But he glanced at the judge who was speaking.

Well, Chief Engineer of Daxia Space Station...

Although he was not angry in his heart, he still had to swallow it forcefully.

There are also outsiders who are watching the fun and think that

The second entry plan also did not receive much praise.

“First of all, the design specifications of Space Station 2 have the same problem as Space Station 1, that is, the specifications are not unified.

Although modified by the laboratory auxiliary system, each module has its own special configuration and requirements, and the design team did not handle these configurations and requirements in a harmonious manner.

At the same time, it can be seen from the design drawings that the circuit design requirements between the A34 area and the B23 area are different, which will lead to problems such as voltage conversion between the modules.

I think that the reason why your team designed it this way is that it may also refer to the design of the International Space Station, and also think about taking into account the different voltage and current requirements of scientific experimental equipment and instruments of various countries, regions and institutions.

But you did not handle the design of the cable bundle and voltage control converter well. This will result in being forced to continuously add cables and connectors in the subsequent use of the space station, making the space station more cluttered and posing the risk of contaminating the space station. .

However, the No. 2 design team has extensively considered the different needs of various countries, regions, and institutions, which is worthy of encouragement.

I can give you an optimization suggestion. There is a saying in the traditional culture of our Daxia country that "the sea is open to all rivers and is large". Since your design wants to accommodate other different devices like the sea, you must be tolerant at the same time. It has a standard range and adopts more intelligent control center systems and equipment.

I know that doing this will lead to an increase in the performance requirements of the space station's semiconductor chips, but currently we at Blue Star already have carbon-based chips that are designed for harsh environments and have strong performance and excellent stability. Carbon-based chip semiconductor server technology can completely solve this concern.

To sum up, my score for design plan No. 2 is 69.9 points. "

Several other judges watched the chief engineer give their scores and nodded happily.

Netizens' comments about eating melons have already begun to complain at this time.

"What does it mean to be 'big enough to accommodate all rivers'? I just turned my head away! The chief engineer not only found the shortcomings, but also gave solutions. The group of people who just talked about the review problems quickly stood up and kowtowed!"

"Fake, they are promoting Daxia's technology products inside and out, and they don't give us solutions at all. Why don't they think about whether these design teams can find these products? Maybe their design teams have never been exposed to or studied carbon at all. Semiconductor server made of base chips!”

"Jiuzhou Technology and Xiaxin Technology laughed out loud. Does this mean that they have essentially blocked the aerospace project? Who would have thought that if they engaged in aerospace projects in the future, they would have to ask Xiaxin Technology to sell carbon-based chips? Oh no, Xiaxin Technology just announced the sales scope of carbon-based chips some time ago, which happened to bypass certain companies."

“I heard that Xia Xin Technology’s carbon-based chips and silicon-based chips have implemented all-weather positioning. Once they do not arrive at the correct factory or are not installed on the correct equipment after leaving the factory, an alarm will be triggered and the coordinates will be fed back.

Is this simply a matter of 'inserting eyes into the whole picture'? "

"Although I have just graduated from college, this does not prevent me from kneeling down and listening to the lectures of the boss."

"I heard that the No. 2 design plan was the work of a university in North America. When we were competing on the server, we took out piles and piles of detailed data and turned the other design teams' plans into the work of elementary school students. .

It turns out that this is just a bluff? "

"Didn't you find that these data are somewhat similar to some project data provided by NASA? According to the regulations issued in previous years, these data can also be produced? Sure enough, there are flexible standards."

Amid the crazy complaints from netizens, other judges also gave consistent scores.

Although the score of 69.9 is not too high, it is already better than the 59-point failing plan No. 1, which was rated as "old-fashioned in design. Although the data and system are clear and clear, there is no development prospect." too much.

Zhang Ying, a second-generation rich man with a master's degree in spacecraft design, curled his lips in the Lingjing lander.

He said to his teammates next to him: "This design is to coax laymen. The data is so accurate. They must have copied the information provided by NASA. However, NASA is really willing to give up. If these data are all accurate, Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch will completely The data can be submitted to a team of senior experts in the relevant industry, who can immediately calculate the accurate retirement time of the International Space Station."

Faced with the complaints from his teammates, Qian Duoshao, who has a doctorate in engineering and a master's degree in several science and engineering majors, put on some virtual glasses between his noses and said: "These data may not all be accurate. Pay attention to area A and area B." Among them, although the data seems to be very accurate, as the reviewer said, a lot of the work is done with the help of the laboratory's auxiliary system. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely credible, there is certainly something wrong with it. Few differences.

However, from our current perspective, the space station design optimized by the "Cosmic Adventure" laboratory auxiliary system really performs better than the International Space Station.

Moreover, this second design plan also uses some special materials from the laboratory auxiliary system of "Cosmic Adventure". If the International Space Station is built according to this design plan, then the current International Space Station may still be able to work stably. Duan, if it is to be scrapped, it will take at least about eight years. "

"Eight years?"

Zhang Ying raised her eyebrows when she heard Qian Duoshao's explanation.

It's not that he thinks eight years is too short, but he really feels that eight years is too long.

The space station is an aircraft in the outer space orbit of a small broken ball called Blue Star. It has no protection from the atmosphere, and there is no working environment that can be repaired and maintained at any time. It is exposed to the threats of cosmic rays and various meteorites, as well as the astronauts inside the space station. The daily and work waste of the crew and the self-wear and tear of the space station.

Eight years is almost an alternative half-life extension.

"I know that the materials project of Jiuzhou Technology's Titanium Star Department is very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. But you know so much, are you really working in Jiuzhou Technology's cooperation project?"

