Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1430 The unrest at the beginning of the month (4K)

Troubles like Rockstar are actually unattainable aspirations for many Blue Star entertainment companies...

After paying money, stars, trainees and all kinds of sincerity, many local entertainment companies in Korea not only failed to get the 30-70 share agreement that has been "complained" by various companies in the industry, they did not even get a cooperation intention agreement.

In the high-level conference room of Goryeo MS Company, the "vulgar language" towards Jiuzhou Technology and Wang Teng never stopped.

Under Gu Qing's instructions and Wang Teng's proactive efforts, Goli Entertainment was blocked by Jiuzhou Technology. Not only was it unable to enter the spiritual realm ecology, but none of the star artist's linkages or character IP accessories could be developed.

These entertainment companies have also found other ways to find local creators who have signed contracts with Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, thinking of relying on creators to open projects in the spiritual realm ecology, and then borrowing money to enter the spiritual realm ecology.

But the reply they got was - "Your company is your company's business, why do you want to disturb my work?! Impossible! Impossible! You can't bypass the AI ​​review of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, let alone bypass it. Financial settlement of these projects.

Please don't harm my account, thank you. "

Some people even directly replied using Daxia IP: "I have planned to live in Daxia permanently. Please don't harass me, let alone my family. Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch has signed a close cooperation and creation agreement with me. They will work for me." Providing assistance with legal aid and other programs.”

The once arrogant Koryo Entertainment Company is now like a headless fly, flapping its wings and flying around but unable to find an exit.

Moreover, during this period, more and more Daxia companies and institutions that cooperated with them have taken the initiative to terminate their cooperation, and the contracts that have ended will not be renewed.

They also want to train trainees and then work as anchors on the Jiuzhou Entertainment platform and become freelancers such as technical players and video bloggers. However, although these trainees can sign contracts with Jiuzhou Technology, they have not been able to go further, let alone have the ability to use the spirit realm. The permission to create in the ecology.

There are even rumors that in order to better improve the welfare benefits of creative partners, Jiuzhou Technology is planning to reduce the number of creative partners in some regions that have been underperforming.

Korea has truly become an isolated island at this moment.

December 1st.

As the last month of the year 1024 in the Yin calendar, the arrival of this day is like turning on a switch in a certain box.

The concept of "intelligent manufacturing equipment" originated from the "Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries" officially issued by Daxia in 1010, and it has been regarded as a focus of development.

After that, Daxia's manufacturing industry received widespread attention from the society, and then a document clearly defined intelligent manufacturing equipment as "a general term for various types of manufacturing equipment with sensing, decision-making, and execution functions."

As the key development direction of high-end equipment manufacturing and an important participant in the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, Jiuzhou Technology, under the leadership of Gu Qing, has been vigorously cultivating and developing the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, and supporting relevant partners in their transformation and upgrading. Improve production efficiency, technical level and product quality.

In order not to be too conspicuous, Jiuzhou Technology did not participate in the release of high-end equipment such as marine engineering, high-speed rail, and large aircraft led by Daxia. However, it has gone deep into technology industries such as measurement control systems, automated complete production lines, and robots. It not only has equipment and technology , there are industrial software platforms, as well as satellites, space stations, mechas and major research bases under construction.

An announcement stated that "the intelligent manufacturing equipment market size in the year 1023 of the Great Xia Yin Li is approximately 4 trillion yuan, and Jiuzhou Technology monopolizes 1 trillion xia yuan."

Among the four major industrial agglomerations formed in Daxia, namely the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim and the Midwest, Jiuzhou Technology occupies the "majority of contributions" in the two agglomerations.

At a certain conference, an expert said: “The R\u0026D and production enterprises of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry with CNC machine tools as the core are mainly distributed in the Bohai Rim region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the northwest region.

In addition, key basic components and general components, and intelligent special equipment industries are also showing rapid development trends in Henan, Hubei, Guangdong and other regions. Among them, Jiuzhou Technology, Xiawei Company, Xiaoguang Technology and other companies have established factories in areas , places such as Luoyang and Pengcheng are the most prominent.

Our private enterprises are taking the lead, which means that our reforms are correct, but it also leads to deep thinking, why can't other enterprises in Daxia do the same?

