While Wang Teng was busy writing, Gu Qing had already completed an online meeting with the top management of the twelfth Jiuzhou Technology Company.

Because today's physical condition has reached the limit that current technology and technology can reach, Gu Qing's energy is extremely high. Even this kind of small meeting that requires high-speed thinking, he can handle it with ease.

"Xuanwu, comprehensively compare the mood swings, office history, and behavior of these senior executives in work and life, and classify those who are most likely to act impulsively, those who are best at restraining their emotions, etc.,

Also, remember to strictly protect their information security. Whether it is personal information or online information, they must be hidden, destroyed, and interfered with. "

[Okay, sir. Relevant information is being processed, supercomputing resources are being called, and backdoor applications are being authorized...]

In today's mobile Internet era, it is actually impossible to hide a person's specific identity information.

Even Xuanwu can only hide the most superficial search information, as well as interfere with and destroy certain special information. Facing the senior management of these branches and headquarters of Jiuzhou Technology, they are basically famous figures in the company personnel list and online social media. Even Xuanwu cannot forget the memory of these people with human thinking.

As an intelligent program AI that Gu Qing has tuned for many years, Xuanwu naturally understands that its creator does not intend to protect these corporate executives from the outside.

[The information security room has been completed. Any information sent externally by people on the list will be monitored.

The filing mechanism has been activated, special information will be blocked directly, and the security department will be notified for processing...]

Following a series of prompts from Xuanwu, Gu Qing skillfully drew his signature on the virtual screen.

[The pupils, signatures, handprints, and voiceprints have been compared successfully and are being processed...]

After Xuanwu finished dealing with this, Gu Qing saw the forum post Wang Teng posted not long ago.

But due to time constraints, he saw more content than Wang Teng saw at the time.

For example, guiding the vegetable ball to vote, this move made Gu Qing's eyelids go numb.

He didn't want to cross the line and get involved in politics.

Of course, in addition to these posts, he also saw special links shared by [Little King Next Door] and many netizens.

Xuanwu also gave notes next to these special links, but the content of the notes was so harmonious that Gu Qing decided to give up delving into the personal ethics of senior management after just one glance.

After he finished dealing with these things, Gu Qing finally opened the drawer of his desk and took out a hard-shell notebook inside.

This hard-shell notebook is very simple. It has neither a password lock nor fancy illustrations or paper patterns. However, when Gu Qing put his finger on the cover of the notebook and pressed it for three seconds, Gu Qing could easily open the notebook. .

If someone else opens this notebook casually, they will only see an ordinary work log, and it is also the early business log of Jiuzhou Technology with some dim pages. Although it is very commemorative, it has no real intelligence value.

Opening the hard-shell notebook, the first page reads [In the name of science, the concept of science]

In the middle, there are ten characters of "Lunar Development Science and Technology Association".

After turning this page, there is a dense collection of association development concepts, association structures, association director plans, and various preset projects.

After the Neon Island Country, there are several locations that have been used as natural environment observation areas.

One characteristic of the natural environment observation area is that there are no human settlements in the area.

Although Gu Qing often wonders if it would be too cruel to release these senior executives.

But he never thought about whether what he was doing was cruel to some developed countries.

In the past few years, Neon's automobile industry's market share in Daxia has shrunk by at least 70%, and its global market share has also shrunk by half. The automobile industry accounts for about 45%-50% of Neon's annual economic share. It is the leading industry of neon.

Now, the faucet has been cut off.

BYAT, Leading, Thalys and other car companies have been chasing neon car companies and German car companies to fight fiercely. Now they have new batteries, car-standard carbon-based chips and other new materials and sensors provided by Jiuzhou Technology. Wait until Once the digestion time has passed, the new cars built next year will definitely reach another level.

By then, Daxia car companies will become the real leading car companies in the world, not only covering all categories, but also having a strong foundation in subdivided fields.

In addition to the automobile industry, the animation industry in the neon island country has an annual output value of more than 200 trillion neon coins. It is the second largest pillar industry in the local area, accounting for about 20% of the annual economic ratio.

In this animation industry and related subdivision projects such as music, light novels, illustrations, etc., almost all neon creators with ideas have signed up with Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch and become contracted creators of Jiuzhou Technology. In order to strive for global traffic every year, With the encouragement and hints from the editor, I have been studying other themes.

Although animation has become better, more of the IP revenue generated belongs to the Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch. Some of the more outstanding animation authors are even thinking of ways to work in Daxia, because by working in Daxia, they can make Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch saves part of the tax...

The animation industry has a profound impact on Neon Island society. Almost all Neon Island users under the age of forty have been affected by neon comics, and the elites of this industry are gradually moving towards the right path.

In addition to these two major industries, the digital media industry that Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch is planning to capture is also the third largest economic pillar industry in Neon Island, accounting for nearly 20% of the annual economy. The output value of the digital media industry has even exceeded that of steel. Manufacturing and other traditional industries.

Once the Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch occupies the digital media industry of the Neon Island Country, Daxia Enterprises will be equivalent to occupying a small half of the Neon Island Country's economy.

In addition to these three industries, the electrical appliance manufacturing industry in Neon Island Country also accounts for 10% of the economy. However, because of the high-quality and low-cost electrical appliances from Jiuzhou Technology Smart Home and other companies in Daxia, Neon Island Country’s electrical appliance manufacturing industry is also the king. Xiaoer celebrates the New Year.

Amid the overall decline of these industries, the characteristic industries of the neon island country are becoming more and more developed, the quality of the films is getting higher and higher, and the quality of the employees is getting better and better.

Li Chulu, the head of Jiuzhou Technology Neon District, after closing the online conference room, not only did his eyes not have the scorching flames, but even when the camera was filming, his eyes had a special gloomy feeling.

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