"I've told you, I have a clean net worth, and I'm definitely not an employee of Jiuzhou Technology. At most, I can only count myself as someone who used to earn a living from Jiuzhou Technology, and received a little bit of project subsidies and benefits. Those were all from our former project bosses. Being brave and careful, I got on the line with Jiuzhou Technology, which gave our senior brothers in that generation this opportunity.

However, many projects between Jiuzhou Technology and Daxia Official were later reallocated, and the project our boss was working on was put aside as expected.

I heard that internal employees of Jiuzhou Technology cannot play "Cosmic Adventure" with ordinary users. They are said to have a dedicated server, and that server has many special permissions, but this is all what I heard and cannot be true. "

Zhang Ying used the Lingjing lander to watch these industry leaders comment on the space station design plan, while listening to Qian Duoshao breaking the news beside him. While doing two things, he could also accurately complain: "Being able to be kicked by Jiuzhou Technology Kai, it’s obvious that you must have wanted to take advantage of Jiuzhou Technology’s research resources and then make the results of your project, right?”

Faced with his teammates' accurate complaints, Qian Duoshao shook his head and said nothing. He just explained: "It's not a question of whether to rub it or not. Jiuzhou Technology wanted to cooperate with these universities and special institutions at that time and come up with those researches." R\u0026D resources are actually similar to investment certificates.

This was all tacitly agreed upon by everyone, but later the thoughts of the top management of Jiuzhou Technology changed. It may also be that universities or other institutions did something that Jiuzhou Technology could not tolerate, which led to the end of the cooperation agreement before Jiuzhou Technology , re-sign another version of the agreement. "

"Wait, stop talking. Now there is a new plan. The data is more solid and detailed than the No. 2 design plan. Are these people really players? This kind of design has given our The comparison is over.

They even have stage design and repair plans during working hours! Can you understand which national-level super agency came up with the plan? "

After hearing Zhang Ying's words, Qian Duoshao turned his head and carefully looked at the plan on the virtual screen.

After clearly reading the design structure and various storage data, the doctor of engineering shook his head: "I can't tell which organization it belongs to, but judging from the amount of text and the direction of data optimization, it is very likely that it is the core of NASA. Engineer team.

I just heard that NASA does not allow the core engineering team to enter "Cosmic Adventure". It seems to be to 'prevent Kyushu Technology from intruding into the minds of the engineering team and stealing confidential information through "Cosmic Adventure". Well, if I didn't remember If it was wrong, it would be for this reason and it would be announced publicly. "

"...NASA actually has this explanation. Kyushu Technology steals confidential information through games, and also invades people's brains?"

When Zhang Ying was complaining, he was also accompanied by his funny actions.

The expert review team was not idle at this time either.

Zhang Tianhao, as the main force of the new generation of Jiuzhou Technology, did not hesitate at all after receiving this design plan.

I just went through the process step by step several times, wrote and drew, and then said: "Your solution is very novel, and it also uses high-performance carbon-based chip semiconductor servers, but you have not considered more of these The server's intelligent system BUG fixes problems.

Although the auxiliary system of the "Cosmic Adventure" laboratory server is powerful, it cannot help the design team fix system bugs. The system you wrote has some advantages of the Kyushu system, but it also has many errors in traditional programming. This is a mistake that should not be made.

In addition, you have taken into account the depreciation problems of this space station and the current International Space Station and provided a maintenance plan. I am very pleased with this.

After all, the space station is also a man-made device, and over time, old equipment cannot be compared with new equipment.

It is precisely because of this that the environmental performance of the International Space Station is not as good as our Tiangong Space Station in Daxia, let alone our Jiuzhou Space Station of Jiuzhou Technology.

In summary, through comparative analysis of the environmental differences between the International Space Station and the Tiangong Space Station, you have seen that the International Space Station has serious pollution problems. In fact, you have also noticed the differences like Plan 2.

This difference is mainly due to inconsistent design specifications of the International Space Station and existing depreciation issues. This also reminds us that we need to pay more attention to environmental protection and the unification of design standards in future aerospace projects.

The International Space Station is led by two scientific and technological forces and is jointly built, operated and used by a total of 16 Guojia. It is the largest, longest and most time-consuming international space cooperation project in history, and involves the most countries.

Since the official establishment of the site at the end of the last century, after more than ten years of construction, the construction task was completed more than ten years ago and entered into full use.

Today, the International Space Station has grown into a space giant that is 109 meters wide, 73 meters long, 20 meters high, weighs 419 tons, and has an internal volume of 916 cubic meters. From an architectural perspective, the International Space Station is equivalent to A seven-story small stadium is composed of control systems and laboratories with different functions, which can accommodate 6 to 7 astronauts working in orbit for a long time.

I admire the design team and construction team of the International Space Station. The reason why I took it out to compare with your design plan and the Daxia Space Station and our Kyushu Space Station is that I hope you can summarize the failures of the predecessors as we have done. Optimize and modify, and then innovate your own design.

For example, our Kyushu Space Station. Although the tonnage of the space station is very different from that of the Daxia Space Station and the International Space Station, if you carefully observe the International Space Station and the Daxia Space Station, you will find that they are actually a building block plus truss structure. The truss structure above alone already occupies a considerable amount of the space station's volume and mass. Although the Daxia Space Station is an independent innovation and has optimized and modified the problems of the International Space Station, because it is a start-up, there is still room for design.

The design of our Jiuzhou space station not only has unlimited expansion capabilities, but can also optimize and reduce redundant parts. At the same time, under such a weight, the space station can be stabilized on orbit. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianhao continued like a middle-aged man, with encouragement to his younger generations: "We have used new materials to design and manufacture foldable solar panels, and pioneered the use of special alloys to manufacture robots. Carry out twenty-hour maintenance on the space station.

You should work harder to break out of this framework, instead of just piling up cabins and high-tech equipment. "

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