Is it because their technical personnel cannot reach the technical capabilities of private technology companies such as Jiuzhou Technology and Xiawei Company?

Or are these managers incompetent? Does the company not have an accurate and advanced concept?

You know, Jiuzhou Technology was once just a small business that relied on subsidies to survive, and Xiawei Company was just a company that started out as a switch and then communications company.

And what about some of our companies?

At the beginning of their establishment, they had a lot of resource support, no shortage of technical resources, no shortage of funds, and no shortage of talents.

Why didn't they develop into Jiuzhou Technology and Xiawei Company?

This deserves us to think deeply about the reasons, find out the reasons, correct them and optimize them. "

Correction and optimization, these two words came out of the mouth of this expert, which immediately made many high-level corporate officials present at the meeting look worried and deep.

Listen to the words, as people who have been dealing with this circle for many years, how could they not understand that this is the senior management sending certain signals through the mouth of this expert?

When the meeting ended, the people who stood up and applauded had the same relaxed and enthusiastic expressions on their faces as before.

But the look in their eyes was deep and deep that they hadn't seen in a long time.

However, no one expected that some things would progress so fast, so fast that they had no time to prepare.

On the afternoon of December 1, several relevant institutions in Daxia jointly issued the "Notice on the High-Quality Development Action Plan for Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing (1025-1035)."

This document proposes that by 1035, the technology of Daxia’s smart equipment manufacturing industry will be significantly improved, break through key shortcomings in the development of the manufacturing industry, create a number of specialized and new “little giant” enterprises, and cultivate a group of internationally competitive companies. A single champion enterprise in the manufacturing industry in each segment.

It is also necessary to increase the output value of the intelligent equipment manufacturing industry to 10 trillion yuan.

With an output value of 10 trillion Xia Yuan, in terms of comprehensive scale, it is at least a 30 trillion or even 60 trillion Xia Yuan industry.

If we estimate based on Jiuzhou Technology's current share in the smart manufacturing field, if it reaches an output value of 10 trillion, then Jiuzhou Technology will be able to account for 2 trillion to 3 trillion, which is less than a dozen trillion.

Daxia's estimates and research on these industries have a common characteristic, that is, the data are kept low, and the expectations are forecasted to a realistic and "conservative" level.

After seeing these documents, some experts couldn't help but sigh in their academic group: "Jiuzhou Technology has become a real Optimus Prime enterprise, and the output value created by their hundreds of thousands of engineers is too huge.

Perhaps Jiuzhou Technology can really complete the construction of the space station soon and simultaneously conduct lunar exploration.

If you want to work in Jiuzhou Technology, maybe the next five years are the best time. Five years later, Jiuzhou Technology may once again enter the industry limits and reduce recruitment. "

Some experts also dug out some important documents from the past, and after careful study, they found that if we look at the current development of Daxia's manufacturing industry, the 1025 Intelligent Manufacturing Plan seems to have been completed.

“By 1025, intelligent detection technology will basically meet the manufacturing process needs in the user field, the supply capacity of core components, special software and complete equipment will be significantly improved, the demonstration and large-scale application of intelligent detection equipment in key areas will be obvious, the industrial ecology will be initially formed, and basically Meet the development needs of intelligent manufacturing.

Now we in Daxia already have high-end CNC machine tools, industrial robots, intelligent instruments, automatic control systems, intelligent instruments and meters, intelligent molds, and also have outstanding and leading products in the fields of intelligent engineering machinery, intelligent textile machinery, intelligent agricultural equipment and other segments. .

Jiuzhou Technology has almost carried out one-on-one cutting-edge breakthroughs in these projects?

It can't really be such a coincidence, right?

Is this just a private technology company? "

This expert’s question is also a question raised by Daxia Industrial Research Institute, Daxia Industrial Market Research Center, Daxia Equipment Manufacturing Industry Association and other institutions.

In the context of globalization, Daxia's manufacturing industry started from scratch, and then from scratch to perfection. It took a whole century to barely catch up.

From the whole to the mid-range, it takes decades of hard work.

It only took more than ten years to move from mid-range to high-end?

