"You are required to perform an authorization operation here. Please click on the temporary detection link I sent you, scan your fingerprints and face, and read out the authorization statement.

Please make sure there are no interfering devices or lawless recordings or videos around you..."

After verifying the information in a very disciplined manner, the young man saw a long string of text sent by customer service.

"In the recent period, this character has peeped at the neighbor's clothes drying pole nine times, went out to a bad entertainment place at night once, rode a tram without a helmet 21 times, spit on the roadside three times, shook the yolks of eggs to damage ten, and broke fifteen Rooting for roadside flowers and plants, fishing for air force 12 times..."


After a brief brain shutdown, the young man tapped the on-screen keyboard of Jiaolong's phone and replied: "It's okay. If you're brain-dead, you're brain-dead. I'll wait for the next character's identity to be refreshed."

"Please rate this service..."

Ignoring the rating at all, the young man directly closed the customer service consultation interface.

Throwing the phone aside, he curled up and struggled on the sofa like a silkworm chrysalis.

"Haosaoshao, are there so many records in this game?! Isn't there a statement that if there is no camera in the game environment, the data will not be recorded by the game official? This is too stupid!

No, this game official refers to the official world view of the game, not the official company of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, right?

Hold the grass, am I the last to know about this situation? ! "

In the endless embarrassment and pain, the young man finally chose to pick up Jiaolong's mobile phone and skillfully entered the "Cosmic Adventure" section of the Jiuzhou community - the spiritual realm section.

Before he could type his rant, a lot of "clickbait" filled the entire section page.

"Who in the family can understand?" If you do anything illegal and criminal in this game, you will be forced to be imprisoned directly in the game! 》

"My daily work life with the supermarket vegetable seller"

"Since I became a community manager, the people in the community——"

"The day a fallen angel lives in the mortal world, today is also the day he makes TNT in the game"

"After thirty days, I became a company manager from a young employee!" It depends on——》

"Oh, Cao, this group of writing guys are here all day long showing off their side stories, and each one of them makes me furious, Mad. If it weren't for what you wrote, I wouldn't have looked at the neighbor's clothes drying pole.

It’s really a social disaster, and it was revealed by customer service. It’s really outrageous. I hope this customer service will not play these games after get off work. I hope the customer service does not know me personally. Mad, the next character entering the game should be a gentleman. . "

After reading these novel posts with interest, the young man finally saw some comments about similar experiences.

"Made, last night I went to camp on a famous street with a group of guys. As a result, I was beaten by a group of drivers. Now the game character went directly to the hospital ICU. The official sent me a text message, telling me to wait for the next character. It’s random.”

"It's really unlucky. I was drinking and singing in a bar last night. Don't tell me, this time the spirit realm ecology has definitely provided new technology for "Cosmic Adventure", and the feel is absolutely superb.

Oh no, I'm here as a gentleman.

Let me tell you, last night when I was drinking wine and enjoying dancing in a bar, I suddenly smelled a sour and stench, and I was immediately nauseated and fainted!

The odor particle simulator of the Spirit Realm Lander is so scary that it made me sick and vomited.

But this disgusting moment, when I came back to my senses, the character was already brain dead!

I also asked my friend who happened to be working in a service city to visit my patient character, who was actually lying in the hospital, with his parents and other relatives beside him.

Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch What does this mean? They were immediately forced offline. Can he understand the social relationships of our characters and the suffering of those NPCs? "

"Brother, you and I have exactly the same experience. You suddenly died of brain death. Why don't you say I have cerebral palsy? After all, I work in reality. In the game, I have to work half-day night shift every day, and then I sleep directly in the game reality.

I don’t know how the Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch did it. Inexplicably, the character died suddenly for me. I asked the customer service, and the customer service gave me a series of behavioral data during this period. In the end, he said he died from a shadow attack.

When I asked about other things, I didn’t know anything about them. I really don’t know whether this artificial customer service is a human being, or whether it is an artificial intelligence program customer service like other companies using to deal with us. "

...After seeing a lot of posts related to brain death, young people also noticed that something was wrong.

Some of the deaths of characters in the game were indeed due to car accidents and other accidents, but there were also a small number of deaths that were explained by customer service as "shadow attacks" last night.

When having this doubt, the young man still bit the bullet and found the artificial customer service.

After a series of familiar operations, he turned over the "achievement narrative" that recorded his game character, and patiently asked the customer service: "Did my character also die from a shadow attack?"

Faced with this question, the customer service did not pause at all and directly replied: "Yes, your character suffered a shadow attack and was eventually brain-dead.

Within seven working days, the system will optimize the character's relationship and implant an NPC program to 'resurrection' the character.

Please note that in Area 11 of "Cosmic Adventure", your character has not yet been diagnosed as 'brain dead'. Your next character will be randomly assigned to another server.

If the number of servers left to choose from is zero, you need to wait for the game version to be updated to add servers. "

Faced with this question, the young man paused for a moment before choosing to accept it.

After all, there are still dozens of zones, which means he still has dozens of character lives to play in, so there is no need to rush.

Then he continued to ask: "I only saw a group of drivers surrounding me. Why did I die from the shadow attack? What is the shadow attack? I have to open a new character. You should give me some suggestions to avoid this attack. Bar?"

Faced with this problem, customer service still did not pause at all, but explained bluntly: "Shadow attack is an uncontrollable and unexplainable mechanism in the current game, and is controlled by an AI program.

When the game character is in a dangerous environment, there is a probability of triggering this mechanism.

If you don’t want to be attacked by shadows again, you can reach areas above 5,000 meters above sea level by hiking or using transportation.

Please pay attention to safety on your journey. The shadow attack is controlled by another AI program in the system. The main game program cannot predict the coming danger..."

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