Major entertainment companies such as Western Hollywood, Indo Bollywood, France, and Italy also took this opportunity to promote their works globally through media reporters, arousing the expectations of countless fans and fans.

In this deliberately created entertainment-first environment, the well-established Jiuzhou Entertainment Platform with more than 900 million active users, Daxia official media such as Xiahua News Agency, Daxia Science and Technology News, Daxia Aerospace News, and ASEAN Several large media organizations, Polar Bear, Seria, and a bunch of other small and medium-sized Guojia media were "diligently" reporting on Kyushu Technology's "Moon Palace Re-date" launch mission on June 1st.

The world of Blue Star has entered a new level of confusion.

Many overseas users who have registered and frequently used the Jiuzhou entertainment platform basically have high quality, while most of those who are still immersed in entertainment news, singing, dancing, and taking drugs for entertainment every day have poor quality.

The polar bear is still "happy to do it" and promotes actions in a certain region. The European economy has been dragged into a deep pool. Many old European developed countries have also fallen into a situation where companies cannot pay wages, water and electricity bills are so high that they don't want to pay for housing, and people are waiting in line for free medical care. A quagmire of ever-higher prices for paid medical needs. .

But entertainment cannot be eaten after all.

While the Western media are still entertaining themselves to death, more and more local residents are beginning to seek change.

They want to live, they want to live a healthy, happy, carefree life as before.

Some people were bewitched and gathered around to start rallies and lobbying.

Some people lost themselves in the slogans and began to wear "work clothes" to destroy food in museums, go to gas stations to smoke and drink, and go to gardens to destroy public property.

Western high-level elites are sitting in conference rooms or offices of certain departments, holding meetings in a state of exhaustion.

There were many themes at the conference, such as "How to deal with the world changes brought about by the success/failure of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Moon Landing Project", "How local industrial products should compete with Daxia products in a legal and free competition environment", "Exploring and Possibility of cooperation between Daxia’s independent enterprises such as Jiuzhou Technology and Xiawei Technology”

But no matter how many meetings are held and no matter how precise the topic of the meeting is, it cannot change the result.

That is, if this meeting is held, it means it is not held.

It’s not that no one sincerely wants to cooperate with Jiuzhou Technology, but as soon as this matter is mentioned, someone will immediately say: “Haven’t we already cooperated with Jiuzhou Technology? It’s just that Jiuzhou Technology needs too many resources and elite engineers. There are too many and we cannot allocate resources immediately."

"In the global cooperation of Jiuzhou Technology, we also have local companies participating, and some companies have successfully competed. However, this kind of technical cooperation requires companies to invest enough resources to adapt to the technology and equipment provided by Jiuzhou Technology. I would like to ask you, who can provide a More than 100 million euros in cash, or the equivalent in gold?”

"After years of exploration, I can tell you intuitively that our local industrial products cannot compete with Daxia's products in a legal free competition environment. The product costs of Daxia's independent enterprises are very low, and their human resource costs are also lower than ours. Unless our workers are willing to accept the wages of Daxia workers ten years ago, our local products will not be able to compete successfully."

"Jiuzhou Technology, Xiawei Technology, BYD, Haibi Electric...the products of these companies have received a large number of orders in our free market and have become veritable leading companies. What we are thinking about now should not just be cooperation, but also How can we expel the products of these companies! We cannot use force with Daxia, but can’t we use legal weapons to defend our rights?!”

If you can't win, you can't win at all.

European companies with horrifyingly high labor costs simply cannot "win" the products of Daxia's own-brand companies under equal conditions. Even these European companies rely on those unequal rules to "win" Daxia's own-brand companies. The company's products cannot defeat ASEAN companies that are supported by Jiuzhou Technology, Xiaxin Technology, and Xiawei Technology.

Amidst the anxiety, many high-level elites in European companies have even begun to choose to "immigrate" physically!

What conditions are needed to immigrate to Daxia?

This entry immediately became a hot search among many elite circles, and those intermediaries engaged in immigration business also began to adopt laws and regulations, specializing in studying how to provide these elites with the most reasonable and legal services. A valuable immigration program.

"Mr. Thomas, immigrants to Daxia need to meet one of the following conditions, but not all.

First, for direct investment in Daxia, the investment situation has been stable for three consecutive years and the tax record has been good. Last year’s standard was that for three consecutive years, the actual investment totaled more than 10 million Xia yuan, and the investment scale and investment projects were stipulated.

The second option is that if you have a senior professional title or outstanding experience in the industry, you can try to work in Daxia as a deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above, or have a deputy senior professional title or above such as associate professor, associate researcher, etc., and have served for four consecutive years. Year……

In addition, there are those who have made significant and outstanding contributions to Daxia and those who are in special need of Daxia officials.

The spouse of a Daxia citizen or a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in Daxia, and the marriage relationship has lasted for more than five years...

I need to remind you that the specific application conditions and procedures will change according to different situations and policies. Therefore, we recommend that if you want to immigrate to Daxia and have decided to go there, please be sure to Be prepared right now.

This is our company’s plan order form. Whether it is an investment plan or technology immigration, our company has solutions.

Our company also has solutions for even slightly difficult-to-operate solutions such as weddings.

You have twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, I will take back these documents and meet the next client.

Rest assured, you can contact our company staff at any time. "

When Thomas heard the manager of the immigration agency say this, he frowned anxiously and sighed: "Please give me a moment, the quotation here is somewhat beyond the scope of my wallet."

"Of course, Mr. Thomas. Our company also provides lending services. If you need it, the real estate, cars, technology products and other assets in your name can be mortgaged and borrowed."

When the agency staff said this, he also whispered: "Of course, you can also donate blood, liver cells, etc. to get a discount.

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