The work and life in the lunar landing spacecraft are quite boring and boring to a certain extent.

Li Ying and Zhou Jianwen, the three Kyushu astronauts, rely on food similar to toothpaste to supplement their nutrition every day, and work and exercise when the time comes.

Not only must every movement be done to a standard under the remote gaze of Jiuzhou Technology's expert team, but breathing and heartbeat must also be controlled. The water you drink every day must be regularly rationed. You are never allowed to drink more, but you are also never allowed to drink less. drink.

In addition, daily personal hygiene issues are completed by customized equipment inside their space suits. Urine will be collected, and Yoneda will save it every time.

These are extremely important scientific research materials.

Of course, during the specified time, these three Jiuzhou astronauts can also enter the Jiuzhou Aerospace live broadcast room to interact with netizens around the world.

At every interaction time, the number of barrages inside the live broadcast room is far more than several times that of the second live broadcast room on the Jiuzhou platform.

Some senior technical executives from foreign aerospace agencies even used this time to post questions.

At first they didn't respond and asked questions in their native language.

Although paid translation services and free ordinary translation services can be opened in the live broadcast rooms of Jiuzhou Entertainment Platform, in the aerospace field, it is obviously impossible for free ordinary translation services to provide "faithful" translation of these issues, so their Not once did the question get picked.

Moreover, under the torrent of global barrage, the barrage of questions from these old scholars and engineers really cannot make waves.

Later, it was these aerospace agencies that reluctantly got on the "car" through cooperation agreements with Jiuzhou Technology and communication with the official responsible persons of Jiuzhou Technology.

Li Ying and others can occasionally see some professional barrages provided by the launch command center to reply.

Although most of these professional issues are related to Jiuzhou Technology and Daxia Aerospace Group, these overseas aerospace institutions are still very happy to finally have a channel for communication.

When NASA landed on the moon, they didn't get this kind of treatment!

“Friends from all over the world, our moon landing spacecraft is about to start changing its orbit. Today’s live broadcast ends here. If there are any friends who are curious about moon landing and other aerospace fields, you can go to our Jiuzhou Mall to purchase related products. Physical books, digital books, and now our Jiuzhou Mall is still doing the Moon Palace event, with up to global free shipping and free orders.

Everyone is passing by, but don’t miss it!

So, good night, everyone! "

Li Ying, Zhou Jianwen, and Liu Genghong waved to the camera for a moment, and then they lowered their arms after confirming that the live broadcast network communication port was closed.

As the captain, Zhou Jianwen carefully read the documents on his screen and then said: "We have thirty minutes to adjust. Those who need to deal with personal hygiene can start now.

Simon, help us test all emergency equipment and supplies.

Conduct global inspections every minute to ensure that the outer casing and engine power components are intact..."

Orders were issued one after another, and the Kyushu Technology Southwest Launch Command Center on the Blue Star ground could hear Zhou Jianwen's words clearly. However, netizens watching the live broadcast could not hear the voices of these internal channels at this moment.

They could only see the three astronauts with serious faces, operating the programs filled with smart mosaics on the screen in front of them from time to time.

In addition, on the first lunar exploration spacecraft launched, three intelligent robots are already conducting stable inspections of equipment components.

After all, the human body is made of flesh and blood and cannot bear excessive loads, so it is necessary to adjust the orbit, wait for a suitable opportunity, enter the lunar orbit, and then start landing.

Intelligent robots, on the other hand, can carry more exaggerated loads because of their steel frames, so they do not need to wait for a suitable orbit. As long as there are no problems with the spacecraft power system, heat insulation, and engine, they can carry out the mission and land on the moon.

On June 5, Xiayin 1027, the Jiuzhou Science and Technology lunar exploration spacecraft and lunar landing spacecraft successively changed from elliptical orbit around the moon to nearly circular orbit around the moon.

After three orbits around the moon, the lunar exploration spacecraft landed for the first time.

This time we did not choose the far side of the moon for landing. Although the difficulty of landing was a bit lower, it was also the "first" frontal landing. Therefore, the technical executives of the Kyushu Science and Technology Aerospace Department experimented tens of thousands of times in the spiritual realm ecology. After confirming that everything was correct, this dual-launch mission was launched.

Although Jiuzhou Technology's lunar exploration spacecraft changed from orbit, fell, landed, decelerated, and landed steadily on the front side of the moon, just as it had been rehearsed several times, at this moment, the command center of Jiuzhou Technology's aerospace department burst into applause. But there is nothing "intense" about it.

It was just a coping style of applause, and the duration of the applause was extremely short.

Gu Qing also briefly applauded and then immediately put down his hand.

As Commander-in-Chief Zero of this two-spacecraft launch mission, he looked at the data on the display screen in front of him, skillfully opened the communication channel, and issued instructions: "Check the equipment and instruments of the lunar exploration module, wait for the data to be transmitted back, and pass the inspection After that, turn on the radar and camera and start video data transmission.

Sinan and Tiangong cooperate to detect whether the sensors of the intelligent robot are in stable working condition.

Establish a communication matrix as soon as possible to cooperate with the other three robots remaining on the moon.

The lunar module has simple maintenance equipment to provide maintenance and repairs for the lunar exploration robot as soon as possible.

The rocket is still orbiting the moon, and Sinan and the moon orbiting team are always paying attention to avoid any problems. Only after the astronauts have completed their mission, are determined to leave, and entered orbit around the Earth, can the moon-orbiting rocket be able to land. "

Two spacecrafts, which means there will be two rockets patrolling the lunar orbit, waiting for the manned lunar landing spacecraft to complete its work, return to the orbit from the lunar surface for docking, and then change orbits, leave the lunar orbit, and rush to the Blue Star.

NASA's astronauts had only one rocket that could provide them with the opportunity to leave, while the three astronauts from Kyushu Technology had two rockets.

When the three astronauts Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong learned that the robot team had landed safely, the three astronauts felt somewhat uneasy and calmed down a little.

Although there are still some emotions, at least they are more confident because there are "seniors" who have succeeded.

Zhou Jianwen also warned: "Please note that the moon's gravity is about one-sixth of the Blue Star's gravity, so everyone must always pay attention to the gravity feedback problem, take a deep breath, and adapt to the environment."

The gravity is high and it is easy to get injured.

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