[To install the Shanhai platform, use the Shanhai Jiuzhou command to install it! @#! ¥.

Import data: You need to have data to train the model. You can use the built-in data set of the Shanhai platform, or you can use your own data set.

Preprocess data: You need to preprocess the data, and Shanhai Platform will convert it into a usable Jiuzhou format.

Define the model: You need to define the structure of the model. There are 91 different model structures built into the Shanhai platform.

Please choose to use Shanhai Optimizer or Jiuzhou Optimizer]

Zhang Benyu saw an unheard of software interface through the channels provided by Gu Qing.

"Shanhai Optimizer? Jiuzhou Optimizer has become so powerful that we can only hold it back. Shanhai Optimizer... So has Mr. Gu always been busy with these projects?

In addition to aerospace projects, the research and development and manufacturing of intelligent program AI, OpenAI, are highly hyped abroad, but Mr. Gu has never allowed our AI to enter civilian use.

Is it because we have passed the stage of requiring big data?

No, no, it should be seeing the wrong results brought about by wrong tendencies.

This is not a software interface, it is just like Creation. "

While sighing, Zhang Benyu started to carefully develop and design his own intelligent AI program like a student.

Although this was not the first time he developed and designed an AI program, after Gu Qing's explanation, he realized that the "things" he had developed and designed were not real AI programs at all, and could only be regarded as children's programs at most. Playing in mud is childish but of no use.

If you want to develop and design a real AI program, you need to have a solid understanding of mathematical knowledge such as linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics before you can try to build a model. During his operation, he found that among the ready-made models owned by Shanhai Platform, The most common ones have surpassed his existing mathematical knowledge base.

Fortunately, he is not only familiar with Jiuzhou and Python languages, but is also able to explore the next step - machine learning through advanced data structures, algorithms and object-oriented programming.

But as the steps progressed, he saw more and more extensive knowledge.

Machine hyperparameter tuning, regularization, overfitting and underfitting, feedforward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, preprocessing, cleaning and normalizing data.

"The components of biological neurons include cell bodies, dendrites, axons, and synapses. Dendrites can be regarded as input terminals, receiving electrical signals transmitted from other cells. Axons can be regarded as output terminals, transmitting charges to other cells. . Synapses can be regarded as I/O interfaces, connecting neurons. A single neuron can be connected to thousands of neurons.

There is a membrane potential in the cell body. The current transmitted from the outside causes the membrane potential to change and accumulate continuously. When the membrane potential rises to exceed a threshold, the neuron is activated, generating a pulse and passing it to the next neuron.

This is a normal biological neuron structure. The results of many years of biotechnology research and development are applied to intelligent AI digital life. This is the mystery of nature.

Modeling of biological neurons, as a neuron in an artificial neural network, is M-P modeling. But why does the modeling of the Shanhai Platform have such a complicated expression structure?

The weight of each input not only includes positive and negative simulations of prominent excitation and inhibition in biological neurons, but also the degree of redundant data representation and the X value. Why should instability be put into this group that must be accurate?

Millions of hidden layers are just a small level, and there are hundreds of millions of unit levels behind it. Isn’t this a deep neural network?


Artificial neural networks can imitate or even partially replace functions related to human thinking. The human brain is complex enough. The birth of intelligent life can be simple, but its expression must be complex. The internal relationship is for the rules of the universe. It's all coincidences that are 'self-defeating', but it can also be regarded as truly 'seamless'.

Therefore, each character in "Cosmic Adventure" is not a truly independent intelligent AI program. They seem to be of various types, but they are only the derivation and development of several basic models. "

Zhang Benyu has already entered the sea of ​​intelligent AI programs.

But he didn't know that the model that had been trained and iterated countless times was not knowledge that he could understand in a short period of time.

The reason why Gu Qing was able to master and use it so quickly was not only due to the mysterious system in his mind, but also an important reason. Gu Qing's soul was strong enough and had extremely strong resilience to support the infusion of this huge amount of knowledge.


March twenty-seventh.

