How do Blue Star netizens know how much pressure the high-level executives of Kyushu Science and Technology are facing?

To collect resources, including but not limited to materials, minerals, human resources. These all cost money!

If you want to make money, but you can't steal, rob, or print, you can only exchange products for money.

The official account of Kyushu Smart Ecological Home has also kept up with the publicity plans of other brother departments and branches.

On the evening of November 10, the official account of Kyushu Smart Ecological Home released a short video.

There was a man who was exhausted after working all day, enjoying smart home services at home, and slowly falling asleep.

With the help of a series of smart home products, housewives who are responsible for the lives of children and the elderly at home can organize housework in an orderly manner, provide a warm and clean home environment for the husband who is tired outside, and provide children and the elderly with healthy food and high-quality life, while protecting his own hands and cardamom years.

There are also patients and disabled people who, with the help of smart home products, can easily live the lives of ordinary healthy people with sound limbs.

In addition, there are jobs in dirty and messy environments, and there are more convenient sweeping robots to take care of them.

At the beginning, when netizens saw this short film, they all watched it with a calm and normal attitude of watching movies.

After all, products produced by Kyushu Technology must be high-quality products. In their view, Kyushu smart ecological home will definitely develop in this way to provide convenience for everyone.

But after the second half of the film, they couldn't sit still.

"Bai Ze, what is this fruit?"

A babbling milk doll is pointing to the durians on the table and asking questions.

Beside him, a white pet dog suddenly made a clear voice, and answered, "This is the dwarf durian, the fruit of the dwarf durian tree cultivated by ourselves."

While answering, a screen suddenly appeared in front of the white pet dog, with pictures and videos of durian trees and traffic on it.

And the dog continued to explain: "Xiaowei, look at the leaves of this tree are long and round, with pointed tops, and the flower color is light yellow. The fruit it bears is the size of a football, but there are dense triangular thorns on the fruit. Let's open it." When picking this kind of fruit, you must wear gloves.

The flesh of durian is composed of aril meat buns. The flesh is light yellow in color, sticky and juicy, but the smell is very strong. Let's eat it when the adults come back. "

Of course, major manufacturers now have sprites similar to voice AI that can achieve this level, so everyone is just surprised.

But then the dog started playing with the children, taking care of them while teaching in multiple languages, with a fluent pronunciation almost comparable to that of a native speaker.

Multilingual teaching is not enough, this puppy called Bai Ze can also stimulate children's curiosity in various details, guide children to learn various mathematical theorems, physical rules, chemical equations, and even occasionally He will also "adapt measures to local conditions" to tell some Daxia classical poetry, literature, mythology and allusions.

It's like a huge elite teaching team, providing all-weather and all-round auxiliary teaching for this child, and they also know how to observe words and emotions, so as not to let this child feel bored.

This is a great test of the intelligence of the AI ​​​​smart program.

After all, the accumulation of data only needs to keep filling the material library. But for the application and mastery of logic, the power of the logic algorithm is needed, and the power of this logic algorithm cannot be affected by the material, it can only be affected by the creator and controller of the logic algorithm.

In this contrast, this white puppy named Bai Ze can order takeout and buy things, make appointments to use all Kyushu smart ecological home products at home, give psychological counseling to adults, and improve family members in a subtle way. Relationships, these functions are covered by the powerful light of AI.

With the help of AI Baize, students can study more easily, and no longer be overwhelmed physically and mentally by heavy schoolwork.

With the help of AI Bai Ze, teachers can correct test papers more easily, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude according to each student's various data and staged and formative evaluations.

There are also some ordinary secretarial tasks that can be easily handled by AI Bai Ze.

[Let technology serve life, let technology change life, let us embrace the beauty of life]

At the end of the film, this passage made countless people feel excited, scared, and shocked.

Subsequently, a series of upgraded self-developed products, such as a new generation of smart sofas, panoramic sound echo walls, and full-scene purifiers, were shown in the film, and independent and exclusive explanatory videos were released one by one.

Although each product can achieve the top level of the product corresponding to the industry, and even pull away the second place by a lot, netizens still can't forget "Bai Ze"

Because this product is too similar to a certain intelligent AI product in the West.

Moreover, this AI Bai Ze, with the support of Kyushu Technology's all-round intelligent products, has achieved more terrifying things than those AIs.

It can control a person's growth!

In a sense, this is equivalent to controlling the future of mankind.

So people are shocked that Kyushu Technology will come up with such an advanced intelligent AI, and at the same time worry about what the future of mankind should do.

Of course, there are still people in certain industries who are thinking about whether their industry will be replaced by AI in the foreseeable future.

This time, it is no longer the official account dynamics of Kyushu Smart Eco-Home whose comments are maxed out. Under the official account of Kyushu Technology, there are also countless people commenting on this smart AI Baize.

The Kyushu Community and Boundary Monument Forum suddenly set off an upsurge of AI discussions.

"As far as I know, the most powerful AI of Western technology companies is not Google and Pingguo's AI, but ChatGPT, which is a chat robot based on GPT technology. Its main function is to use artificial intelligence technology to communicate with users naturally. dialogue.

Like Bai Ze, this ChatGPT also has extremely terrifying intelligent simulation capabilities. It can simulate a human customer service to have a very natural and smooth conversation with users, so that these users feel that they are really communicating with real people, and even easily gain the favor and trust of users. .

In addition, ChatGPT, an AI, can also react and respond according to the user's personal preferences and needs, allowing users to make alternative 'adjustments' to the AI.

In the video of Kyushu Technology, the intelligent AI program Bai Ze also seems to have this kind of alternative intelligence. It can even use corresponding alternative names and descriptions for other home users in front of different home users. "

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