Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1442 Everyone thought it would return to normal

And now, due to the leadership of Jiuzhou Technology, Xia Wei, Xia Xin and other companies, the valuations of high-quality asset companies in Daxia are getting higher month by month. People in Daxia are making more money and spending more.

The A-share mark that once stood at 3,000 points has now reached six. Even the Yan Stock Exchange, which was looked down upon by many local Daxia investors when it first came out, is now home to a dazzling array of good companies.

After all, Suiren Company, the top student of the Jiuzhou Industrial Alliance, is the backbone of the Yanxian Exchange. Those companies whose performance has soared due to Jiuzhou's technological support should pay more attention to the Yanxian Exchange when choosing listing institutions and platforms. Place.

There are also some stubborn people who want to make money in the US stock market, but the final result is that the listing fails. Jiuzhou Technology divests its capital and technology, and backhand sends the legal department to clean up the garbage among partner companies.

Therefore, the senior managers of technology companies such as Gaotong, Intel, and Invitrogen rushed to Daxia with excited faces waving the money they earned from the stock market, but what they heard was various responses to closures and farewells.

"Sorry, our company is in good financial condition, has a rich customer base, and has a wide range of revenue projects. We do not need your company to inject capital. Of course, if your company is willing to choose to cooperate, our company has extremely high-quality products, which you can check out..."

"I'm very sorry. Our company is in good operating condition and has no plans to sell our business or our shares..."

This is a relatively formulaic response. Some senior executives of some Jiuzhou partner companies simply refused to read the letters sent by Western technology companies such as Gaotong, Intel, and Invitrogen.

Because the semiconductors and electronic equipment-related materials and components produced by these companies can be used in the products of these Western technology companies, it is simply impossible to enter into agreements related to product technology licensing.

However, the senior managers of technology companies such as Gaotong, Intel, and Inviator not only come with money to acquire companies and shares, they also come with missions.

If you don't quickly add high-quality assets to your company, the coming real avalanche of U.S. stocks will sweep away and bury companies like them that are only talking about concepts now.

Their high-quality assets are the clothes they can keep warm during the economic downturn.

However, there is no end to the road. When a number of high-quality companies rejected foreign investment and acquisition projects, they discovered another high-quality market in Daxia - the rising domestic daily necessities department stores in Daxia.

Xiahua, Little Nurse, Huaqi, and Huafeng Sanxian, which were originally born and raised in Daxia, have been acquired by foreign capital in the past, so now these foreign capitals have seen the rapid rise of other Daxia department store brands and are returning to their old tricks. Give.

"Accepting our investment and some project acquisitions, we are willing to open up foreign market channels for your company. Please rest assured that as an investor, our company will never participate in the actual operations of your company. We will only participate when there are major resolutions to vote on. vote.."

"We will bring advanced production concepts and advanced process equipment to provide your company's products with stronger competitiveness."

"With our franchise, your company's milk tea can be sold to major cities and consumer areas around the world."

Faced with the sugar-coated bullets thrown by foreign-funded enterprises and foreign-funded institutions, the new generation of domestic products companies in Daxia, such as Hongxing Erke and Michelle Penang, although they did not directly curse, they replied in a strange way: "I'm sorry, our company is currently The operating condition is good, but the production capacity cannot keep up with the orders. If your company is willing to sell the factory to our company for international warehouse..."

"Our company's production concepts and industrial equipment are not good? That may be true, but users in the Daxia market recognize us, but the companies in which your company has a stake have experienced bleak orders."

"Our company has an exclusive franchise channel. If your company is willing to join our company, you can go through the company's official website customer service. After reviewing the company's qualifications, our company will provide you with a franchisee agreement. Your company only needs to pay the franchise fee. You can get the strong brand power of our company and our unified material distribution.

Our company has franchise partners in every city in Daxia. We welcome your company to become our franchise partner in... and other places. "

Not only do they not accept investment and acquisitions, they also want to harvest foreign-funded enterprises in a vain way. The senior executives of these Daxia companies are simply "daring"!

Coincidentally, when some companies rejected these companies, they also plotted loudly, so that users around the world who watched live broadcasts and read news clearly knew the news.

Western capital companies and financial institutions have encountered unprecedented challenges.

Some experts even joked that these Western technology companies can only buy "high-quality companies" such as Scallop and Melatonin and Beibeijia at high prices in the Daxia market.

At this time, the Jiuzhou Semiconductor Alliance announced an intriguing data.

According to this data, since its establishment, the Jiuzhou Semiconductor Alliance has accumulated an increase of 21 trillion yuan in economic local income for the Daxia semiconductor industry, and its share of the global semiconductor market has increased from 9% to 1%. forty.

Because the Western Semiconductor Alliance collectively rejected the technology of Kyushu Technology, the cumulative economic losses of Western semiconductor companies reached US$2.5 trillion, and they lost most of their market share.

As for this data, U.S. stocks have been volatile since the day it was announced.

Art, chief market strategist of National Securities on Wall Street, left a message to his core users before the wind blew: "Please invest your wealth in Daxia as soon as possible, and the market will undergo earth-shaking changes." Change."

After leaving these words, Art allocated funds and used the funds he could control to enter the Daxia stock market and funds.

The storm is about to hit, and U.S. stock investors and institutions are under tremendous pressure.

It is to continue to be on tenterhooks in this stock market that has been so inflated that even war can no longer promote it. Or really take out the funds, or convert them into deposits, or invest in Daxia's stock market.

December 12th.

While the people of Great China were still paying for the shopping festival, the US technology giant Intel was immediately sold off by the capital market. Its stock price plummeted by more than 14% that day, and its total market value evaporated by US$20.6 billion. The high market capitalization collapsed again.

U.S. social media giant Snap was also abandoned by the capital market. Its stock price plummeted nearly 26% in a single day, and its total market value evaporated by more than $28.1 billion in one day.

The stock price of Facebook, the former social giant, fell nearly 7% after the market closed.

In addition, the total market value of the five major U.S. technology giants including Pingguo, Wesoft, Google, and Amazon has evaporated by more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. U.S. media reported that it: "Seriously dragging down the market trend, waiting for the financial reports to pick up and the market to pick up."

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