The economy of the Neon Island Country has begun to improve on paper after more than half a month of collapse, and the people of the Neon Island Country are still happily looking forward to the subsequent subsidies and dividends from the company.

They don't know that their companies that provide public services are undergoing qualitative changes from top to bottom.

What is the use of stewardship?

When a company's facilities, hardware, management software and management all have to listen to foreign capital, management rights are just a layer of window paper.

After enjoying this benefit in the neon island country, foreign capital also entered the country of Malaya. However, because Malaya's national economic aggregate is not large, these foreign capital can only take a small bite, which is better than nothing.

In addition, the Korean Peninsula also "enjoys" this treatment.

In other words, after the neon island country, what foreign investors want to eat most is the Korean Peninsula.

Because with the "help" of these enterprises in Daxia, the current total market economy of the Korean Peninsula has increased much more than before. Even because Jiuzhou Technology took the lead in helping Hanxing Group, allowing Hanxing Group's high-quality assets to pass through the shells of other companies The companies were transferred to other companies, so these local companies in the Korean Peninsula that cooperated with Daxia companies are doing better than when they were attacked by Kyushu Technology.

Kim Dae-sung, CEO of Hansung Electronics and Semiconductors, the backbone of the Korean Peninsula, even announced to the media reporters with excitement: "We, Hansung Electronics, have reached cooperation intentions with Daxia Kyushu Technology. The second-generation Kyushu silicon-based semiconductor technology , Carbon-based technology will be taught by engineers from Kyushu Technology to our semiconductor engineers from Hanxing Electronics in subsequent technical support projects!

We Hanxing Electronics will become the third technology company in the world to master these two technologies after Xiaxin Technology! "

Although CEO Kim Dae-sung did not make it clear to these media reporters that Kyushu Technology provides technical support in the form of an unmanned intelligent manufacturing factory, the fact is that Kyushu Technology’s silicon-based chips will be produced on the Korean Peninsula. .

This information is like a clear flag, letting all global capital institutions know the fact that Daxia Jiuzhou Technology has reached an agreement with Hanxing Electronics, and the Korean Peninsula has become the "one-third of an acre" of these Daxia companies.

It is precisely for this reason that even though the cake of the Korean Peninsula is very big, many foreign-funded institutions have resisted hunger and "let go" of this market.

Although many people on the Korean Peninsula also want to enjoy corporate red envelopes and the benefits of public enterprise reform with the people of the Neon Island Country, they have been unable to wait...

On the contrary, those excellent universities, research institutions, and scientists on the Korean Peninsula have either conducted in-depth cooperation and exchanges with enterprises in Daxia, or directly chosen to take the path of technical immigrants and rushed to Daxia.

If it were other foreign-funded enterprises, I am afraid that these fruits would have been harvested long ago.

But Daxia's companies are like followers of Jiuzhou Technology.

Jiuzhou Technology has built projects such as unmanned factories and waste material processing plants on the Korean Peninsula. Companies such as Xiawei Technology, Xia Xing, and Crystal Oriental have also followed suit and put polluting and risky factories on the Korean Peninsula.

However, Jiuzhou Technology provides environmentally friendly waste treatment technology, so it does not cause pollution, but it does not cause much resistance among local residents.

Even because these factories occasionally release recruitment information for high-paying positions, these residents are quite excited.

Gu Qing had just returned to his office, and he snapped his fingers to call up the virtual screen. He happened to see among the news compiled by Xuanwu that Han Xing Electronics and LG were "singing praises" for Korean Peninsula companies.

"The ancestors have protected Goryeo for thousands of years. Over the years, Goryeo has become a white-eyed wolf. If it weren't for the fact that this land has many loyal friends besides white-eyed wolves, and the special geographical location, I would still be here. I really don’t want to care about you.” He said to himself: “These factories will monopolize your mid-to-high-end manufacturing industry. In the future, you should develop tourism and service industries.”

Nowadays, low-end industries in Daxia have begun to move to remote areas and poor overseas areas due to higher labor costs.

This was inevitable for capital to pursue profit. Gu Qing could not suppress it, but he guided it as much as possible.

That is to transfer the low- and medium-end industries with relatively good profits to remote areas in Daxia, and move the industries with average profits but with pollution risks to countries such as the Republic of China and the Korean Peninsula that have established Kyushu Science and Technology Branches. place for transfer.

Basically, as long as Jiuzhou Technology takes the lead, these companies in the Jiuzhou Alliance will follow suit, and other related cooperative companies are also willing to do the same.

While the people of Korea are still "struggle" for hope for tomorrow and even shout for economic reforms, little do they know that someone has already put an end to their development plan.

And I turned to the next page, not planning to continue writing.

Hanxing Electronics has long lost the possibility of cooperation with Jiuzhou Technology's new technologies, and the introduction of smart manufacturing factories, treated as tiger skins, can only maintain superficial reputation, and will not play much role in domestic economic development.

While thinking, a small countdown message appeared on the virtual panel in front of Gu Qing.

[Countdown to the launch of Daxia Aerospace Group’s moon landing spacecraft...]

"Xuanwu, put the live broadcast of Daxia Aerospace Group into my daily project. By the way, how long until we go to Daxia Space Launch Base?"

[Sir, there are still five hours until the special plane takes off. Daxia Aerospace Group prepared a dinner. 】

"Well, I'll rest for a while and just let me know when the time comes."

After saying that, Gu, who had not slept for two consecutive days, gradually fell into a deep sleep.

When Gu Qing said this, the light in the entire office began to gradually dim due to the changes in windows and curtains. There are also some sleep-promoting factors in the air.

Hu Ting, assistant to the president, also received relevant information reminders.

"I finally went to bed. Although I know that people like you who have been optimized by the Future Warrior Project do not need eight hours of regular sleep, but how can your body tolerate such a reverse day and night every day?"

She complained in her heart, but Hu Ting didn't stop.

Since her boss has to go out, she needs to work with several senior assistants in the assistant office and the Jiuzhou Security Company to be responsible for the safety of her entire life and work.

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