What opinions can Wang Teng have?

As Gu Qing's most loyal warrior, Wang Teng's opinions are what Gu Qing says.

He has noticed that his boss is dissatisfied with these entertainment manufacturers, and he has also been told how to deal with the "unreasonable troubles" of the top management of these companies.

Therefore, the little king next door who has developed a strong heart chooses his subordinates and then goes out in person to

"If it really can't be resolved, make an appointment with them and I will go and talk to them in person."

Wang Teng, or the executives of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, underestimated the "desire" of these entertainment companies to live, and even ignored these entertainment companies' "exploration" of the future virtual world.

Just by revealing this, many entertainment company executives began to try their best to find the company and related institutions established by Daxia Official Capital that were about to cooperate with Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch.

This search really led them to find a very possible company - Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company.

Different from Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company is an enterprise founded by Daxia Official Capital. Its senior management composition and business scope are very "accurate". At the same time, it cannot be as "precise" as the top management of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch. Heart of stone."

Faced with the lobbying and begging of these entertainment companies, after the senior executives of Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company held meetings one after another, something unexpected happened.

November 19th.

Wang Teng sat on the chair in his office and looked at the middle-aged people in front of him.

His expression was not as peaceful as before.

He handed the paper document he had read back to the group of people.

Then he said: "We in Daxia now require real-name gaming and entertainment. You should know how well these companies have implemented the real-name system.

At the same time, everyone should clearly know that compared with the real-name account of our Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, the real-name accounts of these companies are like the simplest first-level ordinary accounts, compared with special accounts that are more detailed than the household registration book.

After evaluation by the expert team, through the use of the Lingjing Lander and the combination of work and rest, entering the Lingjing Ecological Play Lingjing Project can substantially improve the brain development of minors and increase their brain capacity compared to other people of the same age who do not use the Lingjing Lander. People who enter the spiritual realm ecology and play spiritual realm projects should have more growth.

At the same time, the spiritual environment's impact on the outlook of minors and adults is unmatched by ordinary games.

It is precisely for this reason that we are willing to cooperate with your company to manage the development and operation of Lingjing Ecology.

If your company treats this project so hastily, then I think our cooperation may require more in-depth negotiations on certain projects. "

Wang Teng's words were like a dagger piercing the heart of a senior executive of Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company.

But this senior executive was also nourishing his energy and did not express his stance.

On the contrary, it was the president of Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company who was making peace talks.

"Lingjing, as a word named after Mr. Qian paid attention to VR technology in the 1990s, we have never forgotten the importance of the virtual world and the real world.

But your company should also know that these entertainment companies now have more than 100,000 formal employees. Add in the units and companies affected by their projects, and there may be nearly millions of people affected by them throughout Daxia.

If we fail to handle this matter properly, millions of families may lose their good lives. "

Perhaps this is the official weakness.

When Wang Teng heard this, he couldn't be angry anymore.

However, he had long expected what cards these people would play, so he said: "Since we talked about a market economy at the beginning, the development and decline of these companies should also conform to the market.

The laws of the market are laws that exist in reality and are not subject to human will.

Moreover, our Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch has been expanding its recruitment scale. As long as job seekers meet the job requirements, they can find suitable positions in our Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, and even be promoted from our Jiuzhou Technology to management or to the general manager. Go to Jiuzhou Technology Company.

You should know one thing. Our Jiuzhou system companies have always provided employees with far higher wages and benefits than their peers. A considerable proportion of projects pay dividends every year, and countless millionaires and multi-millionaires have already been made.

Are these people’s families not families?

In the final analysis, people will live if they are moved, and trees will die if they are moved. Those corporate rhetoric does not apply to us. "

Maybe this is the benefit of people talking.

With Gu Qing's current position, he simply cannot say such "heavy words". Even on many important occasions, Gu Qing himself has to set an example of "humbleness and courtesy".

But if you were a subordinate like Wang Teng, you wouldn't need to worry so much.

If you're unhappy, say it.

If you don’t accept it, then show it off.

The senior executives of Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company looked at Wang Teng's "shameless" appearance. Although they knew that what the other party said was the truth, they still felt a little awkward.

This time, the "pleasing" of these entertainment companies, in the eyes of their senior executives, is an excellent opportunity to trouble the Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch and determine the core control of the Lingjing Ecology.

If Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch is "obedient", it can do more things in the future.

If Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch is "disobedient", then we will have to think of ways to make this company obedient in the future.

Just when the atmosphere was a little stagnant, Wang Teng suddenly glanced at the mechanical watch on his wrist, and then said: "It is now 10 o'clock in the morning on November 19th, Great Summer Time. The weather outside is very good, the wind is gentle and the sun is shining. Korea.

You probably haven't appreciated the rising sun in our Xinke District. Since the meeting can't discuss a good direction right now, why not take a look and listen to pure music to relax. "

Who wants to come here to see the rising sun and listen to pure music?

Although he really didn't want to pay attention to Wang Teng's words, but thinking of easing his aura, the president of Daxia Lingjing Virtual Business Company still said: "Well, since Mr. Wang has such an elegant intention, let's also enjoy the sunrise in the Xinke District. I hope In music, let’s find a direction for cooperation that will be beneficial to both of us.”


The smart curtains slowly opened, and sunlight shone into the office through the bulletproof glass.

On the wall of the conference room, a Yunjin monitor began to play a piece of news.

"At ten o'clock in the morning on November 19th, Jiuzhou Technology used the JZ-404 Yao-4 carrier rocket to launch the first core module of the Jiuzhou Space Station at the Southwest Xinke Space Launch Site. The rocket took about half an hour to flight……"

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