The footprints on the moon have gradually been connected and become roads.

Although Jiuzhou Xinghai Company has dispatched robots carrying mobile energy, the aircraft in lunar orbit cannot land simultaneously, so the three Daxia astronauts do not have as much working time as they imagined.

However, when Daxia's astronaut team merged with the three intelligent robots from Jiuzhou Xinghai Company and started working, the three astronauts still felt very surprised.

The work efficiency of these three intelligent robots is higher than their manual operation, and they can also help analyze the materials when mining samples, and classify and package them.

When Jiuzhou Xinghai Company was conducting lunar excavations in the live broadcast room, its live broadcast screen went from blurry to black screen.

It even directly stated later - [The live broadcast signal of the spacecraft is interrupted, and the live broadcast signal will be restored after five hours]

Then put the real-time video captured by the lunar orbiter on the live broadcast room, allowing netizens to use this to "relieve boredom".

At that time, this operation directly made the already excited netizens so restless that they wanted to curse.

At this moment, when the Daxia astronauts started the sample collection work, although there was no prompt of "Spaceship Live Broadcast Signal Interruption", the picture in the live broadcast room changed from the view in front of the three astronauts to the view of the spacecraft. Shot of distant lunar craters.

There was even a narration voice in the live broadcast room, introducing: "Among the lunar craters, there are larger ones called craters, which are ring-shaped pits formed on the surface of planets, satellites, asteroids or other celestial bodies by meteorites impacting the moon. .

On celestial bodies with weathering processes or celestial bodies with crustal movement, old craters will gradually be erased.

The density of craters on some bodies can be used to determine the age of corresponding surface areas..."

Although the voice of the narrator is very magnetic, although the picture of the crater is very clear, although this is the landscape of an alien planet, it is very different from the landscape on the ground of Blue Star.

But this still cannot make netizens around the world pay.

"You've been up on the couch for a few nights, and you just want to show me this?"

"Ahhhh, ants are crawling all over my body again! Isn't this bullying an honest person?!"

"Okay, okay, you've learned bad things from Kyushu Technology, right??!"

"Uuuuuu, why? I just want to see the astronaut's first-person perspective..."

Netizens are angry, and NASA's senior engineers and scientists are also angry at this time.

And this is not the second time!

Thomas, the director of the NASA agency, was too lazy to contact the European Space Agency to ask if they had a first-person live broadcast.

Because he knew the other party's answer without asking: "Not yet."

The moon is a valuable asset that belongs to all mankind. Kyushu Technology does not have exclusive access to it. Daxia Aerospace Group has also gone up there...

As for when your organization will land on the moon?

The moon landing rocket had problems again and again, and Thomas had no way to repair the rocket.

The current industrial base of the United States is not only not as strong as it once was, nor is it as top-notch as it once was, but it also lacks many important industries.

At this moment, the engineers and scientists of Daxia Aerospace Group have no time to pay attention to the various statements of netizens and institutions outside.

They all looked at the operation screen in front of them with solemn expressions, paying the most focused attention to the links they were responsible for.

Digging lunar soil, mining lunar rocks, kneading lunar soil, and analyzing the lunar soil, lunar rock moisture content, some shallow materials and deep materials around the landing site together with the intelligent robot assisted by Jiuzhou Xinghai Company.

In addition, action tests such as running and jumping were also conducted, but the range and intensity of the actions were not as large as what the Kyushu astronauts did when they landed on the moon.

Despite this, the three astronauts from Daxia Aerospace Group are able to use their own equipment to actually touch, dig and analyze these lunar materials, which is already ahead of other forces in Blue Star.

"Same as the data originally shared by Kyushu Technology, there are different color gradients from the superficial lunar soil to the lunar soil three centimeters below. This phenomenon cannot be seen in the large number of footprints from the Apollo lunar landing sites that have been disclosed. "

"The lunar soil is somewhat whitened under strong sunlight, but it is still mainly brown."

"Water evaporates faster than the surface of Blue Star."

"After initial screening and testing, there is no discrepancy between the lunar soil samples at the landing site and the lunar soil sample data provided to us by Jiuzhou Technology."

"This time Kyushu Xinghai did not assist small outer space aircraft, and our Shenzhou spacecraft has no way to carry its own drone aircraft in the internal space. This is indeed a pity."

"The shell metal of these robots is not ordinary metal. It has experienced the harsh lunar environment for so long without any damage. Even the coating on the surface has not been damaged?"

"I hope that in the samples we collect this time, we can find [釛] elements and other special elemental substances. Material science has reached its limits and is in urgent need of new material stimulation."

In today's technological era where smart devices and intelligent robots are deeply involved in industrial production and service industries, Daxia Space Group has never considered itself "backward". Compared with its predecessors such as NASA and the European Space Agency, Daxia Space Group It has already surpassed its predecessors.

Even in the data cooperation with the aerospace department of Jiuzhou Technology, it was more like a senior teacher helping the younger generation.

And now, this junior is backstabbing and surpassing them just like Daxia Aerospace Group.

This undoubtedly aroused the competitive spirit of all engineers of Daxia Aerospace Group. Therefore, in addition to completing the "zero to one" technological breakthrough, Daxia Aerospace Group's moon landing mission also has an important task - to analyze as much as possible The technological gap with Daxia Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company.

And now, they have also experienced the powerlessness that Western technology companies such as Intel, Nvidia, AMD, and Pingguo felt when facing Jiuzhou Technology's cross-generation technology products.

"I heard that Jiuzhou astronauts and intelligent robots have been training together. According to on-site feedback, our work efficiency has increased by at least 25% with the help of intelligent robots, and the work efficiency of Jiuzhou astronauts has increased by at least 25%. At least it has improved by more than 50%, and even many jobs are taken over by robots.

It seems that the Kyushu astronauts' space suits and spaceships should have higher-performance data processing chips, otherwise they would not be able to make these intelligent robots behave so smart. "

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