The debate within the industry has never been as heated as it is today.

Major media bloggers, big Vs, and video UP owners also participated in this big discussion.

"Although our lives are getting better day by day, when the official documents were issued, I found out, Zhicao, how did we develop from poverty to this?"

"When we wake up, the great powers are actually ourselves?"

"I seem to understand why those foreign big names have frequently come to our Daxia in recent years. They even take photos to show off Jiaolong mobile phones, Titan processors and other technological products of our Daxia Jiuzhou."

"From Chengdu Jiuzhou Technology to Xishu Jiuzhou Technology, and then to Daxia Jiuzhou Technology, Jiuzhou Technology has risen step by step, which is also the epitome of the step-by-step rise of our domestic products."

"If the manufacturing industry continues to develop like this, I am afraid that there will really be no need for so many workers in the future. In the future, the industry will need elite jobs and talents who can repair high-precision equipment. Real screw driving is probably not as good as the industrial robots of Jiuzhou Technology It’s useful and cheap.”

"Our employment costs have become higher, but this is because many low-cost jobs in our industries have been replaced by machines, leaving only mid-to-high-end technical jobs."

"I heard that Jiuzhou Technology has branches in places such as the country and the neon island country. They are doing biological research and energy research. Although the salaries in these industries are high, the damage to the ecological environment is very obvious. From this point of view Look, Mr. Gu is a really fastidious person, and he doesn’t even do it at home.

Compared with Mr. Gu, those garbage companies that are not environmentally friendly are simply beasts. "

"Made in Daxia, Made in Daxia Intelligently! This year I persuaded my children to apply for the Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Orientation Major jointly offered by Jiuzhou Science and Technology and Xishu University. It seems that it did not trick my children.

When you are studying in school, you can start taking the Jiuzhou Engineer Certificate under the guidance of the teacher. After graduation, you can also take the Jiuzhou Engineer Certificate at half price. If you pass the exam at school, you can start counting your seniority on the same day. Maybe this guy is forty-nine. , you can work for thirty years at the age of fifty...

I heard that in addition to the officially stipulated items, Jiuzhou Technology’s retirement salary also includes department subsidies, engineering project subsidies and other miscellaneous things that can be received. According to Jiuzhou Technology’s internal pension calculator, an ordinary worker will receive Being able to get a retirement salary of more than 10,000 yuan makes me want to go to Jiuzhou Technology..."

I don’t know when it started. As long as there is a discussion about manufacturing and domestic products in Daxia, Jiuzhou Technology will become an unavoidable point, and there will always be people who will mention some of the benefits that Jiuzhou Technology provides to employees. come out.

Although it can gain the envy and jealousy of many people, it also leaves a lot of complaints about other companies.

Companies like Xia Wei, which have always had high work intensity and high salaries, don't care too much, but companies like those that are used to giving employees basic salaries are unable to watch the elite technicians continue to pass by, and finally the factory can operate the machines normally. Skilled workers want to leave their jobs.

We can only pinch our noses and start raising wages and benefits.

It is not because the living consumption level is getting higher and higher that they take the initiative to increase employees' salaries, but because industry leaders are siphoning off talents and are forced to significantly increase employee salaries. This strange phenomenon has also been reported by many media.

December 2nd.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!"

"Boss Gu! Look here!"

"Mr. Gu, I am your fan! Please give me a handsome face for the front page!!!"

Looking at the media reporters who were crowding on both sides of the road, quarreling, holding cameras and microphones, shouting at the top of their lungs, Gu Qing smiled and waved to them.

"Good morning everyone, there will be an interview session later, please pay attention to your safety!"

Anhetang was behind Gu Qing, wearing a public face of being harmless to humans and animals, without any sense of existence, and silently protecting Gu Qing's safety.

Members of the security team also maintained order in the crowd of media reporters.

An Lun, the manager of Jiuzhou Technology's public relations department, was also standing next to Gu Qing to stop these media reporters.

"Please be quiet, everyone, and for the sake of a good environment for us, please turn off the flash.

Our time is limited and we cannot cause traffic jams on the streets here, so everyone please abide by the order. The organizer will have a Q\u0026A session and a photo session later. "

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