Jiuzhou Technology's senior executives, who have families and families like Zhang Yuanfeng, have made similar moves.

Li Tao, director of the legal department, An Lun, head of the public relations department of Jiuzhou Technology, Gong Luo, head of the operations department, Li You and Zhang Yantai, heads of the semiconductor department, and Zhang Benyu, head of the software engineering department... all communicated with their closest relatives. comminicate.

It's just that because Gu Qing has always provided high benefits to the people working and living in the park, the relatives of these senior executives generally live in the company park, mainly in the Xinke District.

There are only children in the generation. Due to factors such as study and personal development, as well as the fact that Jiuzhou Technology does not have relatives to recommend it, many of them are working and studying around Chengdu or in other places.

There are also some children of senior executives who have applied to study abroad because of the direction of their major.

It's just that these children of employees who study and work abroad don't know that the price for their freedom to go abroad is that their parents will have negative points deducted during the internal promotion competition stage of Jiuzhou Technology.

Poor parents in the world, nothing more than this.

It is precisely because these senior executives know the underlying reasons for more chaotic events, so this time they all hope that their relatives and friends will be safe.

However, because Jiuzhou Technology has deep control over personnel information, this has also led to the occurrence of certain special conversations.

"Daughter, whether your boyfriend can pass the Jiuzhou certified engineer exam is the attitude of your father and me. Not to mention whether he is willing to work in Jiuzhou Technology, as long as he can pass the certified engineer certificate, I will agree with you. ”

"My dear, although the company where my father works does not allow children to inherit their father's business, I still hope that in your senior year of high school you can take the entrance examination of a professional project school that our company cooperates with. If nothing else, your work pressure will be less in the future. "

"Uncle, it's not that I'm not accommodating, it's that we can't operate it at all. If the children at home want to enter Jiuzhou Science and Technology, I suggest you try your best to get into a good school. If you don't want to study, learn a skill, such as a chef or repairman. Cars like these, and then participate in competitions sponsored by Jiuzhou Technology or officially organized by our Daxia, if you can compete to a good level, Jiuzhou Technology HR will also send your resume to the channel."

"Daughter-in-law, we won't travel out of the province recently. Please persuade our parents to come back early. There is a lot of chaos outside now. You never know when it will happen..."

But communication is communication. After the break, these managers will hang up the phone immediately and immerse themselves in work.

They know that the safety of themselves and their families at this moment is one of the fruits of their efforts. If there are problems caused by work negligence at this juncture, then the reduction in salary will be absolutely unacceptable to them.

Compared with other multinational international giants, Jiuzhou Technology has a small number of senior management. Many tasks are handled by the intelligent program AI Xie Zhi and assistant teams as well as newly added work robots. Therefore, in dangerous work as a catalyst Under the environment, Jiuzhou Technology's top-down work efficiency has been slightly improved.

Li Jian, the head of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department, after taking care of his family and work, was about to go to dinner when he received a call from Daxia Aerospace Group.

On the phone, the senior executives of Daxia Aerospace Group gave great recognition to the efforts and success of the Jiuzhou moon landing project, and also took Li Jian to "remember the hardships and think about the sweets" in the early stages of the project.

In the end, I just asked Jiuzhou Technology to share some detailed data on the manned moon landing.

Facing this former teacher and old boss, Li Jian gave an official response, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Well, our cooperative relationship will remain as close as ever. In terms of sharing the detailed data of the manned moon landing, we will definitely follow the original cooperation agreement without making modifications and provide non-core raw data. You can rest assured."

If Jiuzhou Technology's manned moon landing failed, Liu Xiaping, one of the chief engineers of Daxia Aerospace Group, would definitely not care so much about the so-called core raw data.

But the key point is that Jiuzhou Technology's manned moon landing was successful. Not only was it a successful manned moon landing, but two spacecrafts landed on the moon one after another, returned and landed.

In this field, the difficulty of one plus one is always greater than two.

Liu Xiaping knew that the reason why the group chose him was because of this incense and hoped to use this incense to negotiate some content that exceeded the original agreement.

But for some reason, when Liu Xiaping wanted to "complain" and ask for more information, he found that he couldn't speak no matter how hard he opened his mouth. Even if there was a sound just now, he would feel a sting in his heart.

Obviously, our group is very well prepared for the moon landing. At this time, we are looking for Jiuzhou Technology to get more core confidential data. What if we find that the two data are not consistent and the launch is delayed?

Moreover, during these years of cooperation, Liu Xiaping and several other senior chief engineers knew clearly that the manufacturing process used by the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department was within the Jiuzhou system, and the process standards used by their Daxia Aerospace Group cannot be said to be the same. They are completely different, but there are indeed many differences in many aspects and fields.

Is core data useful in this case?

Yes, but it's only somewhat useful.

Li Jian listened to the silence on the other end of the phone and knew that the other party might be fighting in his heart, so he immediately took the initiative and said: "Don't worry, all of our official cooperation projects at Jiuzhou Technology have never left anyone disappointed.

We are exploring some feasible in-depth cooperation internally, and the specific direction should still be within the cooperation framework of the Lunar Technology Development Association.


After giving the other party a reassurance, Li Jian took the initiative to hang up the phone after hearing the other party's affirmative answer, and then turned his attention to the work screen in front of him.

In the video displayed on this screen, staff members wearing radiation isolation clothing are operating a robotic arm from a distance in a dust-free operation room to conduct more detailed and in-depth routine inspections of the two spacecraft that have gone through many difficulties and dangers.

First, the local chips of the devices that record system data and store information will be inspected individually to ensure that the chips have not been subject to special interference and that there are no signs of data leakage or copying.

Then each detachable functional device is disassembled and sent for inspection to ensure that these functional devices are not damaged, deformed, displaced, or have any possible fault code issues.

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