lack of yang energy.

Insufficient yang qi leads to frailty and sickness, anxiety and mind, and it can indeed be treated through diet adjustment. But carrots, nuts, leeks, and mussels seem to be something we eat very frequently..."

I don't know if Xuanwu has been researching personality templates recently or has made new progress. An Hetang hasn't answered yet, but Xuanwu answered very intelligently.

"Sir, carrots are rich in carotene. If you have dry eyes or night blindness, you can eat more. Nuts are very rich in nutrients, and can effectively nourish the liver and kidney, and benefit the essence.

Beans contain isoflavones, which are natural hormones that can effectively regulate hormone levels, make up for hormone deficiencies, and delay aging.

Leek is also a very good medicine and food homologous plant for laxative, tonifying kidney and warming yang, invigorating spleen and stomach. Eating leek every day can also promote hair growth. "

Xuanwu, do you think my hair loss and kidney deficiency are worth remembering?

The anger in his heart and the cold gaze made Xuanwu stop the work of popularizing science in Gu Qing's ears.

And An Hetang was also very keenly aware of the sudden coldness of the surrounding environment, and subconsciously moved a little closer to Gu Qing's side to prevent any special circumstances from occurring.

He believed in his intuition very much, because it was this intuition that allowed him to survive to the end in the primeval jungle.

Walking to the cafeteria, after taking a look at the dishes of the chefs, Gu Qing went to the traditional breakfast place without saying a word.

"Two taels of braised beef noodles with a fried egg, don't put too much chili and pepper."

As for An Hetang, even though he had already finished his nutritious meal, he still ordered the same breakfast as Gu Qing.

It's just that because of the mission, his beef noodles are beef noodles in clear soup, without other strong seasonings.

After breakfast, Gu Qing didn't go to other laboratories, but went straight to the space station project department.

"The space station is a large platform for space activities. It is composed of multiple modules. The total weight of the International Space Station is 440 tons. It is launched in pieces and then docked and assembled by engines in space orbit.

Our Daxia space station is also designed in the same way. Since the launch of the core module three years ago, the construction of the Daxia space station has officially begun.

Only in the initial stage of key technology verification, the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, the Tianzhou-3 manned spacecraft and the Shenzhou-13 manned spacecraft were launched. Several astronauts go on missions. "

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