Although the experts are "stating" a fact, they do not deny the advantages of spiritual ecology.

But this really sounded the alarm to some officials in Daxia.

"It seems that the Lingjing ecology has become a new digital network world comparable to the Internet ecology. With this scale and magnitude, we should have stricter supervision and not allow one company to control it at will."

The person who said this was wearing a middle-aged gray coat that looked slightly ordinary.

But no one else present could ignore what this man said.

However, after this person's speech ended, another middle-aged and elderly person spoke up and said: "When Jiuzhou Technology first developed the Lingjing Ecology, it took the initiative to cooperate with our Daxia Yunzhong Jiulong Big Data Company to integrate the Lingjing Ecology's cloud data Services, local data requirements, as well as users' personal data and project data are all placed on the servers of Jiulong Big Data in the cloud.

And a few days ago, Cloud Jiulong Big Data Company also submitted a server optimization report to relevant departments.

I have communicated with the engineering team of Yunzhong Jiulong Big Data Company. Jiuzhou Technology has not concealed data from them. At least in the current Daxia domestic services and some overseas data services of Lingjing Ecology, Yunzhong Jiulong Big Data Company It still controls the operation of these data and can still easily query this data.

As a private enterprise can achieve this level, I think we should probably stop blaming each other too harshly.

After all, if you want Jiuzhou Technology to hand over more authority, it would be better to go directly to Jiuzhou Technology and ask the other party to hand over the Lingjing Ecological Project to us and transfer the entire project team under our control. "

When many people heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

"I think Comrade Zhao Ye's suggestion is worth considering. Jiuzhou Technology is a private enterprise. We may be able to acquire Lingjing Ecology into our enterprise through business negotiations and acquisition projects.

In this way, Jiuzhou Technology will have no losses, and we no longer need to worry about the impact of the virtual ecological economy on the real economy. "

Zhao Ye glanced at the economic colleague who said this.

He held back the complaints in his heart.

When I was in Chengdu, I watered and fertilized this small sapling enterprise, and I didn't think about asking the Chengdu Bureau to increase investment in exchange for leadership of the project technical team.

But actually?

The project technical team did not just say that it could be acquired, and Jiuzhou Technology, which was not very powerful at the time, bluntly refused when they learned about the acquisition.

Not to mention the current size and influence of Kyushu Technology.



However, Zhao Ye did not speak, but a senior person in charge of Xia Ke Academy said: "The acquisition of Lingjing Ecology is like saying to Jiuzhou Technology that we want to buy the ownership of the Internet, as well as all the engineers who develop the Internet. Incorporation.

This is actually impossible.

Now Lingjing Eco has been developed and promoted to major countries and mainstream cities around the world. Even urban users in Africa can log in to Lingjing Eco through Titan processors and do some cross-border trade.

Jiuzhou Technology’s business management model for Lingjing Ecology is also an important factor that prevents us from acquiring it.

The spiritual realm ecology has top-level games in the industry such as "Omnic Crisis" and "Cosmic Adventure". Among them, the mecha project of "Omnic Crisis" is not something we can decide. There are many space projects in "Cosmic Adventure", and Daxia Aerospace Group and Daxia Science and Technology Institute are in urgent need of cooperation in these projects.

In addition, many game manufacturers, entertainment companies, and artist companies around the world have their own important businesses in the world of Lingjing Ecology under the development tools and joint development services of Lingjing Ecology.

If we acquire Lingjing Ecology, it will be very difficult to get through just the change of the subject. After all, our free economic market of open cooperation in Daxia will only make other companies resentful once the acquisition is forced.

Some of my friends have been working in the economic and financial fields for many years. Why can’t they see through this? "

There was contempt and emotion in the words of this academician of Xia Ke Academy.

But it also made some people in this large conference room look ugly.

The sound of rustling papers being flipped through was heard.

Just when Zhao Ye and others thought it was time to start the next topic, suddenly a voice that was somewhat aged but still full of vitality came from the front row.

"Time flies, twenty-seven years have passed. Mr. Qian originally translated the word 'Virtual Reality' as 'spiritual realm', and he also said, 'This translation has a strong Chinese flavor.'

And now, our Huaxia clan has fulfilled his old man's dream, and you are thinking about acquisitions?

I think that the previous cooperation model with Jiuzhou Technology can still be maintained, and the data management and control authority of Lingjing Ecology is under the control of our Daxia official.

What you may not know is that Jiuzhou Technology’s downtime to optimize servers is behind the update of some servers of Jiulong Big Data Server in the cloud for cross-generation products.

I have communicated with the core engineers of Yunzhong Jiulong Big Data. After this update and upgrade, the Lingjing Ecological Project will be able to provide Lingjing Ecological online services to more than 50 million players around the world at the same time, and provide 40% of the world’s Lingjing Ecosystem services. In the area, login services for the Spirit Realm Lander are provided.

Everyone should probably know what this means. "

This is actually a very simple math problem.

There is no one with low IQ who can enter this large conference room.

It is known that 71% of Blue Star's surface is ocean and the land area accounts for the remaining 29%. Jiuzhou Technology's Spiritual Land Ecology will be able to provide Spiritual Lander landing services for 40% of the world. What does this mean?

It shows that Jiuzhou Technology will be able to build a network entrance into the new world in all human settlement areas around the world!

