Since the Kyushu Space Station lifted off from the Kyushu Southwest Launch Center and successfully entered space orbit, aerospace enthusiasts and major national institutions around the world have been paying attention to its every move.

Although all they hope is that an accident will occur on the space station and Kyushu Technology will be completely defeated.

But when Zhang Xiaozhi, Zhou Jianwen, and Li Ying stationed at the space station, and then two three-person aerospace teams stationed at the space station, the international community seemed to have completely accepted the fact that Jiuzhou Technology owned the space station.

But when the formation of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association was accidentally exposed by an industry professor during an interview with a reporter, many media chose to forward it.

When asked by a reporter about the current development of the materials industry, this professor in the materials industry replied confidently: "The progress of the materials industry requires fantastic ideas and enough chemicals and equipment, but it also requires more The addition of new materials.

Of course, our Daxia materials industry is about to usher in a new era. The lunar development project is about to kick off the new century. At this point, other national institutions in the international community are still far away from our progress.

After all, our private companies can participate in the development of new lunar materials, but institutions in those countries are still worried about launching low-level communication satellites that are not even 5G into orbit and building networks without accidents every day. "

Just this sentence [The lunar development project is about to kick off the new century] combined with the following [Private enterprises can participate in the development of new lunar materials] directly led reporters to interpret that Jiuzhou Technology will enter the lunar development project.

After all, there is only one private company in the world that has the possibility to participate in the development of new lunar materials.

What SpaceX Exploration Company wants to do is fly to Mars. The development of new materials is not very famous. Even many of SpaceX's most famous technologies come from engineers who once worked at NASA.

It's just that at first these reporters just wanted to chase hot topics, intercept the professor's reports, and add some eye-catching headlines.

After all, the legal department of Jiuzhou Technology is so powerful that no one in the media industry is not afraid of it.

However, the popularity and traffic of Jiuzhou Technology are greater than other companies, so they cannot give up and can only choose this method carefully.

For example, "Jiuzhou Technology is About to Land on the Moon"

The title is outrageous, but the content of the article says that Kyushu Technology is about to land on the moon in this century.

There is also "Jiuzhou Technology Will Develop the Moon". The content of this article is only that Jiuzhou Technology is preparing to develop the moon. As for the specific time to develop the moon, it only quotes the narratives of other experts and does not dare to express the author's own opinions. .

However, some attentive media reporters discovered that there was such a small piece of news in the official website announcement of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch.

【One yuan begins again, everything is renewed

In addition to participating in the construction of the space station, professional players of the spiritual eco-client game "Cosmic Adventure" to be released on January 1st will also be able to participate in the design and manufacturing of the lunar landing vehicle]

Just such a small news announcement made these media reporters like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers, swarming into the official website bulletin board of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch.

Screenshots of screenshots, there are many people who want to dig up more game information by contacting the customer service of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, and then infer reality from the game.

There is no way. All media reporters know a terrible fact better than industry experts, that is, the efficiency of Jiuzhou Technology’s research and development of technological products is unique among all Blue Star technology companies. No company or institution’s R\u0026D speed can match that of Jiuzhou Technology. .

For example, Lawson Technology, which has been highly hyped a while ago, has only been hyped for a while. After large companies and institutions invested in it, didn't it stop and there is no new technology?

Even when these media reporters were writing articles, they themselves were thinking with some excitement and fear. Will Jiuzhou Technology really complete the moon landing in a few years, or even build a lunar base?

If humans can really live on the moon, instead of leaving footprints, taking photos, and digging something, will the next new era be more terrifying?

Will your job become a completely junk job due to the advent of the new era? Can I even keep this job in the new era? To protect your property from depreciation?

Amid this turbulent debate and media intrusion, time will not stop because of the economic decline of certain countries or the stability of certain jobs.

However, during this period, major financial media bloggers and technology bloggers were reluctant to collect traffic and royalties.

After years of pulling and pulling, the Federal Reserve has long built a debt platform for Uncle Sam that can never be properly resolved. Facing the collapse of the pillar companies with a market value of trillions in the stock market, the Federal Reserve has more than enough to do.

At this time, the "advantages" of capitalist society appear.

There are capital institutions that run slowly and watch their assets and stocks depreciate. They can only find ways to increase the market value of the stocks so that they can safely ship goods and keep their money in their pockets safely.

However, some capital institutions have made a lot of money by shorting the stock market and are not willing to put the brakes on the stock market. As soon as they see someone raising the stock price, they immediately start a new round of short selling.

There was a back and forth between short selling and long selling. Institutions and large assets made huge profits, but retail investors, banks and financial institutions with insufficient capabilities suffered huge losses.

The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

On the core streets of Wall Street and several other major financial cities, trapeze performances were performed every day in the first few days.

But then there were regulations that stipulated that the iron doors on the top floor were not allowed to be opened on the streets in these accident-prone places, and windows above the fourth floor must be installed with steel mesh or sealed.

One day after the regulations were announced, people were surprised to find that all the trapeze artists had turned into strong swimmers.

The young people of Goryeo are one version ahead in this regard.

Under this chaos, the dark and sinful industry has also gained more profits and more new forces than before.

This has also made the lower-class neighborhoods of cities such as Philadelphia and San Francisco an even more chaotic world.

Because of the chaos in the lower-level communities, more people are seeking high-rise communities because of their good public security, and housing prices in these places have skyrocketed again.

It was exactly one o'clock in the morning on January 1, 1025 in the Yin calendar.

The official account of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch posted such a news, which immediately became one of the top three most popular posts in Daxia’s Jiuzhou Community and Boundary Monument Forum. Within an hour, it became extremely popular in major foreign media and forums.

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