"Oh, so NASA can't come up with anything recently? Could it be that this organization is really just a coincidence? It was a successful example without any experience, and then failed to replicate it successfully due to the decline in industrial strength.

The US$1 billion plan to return the International Space Station to Blue Star and crash into the ocean even requires companies to pay. Or is NASA really betting on SpaceX and Rosen Technology?

I'm afraid only SpaeX can make a spacecraft like a space tug. Lawson Technology copied my gadgets all day long and couldn't understand. "

Xuanwu heard Gu Qing's whisper. Although there was no anthropomorphic expression, the program continued to be silent for two seconds without any fluctuations.

Its operation log clearly records that during that period, Mr. Wu racked his brains and came up with a set of extremely complex password lock programs. If someone didn't know the real decryption key, they would just make crazy circles in this set of programs. Turn around and even get a lot of specious data.

Moreover, these data are not really wrong junk data. As long as knowledgeable practitioners in relevant industries see these data, they can get a lot of inspiration and even regard these data as treasures.

"The decommissioning plan for the International Space Station will start next year, so this year our "Cosmic Adventure" benefit really went to Uncle Sam."

Gu Qing pulled up the distribution map of spacecraft types currently recorded in "Cosmic Adventure" with a smile on his lips.

"They say you can't ensnare a wolf without leaving your children, but Jiang Taigong takes the bait when he fishes for volunteers. Since you so want to compete with us in the aerospace field, let me give you a little more sweetness.

Xuanwu, contact the heads of the aerospace department, Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch's "Cosmic Adventure" project team, production team, and Titan department to attend an online video conference.

Tell them that the theme of this meeting is the mission reward setting for the first phase of the "Cosmic Adventure" mission. I want to increase the number and let them sort out the resources and technology to see if we can catch some fish.

The meeting is this afternoon. If they are not available, let the assistant, project director, and deputy director attend the meeting. "

"Okay, sir. I have conveyed it to you..."

Xuanwu loyally carried out Gu Qing's orders.

When faced with Gu Qing's order, the management of Jiuzhou Technology had no hesitation or refusal at all.

Wang Teng was still performing the important step of grain reincarnation in the toilet. After seeing this text message from the office center, he immediately became energetic and completed the processing work that usually took ten minutes in ten seconds.

After washing his hands, he directly opened the Haezhi and ordered: "Help me free up three to five hours this afternoon, and also condense the information related to the first phase of "Cosmic Adventure" into a report to I.

Inform the assistant to give the project team some free time today at noon. Don't let them be busy at work and busy in meetings. It's impossible to keep their minds clear. If they can't keep up with Mr. Gu's thinking, they will only be more tired. "

Haezhi will not "ask" how to deal with the afternoon meeting with collaborators like a real assistant. It will only collect these things that will be delayed, let Wang Teng check and pay attention, and give him about three copies. Handle comments.

Although it is not mandatory for supervisors to choose only from these opinions, the managers of Jiuzhou Technology are often unable to find better suggestions and solutions, so Haezhi has become the strongest "assistant" of Jiuzhou Technology

In a sense, the assistant position of management personnel has become a position cultivated by management. It has no real power, but it is a position that every employee must take up if they want to be promoted to management.

When you are busy, time always feels like it flies by very quickly.

Zhang Tianhao, Wang Teng and others felt that not long after they received the notice, they saw Gu Qing again. Although they met through video conference, everyone could not help but straighten their backs.

And Gu Qing did not disappoint everyone.

After the opening of the meeting, he got straight to the point: “Everyone is usually very busy, so I won’t say too much.

The virtual laboratory of "Cosmic Adventure" has attracted the attention of major aerospace agencies and enterprises, and they have put some design drawings into the virtual laboratory in an attempt to rely on our technology to improve their design plans.

NASA also has this idea, and has already planned to put the design drawings of the space station that may be officially developed and manufactured in the future into our "Cosmic Adventure" virtual laboratory.

Although our company only plans to operate one space station, I think if these design drawings that bring together the world's top talents cannot be put to good use, it will definitely be a huge waste of resources.

So I want to increase the rewards for this "Cosmic Adventure" space station mission to tempt these institutions and companies to come up with more and more advanced design drawings.

At the very least, we should upload plans that are comparable to those we used when designing the space station in the early stages, so that they can be of reference value.

Everyone is the relevant person in charge and technical staff of this project. If you have any ideas, you can share them and brainstorm ideas. "

After getting straight to the point, although Zhang Tianhao and others did not frown, their expressions were not relaxed.

Being noticed by NASA was actually a common occurrence for them, but they were obedient and listened to the words of Mr. Gu. They clearly heard that Mr. Gu wanted to dig a hole for all the space agencies of Blue Star to jump into, and at the same time, he also Want to make a fortune from this.

When they thought of this, everyone looked at Wang Teng unconsciously.

As a recognized "criminal" within the senior management of Jiuzhou Technology, Wang Teng looked at everyone's glances at him and couldn't help but curl his lips and said: "Since NASA and other aerospace agencies want to play so much, then there is nothing more that can arouse the mentality of gamblers. It's almost exciting.

The first-place design drawing will receive an investment of 3 billion Xia Yuan, and will also have three-year rights to use the "Cosmic Adventure" virtual laboratory.

At the same time, it was announced that the technology used in the "Cosmic Adventure" virtual laboratory is the technology developed internally by Kyushu Technology. Being able to have three years of use rights of the laboratory is equivalent to having three years of assistance from the Kyushu Technology R\u0026D Department.

The space mission in "Cosmic Adventure" will not be refreshed repeatedly, only this time.

With financial incentives, as well as the temptation of fame and technology, these engineers and institutions will never turn a blind eye.

At the same time, we can let our project team enter the competition list and let our family get first place.

After all, the specific details of the design drawings will not be released, and outsiders do not know the specific situation.

After all, the final right of interpretation belongs to the company. "

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