Great power struggles are everywhere.

In the field of culture, science and technology, education and even all aspects of life.

For example, in order to protect the agriculture of its own islanders, Nihong once put rice from other countries and its own rice together for the public to try.

They operate in secret, looking for the worst and unpalatable foreign rice, as well as the best rice of their own.

In the end, the islanders naturally felt that foreign rice was unpalatable, while domestic rice was delicious.

Island farmers and companies in the food industry have gained a foothold under similar strategies.

This is true of small countries, let alone big ones.


The 25% tariff imposed by the United States on Daxia products has come into effect, including semiconductors, plastics and railway equipment, targeting 18 billion U.S. dollars of Xia country goods. (Virtual world, don't rely on reality.)

After Pingguo Company, which was still in a free state, was sacked, after lobbying, not only were excessive tariffs imposed on semiconductor projects, but the world's first- and second-tier semiconductor equipment manufacturers also began to sell in limited quantities or even banned sales in cordial and friendly exchanges.

Ordinary people may be surprised, is lobbying (shui) so useful in the United States?

It's really possible.

The lobby works like a white-handed glove.

Politicians, through the advice of experts in lobby groups, have a slight bias towards certain policies, but the purpose has not changed. Why not do it with more wallets?

And some interest demands cannot be refused.

Qing - integrity = clean?

How much money is enough? Can I buy a house in a rich area? Can you enjoy luxury?

The back and forth of the adults above is common in the news.

As far as the general public is concerned, they just see: "Oh? Another purchase restriction and tax increase?"

After making a complaint, I returned to my work and life.

Compared with other industries, the number of semiconductor equipment practitioners is very small.

Therefore, the huge earthquake in Daxia's semiconductor industry did not affect ordinary people.

And the global chip lithography technology giant AS-ML1 responded to the issue of export licensing of semiconductor equipment including lithography machines that some media in Daxia are concerned about.

Sheng Shuimiao, global vice president of AS-ML1 and president of Daxia District, said that AS-ML1 must export lithography machines under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, but we are very open to exporting lithography machines to Daxia. We treat global customers equally, as long as it is the technology and equipment we can provide, we will fully support it.

The translation means that AS-ML1 is very willing to sell the advanced lithography equipment produced by the company to Daxia, but only if it is legal and compliant.

In fact, restricted by the agreement and the ban, AS-ML1 is still unable to export high-end EUV (extreme ultraviolet) lithography machines to Daxia.

As far as a lithography machine is concerned, its price usually ranges from 30 million to 500 million US dollars.

In April of the first half of the year, Xiaxin Technology placed an order with AS-ML1 for an EUV (extreme ultraviolet) lithography machine worth up to 120 million US dollars.

In fact, from the perspective of Daxia's entire semiconductor industry chain, the demand for the highest-end lithography machines is not high.

Daxia now has the most advanced silicon wafer manufacturing technology in the world. Five well-established wafer manufacturers, Pudong Xinsheng and Youyan, have close cooperation with Kyushu Technology, and their productivity is expanding rapidly.

Now Daxia's semiconductor industry can not only meet the domestic demand for silicon wafers, but also compete for shares with companies in other countries in overseas markets.

Hanxing's silicon wafers are of high purity and high quality, how many chips are cut out?

But the silicon wafers of these five companies in Daxia are also of high purity, and they are also cheap!

It is said that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, but now there is rice, but the fire is gone.

AMSL1 is what the global vice president said on behalf of his company, but it is also a dialogue between the high-end semiconductor equipment industry and Daxia semiconductor equipment industry.

But entrepreneurs are not monolithic.

There is a far-sighted boss who has a certain understanding of Daxia's industrial status and independent research and development capabilities, but he speaks against the trend.

"We shouldn't ban the sale of semiconductor industry equipment to companies in the Great Xia Kingdom!

Global economic integration is the optimal solution for a market-oriented economy. Daxia is the world's second largest economy and the world's largest trading country. Every year, tens of millions of college students enter the industry to work.

Once we ban the sale of high-end equipment, the Great Xia Kingdom will inevitably concentrate talents and resources to upgrade the industry and break through technical difficulties.

The person in the White House doesn't understand the high-tech industry, don't those staff and experts also understand? ! "

But under the strong leadership of other interest groups, this voice was quickly drowned out.

The content of this document was soon "seriously implemented" and implemented.

And the rapid implementation of this up and down effect is also directly related to the military bases that Damei has established around the world.

Dameili currently has nearly 400 overseas junshi-bases, distributed in more than 140 countries and regions.

In recent years, Germany has emerged in continental Europe, but it still dares not to make a fuss on the bright side.

After the man moved into the white house, a series of -sao- operations made people jaw-dropping.

Before the NATO annual summit in July, the Washington Post suddenly revealed that President Kim asked the five corners to review the possibility of all U.S. military withdrawal from Germany.

The political circles in Germany are silent, and it is rare to see the US military who "protected" Germany for decades describe their feelings of retention, even if it is only verbal.

But only a few dozen days later, in September, the beautiful country announced that instead of withdrawing the troops stationed in Germany and the United States, it would increase the number of troops by 1,500.

The most defeated country, Germany chose to kneel down to make money to develop, while Nihong chose to shave its face to make money to develop.

But both of them were really handled by Da Meili.

These two countries are the suppliers of some key equipment for lithography machines.

For example, the light source of the AS-ML1 lithography machine is provided by Trumpf. Although Trumpf entrusts Fujing to produce the laser light source, most of the patents for the laser light source are in the hands of Trumpf.

Under the order of the overlord, Trumpf, which makes little profit every year, is very obedient and saves its life.

Therefore, the high-end purple light source and the mid-range DUV light source directly cut off the supply.

For consumers, this is simply unheard of.

But for Xiaxin Technology, it was a blow to the head, and it was directly drawn from the bottom of the pot.

EUV means "extremely deep ultraviolet" and DUV means "deep ultraviolet".

Generally speaking, DUV can basically only achieve 25nm. Xintel has achieved 10nm with the dual-bench mode, but it cannot reach below 10nm, and the yield is not high.

Only EUV can satisfy wafer manufacturing below 10nm, and can continue to extend to 5nm and 3nm.

Xiaxin Technology has just bought an EUV lithography machine, and is trying to strive for the chip manufacturing process in the range of 10nm to 20nm.

But all of a sudden, the EUV and DUV light sources were cut off, and the heads of the major production workshops were all gloomy.

And the executives of Xiaxin Technology headquarters were in the meeting room at this time, and the atmosphere was also terribly depressed.

"Can Pudong Microelectronics provide a replacement?" Xiaxin Technology's boss suddenly asked.

"We have asked Microelectronics, Yanjing Keyi Hongyuan and several domestic manufacturers that can make light sources or lithography machines. They can provide DUV light sources, but the light purity and stability are slightly worse, and some good products need to be sacrificed. Rate." A senior executive replied.

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