Liu Jie walked out of the nightclub.

Although the coldest time in Great Xia Kingdom has passed, the cold wind coming from the entertainment street still blew through her not-so-thick cotton coat.

Ah cut! ~

A cute sneeze, followed by a brief convulsive shiver, made Liu Jie feel like she had returned from the muddy world to the warm world.

The cotton coat gave her a weak warmth.

"Beauty, you are wearing such thin clothes. It is very cold outside. How about we go in and have a drink to warm ourselves up?"

Faced with an invitation from a young man with yellow hair, a young woman who would have felt embarrassed and panicked to refuse a few months ago is now able to calmly wave her hand and refuse: "No, my friend is here to pick me up."

When he heard that the pretty girl in front of him had already made an appointment, Huang Mao didn't know whether it was because he was drunk or because he was so bold. He actually hit the snake and followed him with a stick, saying: "It's okay if you have friends, the three of us will do it." Let’s have a drink together and chat. I’ll book a room at the Kelis Hotel next door so that I can have a safe place to rest when I’m sleepy and tired.

It's late at night. I heard that the world is not safe now. "

"Life is so beautiful, why do you indulge your inner demons so much? This little brother, you think so."

Liu Jie muttered to herself. Although her voice was a bit hoarse, her skillful hands skillfully pulled open a corner of her cotton-padded coat, revealing the cold-gleaming knife inside.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I just thought we could get to know each other. I'll leave now. I'll leave now."

Although the prey he saw was a person, Huang Mao knew that he was also alone tonight. He did not dare to cause trouble on this street at all, let alone mess with such a person who seemed to be difficult to mess with.

"Made, I met a crazy woman, Cao!"

Liu Jie ignored the whispers of curses blown by the cold wind, and subconsciously touched her purse.

It contains all of her salary, subsidies and commissions from selling drinks this month.

Although I don’t know why these people are so interested in their “stage name” and even give a lot of tips, this does not affect Liu Jie’s ability to avoid those dirty tricks, ignore those disgusting looks, and earn tens of thousands of dollars. huge sum of money.

Thinking that it was getting late, the only way to go home now was to take a long-distance online ride-hailing service.

Although she had just received a huge sum of money, Liu Jie still resisted the idea of ​​going home. Instead, she took out her mobile phone, opened the taxi app, called a taxi, and prepared to go to a regular chain hotel in the city for a night.

"I'll go shopping tomorrow and pay off my online loan. I can also buy some new clothes with the money."

Wrapped in the cotton-padded clothes she bought when she was in college, Liu Jie waited in the cold wind until the driver took the order. The driver also called quickly.

"Hello, is your location correct?"

"Well, please don't cancel the order. I was tricked by a friend into coming here for fun. I didn't drink. I just want to go back to the city. Don't worry."

Afraid that the uncle would cancel the order, Liu Jie lied skillfully.

Perhaps because he heard that Liu Jie's voice was not that of a mature woman, the driver on the other side of the phone responded: "No problem, you go out of the street now and wait for me at the main entrance of this street. There is not much traffic there. But there are a lot of drunk drivers, so I have to take a detour and come from the main road, which is three kilometers away."

Three kilometers?

Liu Jie frowned slightly, but quickly nodded and agreed to the driver's plan.

She knows that taking a taxi late at night, especially for women, is much more troublesome than before. Many colleagues who work in nightclubs say that when taking a taxi at night, you must talk as little as possible. It is best to use software to chat with the driver via text, otherwise it will be easy for a person to refuse to take a taxi alone. .

"Beauty, do you want to take a taxi alone? How about taking our car? The latest bm convertible."

"It's such a cold day, beauty, why don't we go find a shop and have a drink?"

"Which store are you working as a waiter to come all this way to solicit customers? Why are you standing there? Do you have any flyers? I want to see if your store has any discounts."

Indifferent to these flirting words, Liu Jie pulled up the collar of her cotton-padded coat several times and even put on her hat. At the same time, her left hand subconsciously held the straight button function machine in her pocket.

