"I need to hear my family's voice."

"Of course there is no problem. We are all honest. Welcome, Captain Jewell."

Soon, the middle-aged man heard his daughter's voice.

"Dad, the environment here is great. There are many old men discussing art in the square. Just now there was a British Lord playing the saxophone. When will you come over and let's go shopping together!"

"Alice, my angel, your daddy is still busy at work. He will come over when he is done."

Soon, a familiar voice came to mind on the other end of the communication channel.

Thinking of his daughter's flawless face after undergoing plastic surgery, as well as the healthy bodies of his wife and parents, Jewell sighed with relief.

"Yes, I will get together with you soon. We can go shopping there and eat Daxia BBQ. Before that, you have to listen to your mother."

"Well, Alice knows! I will wait for daddy to come back with Mom, grandparents! Let me tell you secretly, I made a robot friend here, his name is 9527, he is a very smart and caring Baymax Fatty..."

After listening to his daughter's call quietly, Jewell slowly hung up the phone.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after he hung up the phone, the sound of the tide lapping at the beach came to his ears again, and the disgusting fishy smell appeared in his nose again.

Looking at the scarlet and mess at his feet, Captain Jewell picked up the submarine's communication equipment.

After turning on the device, his voice changed from the previous vicissitudes and became a little clearer.

"The communication is over, let's go to Daxia! We already have shelter!"

After saying this, Jewell found that his rather sensitive hearing soon heard the nearest crew members inside the submarine cheering.

He looked at the second commander not far away from his feet and said with emotion: "There may still be bloodshed and wars in the future of mankind, but we are already tired of wars. In the next life, don't let greed blind your conscience again.

God bless you.

May the newly born Dong Xi protect us. "

A crisis was resolved.

In fact, many people know that it is okay to have small fights and proxy wars, but the real bottom line is that you cannot directly go toe-to-toe with Daxia.

Once there is a real hand-to-hand encounter, no matter whether you win or not, the ending will not be happy.

Even in the eyes of many people, let alone any dangerous behavior with Daxia, even a conflict with Jiuzhou Technology is something they don't want to see.

Under the deep sea, not only this submarine had an accident, but also stories about other submarines and deep-sea buildings were happening one after another.

Among them, some stories may be spread and become people's talk after dinner, and some stories may be buried under the sea from now on, and no one cares about them.

"Nuclear submarine No. 25123 refused the launch order..."

"Nuclear submarine No. 25124 has not responded to signals for two minutes..."

Amidst the sound of reports one after another, the atmosphere in a special conference room in a certain corner building became darker each time.

After the last report, "Nuclear Submarine Launch Equipment Failure," ended, the atmosphere in this special conference room became a bit duller.

"Move or not? Everyone, I know that this is your handiwork. Of course, you also know that I refuse. Now it seems that we have not accepted the arrival of nuclear war, and our loyal soldiers do not want to accept it. arrival.

Even in the communication channels we maintained with Daxia, Daxia did not give us any warning notice. Everyone should know what Daxia thinks.

If it reaches the point where it cannot be solved, I actually have some doubts about how long the resource supply in our underground conference room can provide us with survival resources.

A month? Half a year? Or maybe a year?

A month ago, we invited Jiuzhou registered engineers and the engineer team we trained to speculate that if a nuclear war really occurred, our underground resource reserves would be exhausted in a year.

The subsequent contamination of nuclear radiation will make it impossible for us to live healthily.

Whether to live healthy or die of hunger or illness, I believe it is not a difficult choice. "

Silence is the conference room tonight.

At this moment, in the command hall of Jiuzhou Technology's Southwest Launch Center, Gu Qing looked at the notifications on the virtual interface in front of him. Although his mouth was dull, his eyes were quite touching.

Human beings in this world, just like the previous life, chose peace over nuclear peace.

"In that case, let's provide plastic surgery services to the crew of that nuclear submarine, as well as their families. Now that the Titan community has become a large city with more than one million members, they should be able to live happily here.

As for the others, it’s up to you. For a nuclear submarine that really plans to launch, safe silence is a good plan. "

With a tap of your finger, the encrypted text is sent.

Gu Qing seemed to have just checked some data, and then continued to focus his dull eyes on the display screen in front of him.

On June 1, 1027 in the Xiayin celestial calendar, the HDL-JZ001 carrier rocket carrying the lunar exploration spacecraft was successfully launched and sent into the predetermined orbit. The aircraft launched before the lunar exploration spacecraft was like a vanguard. Keep charging without stopping.

The first orbit correction was completed, and in the afternoon of the same day, the second orbit correction was performed.

Although netizens have always had special trust in Jiuzhou Technology, and they even believed that Jiuzhou Technology’s moon landing would be the second successful moon landing in human history, but when success was about to come, that unreal feeling, It still leaves countless people feeling a bit confused.

Yes, just confused.

In the Jiuzhou Technology Aerospace Live Broadcast Room, netizens from all over the world are carefully staring at the live broadcast room's launch screen, rocket working screen, as well as the screen inside the astronaut cabin, as well as the trajectory simulation screen in the lower right corner.

When NASA successfully landed on the moon, countless people were surprised. At the same time, countless people questioned the authenticity of the moon landing.

And if Jiuzhou Technology’s moon landing this time is successful, I am afraid that no one with an online IQ will question its authenticity.

Because in a sense, they watched Jiuzhou Technology's rocket launch successfully.

Even according to Jiuzhou Technology's "practice", there will be a live broadcast of the moon landing in the future to provide evidence.

In the NASA conference room, the top bosses, ranging from eighty-year-olds to the new generation of outstanding engineers in their twenties, sat in the conference room all day long.

Just like Jiuzhou Technology's animal space flight and lunar exploration spacecraft launch, everyone has a strong premonition in their hearts.

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