It also means that the spiritual realm ecology will further expand and, in fact, become the second virtual world of mankind.

Modern Internet technology has given birth to a market worth more than one trillion yuan?

Even due to the influence of the modern Internet world, cyberspace governance and cyber offensive and defensive combat are now extremely popular subjects and skills.

Someone wanted to speak, but after looking at the people on the table, they could only take a deep breath and whisper to the people next to them: "In this case, we cannot relax our control over the spiritual realm's ecology!"

"How to control it? Jiuzhou Technology has already given all the data to Yunzhong Jiulong, otherwise you go to those soldiers to get it?"

"In fact, Jiuzhou Technology did not provide the project data to Yunzhong Jiulong at the beginning. Relying on the current scale of Jiuzhou Technology's semiconductor chip business, it can handle the data of this huge project by itself."

"Gu Qing is indeed a genius that only comes out every century. At the beginning, neither of us could have imagined that the other would develop the spiritual realm ecology to the extent it has now."

In this large conference room, it is unlikely that these people would have the opportunity to gather like this.

Only this time, the issues they discussed and talked about were closely surrounding a private enterprise.

Not only that, since June 8th, Daxia officials at all levels and departments have held discussions, symposiums, and communication and exchange reports on various projects related to Jiuzhou Technology.

Other business companies in Daxia also have their own decision-making meetings.

But without exception, in the face of Jiuzhou Technology's projects, even if there are objections, they cannot stop the general trend of cooperation.


Under the spotlight, Kyushu Technology's second manned lunar landing and third lunar exploration successfully took off, and once again successfully brought back one ton (two tons) of local products from the moon.

In addition, Jiuzhou Xinghai Company and Jiuzhou Lingjing Company were officially established. The two companies issued announcements on the "Cosmic Adventure" game, stating that they will update the moon landing mission in the next major version, and will include the real data of the moon landing and some real equipment and processes. Technology, embedded in the game "Cosmic Adventure".

In addition, Jiuzhou Lingjing also announced that as long as legal users in countries and regions that support the Lingjing ecology can enter "Cosmic Adventure" to learn these technologies.

Suddenly, Jiuzhou Lingjing Company became the top player in the world's virtual manufacturers, and countless countries and regions invited Lingjing ecological projects to settle in.

Even the countries and places that initially refused entry to the Nine Provinces Spiritual Realm because of the alliance between those companies and forces have completely opened restrictions.

The moon, who doesn’t want to go up there and see it?

Since the technology and equipment I currently have cannot support landing on the moon, if I can get first-hand information through the Kyushu Spiritual Realm, this is also an opportunity.

As for NASA?

After Jiuzhou Lingjing and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company issued a joint announcement, NASA experts in the United States, as well as the corporate institutions behind it, have been lobbying those in charge like crazy.

"We must enter the "Cosmic Adventure" game. Only through data comparison can we know how we can land on the moon as soon as possible!"

"We can't delay any longer. Our "Omnic Crisis" players and "Cosmic Adventure" players are already seriously behind the times, and we cannot continue to lag behind."

"It is said that the spiritual environment ecology of Jiuzhou Technology is very targeted and restrained towards drug addicts. Maybe we need to control the sales of those narcotic plants."

"No matter what, this time, we must get these data!"

"We simply cannot use the technology provided by Lawson Technology. We must have enough data to support our interpretation, so this is necessary."

"Jiuzhou Technology may have discovered some special substances, but they have never published papers, and even now many technology patents are not subject to global applications. We can only rely on our own efforts."

During the quarrel, time slowly came to August 1st.

This day is actually very ordinary.

But on this day, something big happened in Daxia.

At a certain meeting: "From the longest cross-sea bridge, the largest 5G network, the most advanced high-speed railway, the most remote quantum communication, to the longest underground transportation, the most successful moon landing project, the largest high-speed 5.5G satellite network...

We must work hard to persevere..."

Some people always say that you should listen to what you are told, but at this meeting, this person’s speech can be said to be “simple and straightforward”.

Gu Qing, the founder of Jiuzhou Technology, also appeared in this conference room and was photographed by media reporters in a close-up of the scene.

It was November 11th in the year 1017 of the Xiayin Star Calendar. Gu Qing had only turned 22 at that time.

Years have passed, and now Gu Qing is a representative of youth at the age of thirty-two.

In the picture, Dong Qi, Li You, Zhang Tianhao, Zhou Yi, Zhang Benyu and others beside him are no longer the same as before, and their appearance has changed more or less.

But what remains unchanged is that the senior executives of Jiuzhou Technology and other surrounding companies are enthusiastic when applauding and serious when listening.

This scene was also screenshotted by countless netizens, and then went to the official account of Jiuzhou Technology, as well as the personal accounts of Gu Qing, Dong Qi and others to swipe the screen like crazy.

Now the senior management of Jiuzhou Technology is no longer the team of engineers who worked hard all day long. Although there are not many updates on their personal accounts, they are always "big events".

But the most exciting thing is Gu Qing's own certified account.

His latest news is to forward the announcement of this meeting and comment: "Business trip."

This is the first time Gu Qing has announced his schedule to the public.

It's just that when this news was released, he himself had already arrived in Beijing by taking the most expensive means of transportation in the world. Other senior executives of Jiuzhou Technology and Suiren Company also arrived in Beijing in batches and by other means of transportation.

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