This is also a tip that a big sister in the store told her. With a function phone with straight buttons, you can directly press the speed dial number in your pocket. From the fire alarm to other official agencies, you can dial the number as quickly as possible, and you can also blindly dial the number. Type and send the message to ensure your personal safety.

Of course, there is another important feature, that is, the speaker of this candy bar button function machine is very loud, so loud that it can blast the streets at night when the volume is turned up to full volume.

In addition, it is hard enough to smash walnuts, so it is definitely a magic weapon to ensure life safety in dark streets.

A few minutes later, a gray car appeared in Liu Jie's field of vision.

After comparing the license plate numbers, Liu Jie waved to stop the car.

"Just go to the hotel you are looking for. My roommate is waiting for me there. Thank you uncle for taking the order. I misjudged my old classmate today. How did I know this place is so messy.

Fortunately, someone in my family works in the police department, otherwise I would have almost fallen into their trap.

Wait a minute, I'll give you some gas money and some extra money for the detour. "

Liu Jie was like a simple college student, giving out all her "intelligence" to others.

But this information is enough to make people in their right minds dare not do anything inappropriate. Having friends to support them and family members working in special units is definitely a "trouble".

The driver responded cheerfully: "Girl, you don't have to spend money. My new energy costs only a few cents per kilometer. After placing your order, I happened to go home and sleep on the way."

I ran so many orders today that my lumbar spine can hardly bear it. I just hope I don’t wake up my family when I go back. "

Liu Jie also understood the driver's implication - you have a family and you won't mess around, so you relaxed some of your vigilance.

Of course, she just relaxed a little. She was still very keen to look at the online positioning navigation and the signs on both sides of the road to prevent herself from being let go or even being taken in other directions.

When she saw a dragon-shaped symbol, she suddenly felt that the symbol seemed familiar, and she had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Half an hour after Liu Jie left in the car, Zhang Hui also drove his SUV out of the Entertainment Street.

Slowly stepping on the deceleration pedal at the door, Zhang Hui glanced at his store with sighs.

After struggling for so many years, I went from being a waiter at a KTV, serving dishes, delivering drinks and singing along, to opening a shop on this street.

He was more reluctant to leave this nightclub than everyone in the store, including the cleaning lady.

But after tomorrow, he will no longer own the nightclub.

With the eyes of a literary young man, Boss Zhang said: "You hothead, one million was reduced to 900,000 by labor. Over the years, it's like working for the landlord, Cao."

With a curse, Zhang Hui released the brake pedal and stepped on the accelerator.

March 28th, 00:01 hour.

Dark fog, thicker than last time, descended on the city's entertainment streets.

No one noticed this phenomenon. It was like "their" perception that the black mist was transparent and invisible. Even the players of "Cosmic Adventure" could only use the highest resolution top spiritual realm to log in. Only when you use the device to concentrate your attention can you vaguely see a thin layer of fog covering the streets.

Subsequently, a total of seven thousand people, including the player characters, lost control of their characters and the ability to think without any pain.

The shadow attack was like a special virus that was contagious but could choose its host. These 7,000 people all lost consciousness in entertainment venues.

As the city management of "Cosmic Adventure" is extremely close to reality, it is natural to put a cordon on these street areas and begin to dispatch expert teams to investigate the air, water sources, and possible sources of deadly germs and infections.

Because players have been playing "Cosmic Adventure" for almost three months and have a lot of game deposits, many players actually lost their account characters permanently in this shadow attack...

The account owner of the Lingjing Ecological Account [Mr. Gu Bangbangda] looked at his account that had been marked dead with a dull look on his face, and his mouth opened silently.

The vibrating sound of Jiaolong's cell phone continued, which brought him back to reality.

"I-I-I really shouldn't believe these bullshit! My character!!! I just changed my server and finally found a girl who looks like my neighbor!

Another seventy-two hours to wait! ! !

Jiuzhou Entertainment, what are you doing! You hit me every time, right? ! "

PS: The game plot is coming to an end, good night.

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