Because the environment required for the installation and operation of lasers is very harsh, they are all integrated into one component.

Before going all over the country, Li You and others also looked at and touched several lithography machines that are currently mainstream in Daxia, and they are already confident.

Middle-aged people who have experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships are not like young people who are not deeply involved in the world. They will not easily get angry because of doubts caused by others' incomprehension.

Slapping their faces with products is what makes them most secretly happy.

"Since your company is ready for the adaptation, we have this type of machine in our laboratory, let us wait and see."

Zhao Xingxia added another sentence: "Sign a contract first, so as to avoid accidents during the experiment and cause unnecessary losses to everyone, is it okay?"

"There is nothing you can do."

Gu Qing smiled and agreed, of course he understood the other party.

Although the lithography machine is not as expensive as some sports cars, it is more difficult to manufacture than a sports car, and it will be a blood loss if one is broken.

When the team of their semiconductor department went to other manufacturers to adjust and adapt the light source equipment, they always paid a test fee and a deposit.

Even the legal department has made several relevant contract templates.

After signing the contract, Zhao Xingxia took Gu Qing and his party to another research room.

For the lithography machine workshop that has been built, every experiment is very expensive.

Putting on white work clothes comparable to protective clothing, Li You and others entered the ultra-clean workshop of the lithography machine with several light source equipment components.

Zhao Xingxia watched these people turn on the lithography machine system very skillfully, and after replacing the light source equipment, they skillfully divided into two teams.

Li You and his team sat on the computer workbench to adjust the parameters with their fingers flying, while Zhang Yantai led his team to adjust the laser adjustment and energy controller of the lithography machine.

Although the light source equipment is suitable for this lithography machine, there are many small problems that need to be dealt with, otherwise it is normal for the lithography machine to be damaged, not to mention that the chip cannot be manufactured.

After working for a long time, Li You and Zhang Yantai reviewed it together, and then made an OK gesture to the camera in the room.

"Professor Zhao, the experiment is about to start." Gu Qing reminded.

Zhao Xingxia nodded.

Whether it is near ultraviolet (NUV) laser or deep ultraviolet (DUV) laser, or the most high-end extreme ultraviolet light EUV.

They all have a purple character, which is not a very esoteric question, because these light sources are all purple light sources worthy of the name.

The steady-state micro-beaming SS1MB light source developed by the semiconductor department of Kyushu Technology is DUV deep ultraviolet light as the suitable light source equipment for the S1A600/20 lithography machine with a resolution of 90nm.

The light source equipment is running, and the deep ultraviolet light emitted by the laser

After correction, it enters the energy controller, beam shaping device and other equipment, and then enters the photomask table.

The test photomask placed on the photomask stage is then projected to the exposure stage through the objective lens.

An 8-inch wafer is placed on the exposure table and photoresist is applied to it.

After half an hour... Of course, the chip cannot be made in such a short time, but its working status and trial operation results can be judged.

"This, this, this..."

"Is this actually real, domestic DUV light source? I'm not dreaming, Lao Zhao."

“Excellent in cleanliness”

The young engineer who was still a little angry just now looked at the lithography machine in the workshop, his mouth opened unconsciously, and his eyes were a little distracted.

As a middle-aged man with a family, Li You took great care of his younger generation.

He walked up to the man and patted him on the shoulder.

"Come back to God, this is just the beginning."

"Ah? Ah? What started? Can you sell this light source to us? Can we use our domestic light source now?"

The young engineer was a bit incoherent, as were the other developers and engineers.

Everyone in the laboratory and lithography workshop was shocked.

Daxia Enterprise's own light source equipment!

How long have they been waiting for this day?

An old engineer from Pudong Microelectronics wiped away tears unconsciously.

A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, but he doesn't reach the sad point.

This group of old people who have devoted themselves to the domestic semiconductor industry is even more deeply touched.

When they did this...

"It's better to buy than to make, and it's expensive to make garbage, and it's not easy to use domestically produced.

There are many problems in domestic production, so don't do it, you should buy German light sources!

Build a lithography machine to trap your own people! "

A sentence of tricky and mean words in the past echoed in my ears at this moment, and then I looked at the lithography machine now.

"Finally a good light source."

Professor Zhao took off his glasses and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. The assistant beside him was also crying.

Gu Qing pursed his lips and shook his head.

Although he knew the difficulties of Daxia Semiconductor's scientific research, he still underestimated the harm that the public opinion environment and economic environment had done to these researchers.

Yes, there are mature and high-end technologies abroad, and you only need to spend money to buy them, and you can enjoy perfect services.

There are still a group of elm lumps in China, asking for sponsorship everywhere, digging and searching to save money for experiments and development, and finally made some achievements, because there are flaws without market adaptation and feedback upgrades.

Then came the overwhelming abuse and belittling, and even "domestic high-tech products" were criticized by public opinion as "fake and inferior products".

German products, neon products, and American versions are good.

However, Pudong Microelectronics insisted on carrying these rumors and working hard all the way until now it can produce 90nm lithography machines.

The ARF light source described in the public information is 193 nanometers.

This shows that if there is a better light source, the accuracy of the lithography machine will be improved quickly.

"You don't know, the core component of the high-power laser requires a stable and controllable laser of more than 20,000 watts. Only Germany and the United States can supply the components of this laser.

There is a huge gap between us and them in this field. Because there is no demand, almost no company can provide the corresponding parts.

Later, Lao Zhuang from Harbin Institute of Technology helped us connect. After cooperating with them, we had to choose the DPP solution, which is difficult to increase the power but does not require high-power lasers, as the entry point.

Your company is doing really well with this project, really well. "

Professor Zhao didn't ask Gu Qing if the light source was imported from abroad, and bought a finished product like that beast to deceive them.

Because of this new technology light source, not to mention the finished product, there are not many papers now, where can they buy it?

Instead, Gu Qing heard the word Lao Zhuang and asked subconsciously: "Professor Zhao, are you talking about Professor Zhuang Youwei from Harbin Institute of Technology?"

Only then did Zhao Xingxia put on his glasses and nodded.

"It's him. We have a few Harbin Institute of Technology students who were introduced by him."

Gu Qing clapped his hands.

"Isn't this fate? I also have a good relationship with Professor Zhuang. Our company's bionic mechanical prosthesis project also has students from Harbin Institute of Technology."

The two started chatting on this topic, as if they had forgotten their friendship.

PS: Thank you for your recommendation and monthly pass, good night~

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