Facing Gu Qing, although these experts and professors could not show the same momentum as they did to the younger students, they did not hesitate because of their confidence in their own knowledge and the information they had mastered.

"Yes, that's it."

"After years of development in Daxia, we are no longer the environment where we had Xiaomi plus rifles and zero overseas expansion. Now we not only have Xia-owned enterprises going overseas to assist in construction, but also large private enterprises like yours that have a lot of overseas business. Therefore, this financial crisis is an important moment for us in Daxia when opportunities outweigh dangers."

"These information have been verified by us and are basically consistent with the facts."

In the past, when Daxia wanted to do something in the global financial environment, it was absolutely constrained. Even if it had to fight against the devouring capital giants, it would have to spend countless resources to compete.

But now, as these experts and professors said, Daxia's capital is no longer the weak one that it was at the beginning, and it needs to go all out every time it defends.

Not only does Daxia Capital not need to worry about being swallowed up this time, it can also consider gaining some benefits for itself during this crisis.

Gu Qing also noticed that these experts and professors did not make any "declaration of war" slogans against American capital in their words. In the agreements that needed to be signed, many sensitive industry companies were given key explanations.

Facing the expectant looks of these people, Gu Qing had no intention of dampening their interest.

Although he disdained using this method to win, he thought it would be great to poke a few big bloody holes in Uncle Sam's back when he was feeling uncomfortable.

Therefore, he nodded and said: "Thank you for informing me, please leave these documents here for now. I need to go back to the company to communicate and discuss with the managers.

You should also know that Jiuzhou Technology is not just my word. We still need to make a lot of preparations for such an important matter, and there are many units that have agreed to cooperate, and we also need to inform them. "

Facing Gu Qing's statement, these experts and professors also knew the subtext behind it.

[It’s too abrupt to say it now, please wait a minute and we can agree after we deal with the relevant matters]

Winning Jiuzhou Technology means winning the leader of Daxia's own brand for them.

The rest of Xiaoguang Technology, Xiaxin Technology, Xiawei Company... and other companies and institutions closely related to Jiuzhou Technology can also solve the problem.

Of course, things have priorities, and the companies and institutions contacted also have different priorities.

"You are one of the founders of the Daxia national brand that we respect. The reason why we delayed your time is to pass the news to you. At the same time, because of the principle of confidentiality, we spent so much trouble..."

Facing the contact's explanation, Gu Qing waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to be like this. Our Jiuzhou Technology is an independent enterprise in Daxia. Our roots are in Daxia, and the soil we rely on for survival is also loess, so for you and them, we can I am actually very grateful for notifying our Jiuzhou Technology.

This time, I personally am very willing to answer the call, and at the same time, I will also let the company actively respond. "

This was not the first time Gu Qing had done this kind of thing, and he had no intention of stopping there.

After communicating with official experts for more than two hours, he signed an agreement document and then left the building under the escort of Anhetang.

Sitting in the bulletproof car, Gu Qing looked out the window at the blue sky and suddenly sighed: "This day is getting bluer and bluer."

Anhetang sat upright in the front seat and echoed: "Our company has provided technical support to all sewage discharge companies in Xishu, and many illegal discharges have been dealt with. A while ago, I heard that a wild egret returned to a certain place. These are old sewage rivers.”

"Well, the sky is bluer and the water is clearer. The manufacturing industry should not always pollute and damage the environment. If the vicious development of US-funded industries develops like this, they will eventually be punished."

After chatting about environmental protection for a while, Gu Qing changed the topic again and said with concern: "I heard that your security department recently selected fifty elites, all of whom are reserve astronauts who will enter the Kyushu Space Station. Lao An, as the head of the department, , are you worried?"

An Hetang was suddenly confused by Gu Qing's question.

"As you said, our department can serve as the resource selection department for aerospace projects, doesn't it mean that the quality of our department's personnel is excellent?

Astronauts are one among ten thousand, heroes who are chosen among the best. There are many managers and people in the department who have families. It is because of these constraints that they did not sign up. Otherwise, this selection may be more intense. "

"Oh? Let's see how you perform. In fact, the space station project is also an outpost. If you perform well, our future lunar base will also give priority to these heroes who work on the space station.

Well, you can reveal this to them, but don't let them tell others. After all, our company has just established a space station. When it comes to a lunar base, it is still a bit far away. "

"Received, I will selectively disclose this information to some outstanding employees."

An Hetang has always known what's appropriate. He didn't unconsciously take over everything just because Gu Qing often delegated power.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard Gu Qing say again: "By the way, the mecha department is also going to expand its recruitment. Your department can also train more internally and try to increase the number of mecha security teams to two as soon as possible. More than ten teams.

Rest assured, the company will vigorously cultivate these talents. "


An Hetang swallowed, but still obeyed: "Okay, I will tell them to increase special training."

Although there are two huge "employee channels" such as Daxia veterans and social recruitment, Anhetang still feels some pressure.

After all, judging from the information and data he has, the difficulty of selecting members of his company's mecha team is almost the same as the difficulty of selecting astronauts, and there are also some hidden tests.

That's truly one of ten thousand.

And it’s impossible for all the elites in our department to really become soldiers, right? !

"Well, the security configuration of overseas offices and branches also needs to be increased. There is not much else required, but sufficient firepower, weapons configuration and staffing must be added.

In addition, you should discuss internally to see if you can form an intercontinental mobile organization as soon as possible to deal with the sudden increase in security needs in certain project locations.

I have relatively high requirements for the personnel of this mobile organization. They must be able to fly mechas. At the same time, they must be loyal enough to the company and Daxia. They cannot join simply because of high salary and preferential treatment.

So you can release all the talents you usually hide. "

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