"Mr. Gu, how do you feel about your company being mentioned many times in today's meeting?"

"Mr. Gu, your company's next development direction..."

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu! I am a reporter from Southwest Newspaper. May I ask you..."

With a smile on his face, Gu Qing waved to the reporters and said: "There is no question and answer session for reporters today. It is getting late. Everyone, please go home and rest quickly. Good night!"

After saying that, he left here without looking back.

A group of media reporters wanted to follow up and ask questions, but after they chased for a few steps and were about to cross the red line area, conference staff immediately appeared.

"Please do not shout in public and please respect the privacy rights of every citizen..."

To be able to squeeze into this position at this time, these media reporters are not ordinary entertainment tabloids, so the staff of this meeting did not directly yell at each other to fuck off.

Behind Gu Qing, An Hetang glanced back without leaving any trace, confirmed the identities of these people, clicked on the mark, and then sat in the passenger seat.

"Mr. Gu, the Sky Eye monitoring system here in Yanjing can only provide us with part of the public data. We cannot retrieve the monitoring data at the meeting location.

But I have recorded the facial data of these people, and after comparison, some of the special experiences of these reporters have been sent to the President's Office. "

"Well, it's okay. Relax, here in Yanjing, our safety is guaranteed no matter what."


An Hetang responded, then while paying attention to the scenery by the window, he also paid attention to the communication channel of his exclusive team.

What Mr. Gu said is certainly reasonable. It can even be said that the Yanjing City Bureau officials may be more afraid than others that Gu Qing and the senior executives of other technology companies will have any problems here.

If something really goes wrong, it will not only be as simple as losing face, but even more serious, the responsible parties will be investigated back and forth several times.

Gu Qing calmed down and looked at the scenery outside the window through the one-way bulletproof glass.

As long as he waited for a traffic light, there would be no more red lights. Even if he occasionally had to wait for two seconds due to traffic, it would not interfere with his appreciation of this ancient city.

The ancient city wall, under the illumination of modern neon lights, not only does not have a gloomy and ancient atmosphere, but also looks very scary and majestic.

The dinner place was not far from the meeting venue. After admiring the night view of Yanjing for a while, Gu Qing and other senior executives of Jiuzhou Technology took a special car and entered the exclusive underground parking lot of a hotel.

"Welcome, the dinner will be on the third floor, Hongyan Hall."

The waitress wearing a cheongsam has a very elegant etiquette posture.

It's not vulgar, but it can properly show off the body's advantages during the movements.

However, Gu Qing's attention was not focused on this. He just nodded politely, and then walked towards the elevator under the guidance of the waiter.

Hu Ting's eyes stayed on the waitress for two more seconds, and then she looked away.

Her previous professionalism allowed her to be keenly aware that this waitress was a strong and arrogant woman. Even the "welcome and drop off" work would only be done once for her boss Gu, and for others. After you come here, it may not be the waitress who greets you. Even if it is still the waitress who greets you, her behavior will not be like this, which is standard.

Turning to look at Gu Qing, Hu Ting was thoughtful.

It's a pity that this is the real Luohua who is deliberately ruthless. This wooden person doesn't understand the style, and he probably didn't notice the other party's special treatment at all.

After arriving at the dinner hall, Gu Qing saw many familiar people.

President Ren, Yu Chengdong and others of Xiawei Technology, President Gao Shan of Xiaxin Technology, Chairman Wang Chuanfu of BYD... What’s interesting is that those entrepreneurs engaged in Internet and financial technology are on the other side. However, the senior management of companies such as Xia Wei, Xia Xin, and BYD are in their own small circles.

When Gu Qing appeared in Hongyan Hall, the lighting at the scene seemed to have been manipulated.

Countless people's eyes were focused on him. Many people who were talking stopped their communication and then turned their attention to the young man at the door.

"Mr. Gu, you came on time, hahaha."

Yu Chengdong came up to him with a smile, and when shaking hands, he gently pushed Gu Qing to his boss Ren's position, and whispered beside Gu Qing: "Mr. Ren can't stay up too late recently, so maybe he can wait a while Will leave the banquet.”

"Huh? Mr. Ren's body looks very strong. How could that be?"

"The old man does not rely on his tibia for strength. This is what Chinese medicine practitioners advise. If you can, please advise him to follow the doctor's advice."

"Well, don't worry."

Yu Chengdong took advantage of the situation and walked to Gu Qing's side, and a pattern suddenly formed with Gu Qing in the middle, Dong Qi and the senior management of Suiren Company on the left, and Yu Chengdong on the right.

In addition, everyone else in Hongyan Hall also made their own moves.

President Gao Shan of Xiaxin Technology chatted with a few friends around him, ended the conversation, and then walked in the direction of Mr. Ren of Xiawei Technology.

Based on his understanding of Gu Qing, this man would definitely respect the elderly and care for the young, so he would first go to Mr. Ren to say hello.

BYD's Chairman Wang Chuanfu and several company executives next to him looked at each other and started to move.

"Mr. Ren, I haven't seen you for a while. You look rosy, your style is still the same, and you are still going strong."

Mr. Ren had a smile on his face and looked at the young talent walking towards him from a slightly upward angle.

Nod slightly.

Now, when facing Gu Qing, he has been able to maintain a very appreciative attitude.

"Good evening, Mr. Gu."

In the light and shadow, under the gaze of everyone, the hands of an old man and a young man clasped tightly, and then did not let go.

Mr. Ren has long been at an age where he can enjoy his grandchildren. Facing this young man who has risen from a small company to his current level, he may not have the same appreciation in his eyes as when he saw Yu Chengdong succeed and when he saw his daughter-in-law get married. So satisfied.

Although these senior executives within their own company had always been quite hostile to Jiuzhou Technology, now, with the moon landing of Jiuzhou Technology, this hostility has completely turned into a similar sigh. The emotion of admiration.

"Congratulations to you for successfully landing on the moon. I think if my old bones persist in living for a few more years, I might be able to go to the moon and see the scenery in the future."

"Hahaha, you can definitely do it. Then we can build a moon palace on the moon and plant laurel trees."

After chatting for a while, Chairman Wang Chuanfu of BYD found the opportunity and entered the topic circle.

"Good evening, Mr. Ren.

Mr. Gu, we haven’t chatted together for a long time since we last went to the Shanghai Auto Show. "

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