These words are a bit contradictory, and the Gadfly leader resisted, how could it make the person happy?

But from Gu Qing's point of view, this is the case.

When people are annoyed by flies and mosquitoes, they will use fly swatters and mosquito coils to solve them, because they are not really threatening, they are just annoying.

And only in the face of a real threat, the first reaction of human beings is to resist or resist.

Seeing that Gu Qing was in a good mood, Yu Chengdong couldn't help asking: "Mr. Gu, what are you?"

"I didn't beg them to buy it. I was still worrying about the lack of production capacity. Didn't someone give me a pillow just after I fell asleep?"

Boss Gu smiled and shook his head.

Picking up the mobile phone to edit a paragraph of text, the Tuite official account of Kyushu Technology Company sent this paragraph later, and Aite tweeted that.

"If there is a country or region that does not need the products of Kyushu Technology Company, such as Titan Star smart home robots, bionic mechanical prosthetics, and [Boundary Monument], please send an official letter directly.

Our company will close the product sales channels, after-sales service, and application channels for bionic mechanical prostheses in the country or region within three days after receiving the official letter. "

Although he hadn't seen the other party's reply yet, Yu Chengdong looked serious.

Is the attitude of the young boss so tough?

This is simply a hedgehog. As soon as someone speaks up, he immediately fights back forcefully.

Although he was stunned, his response was also very irregular.


It really suits his appetite!

However, in Kyushu Science and Technology Company, no one dared to gossip about Gu Qing's "behavior of a stunned youth", and even made some actions similar to "forced to the palace".

What is a 100% controlling big boss?

The way Yu Chengdong looked at him gave Gu Qing some goosebumps.

He chuckled: "I just can't bear this anger,"

Dong Qi was on the side, turned his head and rolled his eyes.

Boss Gu's thoughts, doesn't he understand?

On the surface, he was flabbergasted, but behind his back, he might be making something bad.

But in the current crisis, he can only choose to be a support.

Science and technology are not only primary productive forces, but also the most important criterion for whether a person is strong or not.

Due to the urgent schedule ahead, Yu Chengdong left after having dinner at Kyushu Technology Company.

Of course, those two documents were taken away. Although Gu Qing did not accept it, both parties have already made clear their intention to deepen cooperation.

The time came to 7 o'clock in the evening in Daxia, which is 7 o'clock in the morning in a certain continent.

"Simply f...k! Waterma-hot-fak, fk!!!

I really want to use the head of the old thing to wipe the butter on the wine table! "

The boss of a gang in Philadelphia, the former one-armed devil-Anno Bleu, woke up from his sleep and ushered in a new day, a day that made him irritable.

As soon as he turned on the phone, the news of his commander and Kyushu Technology Company swiped the screen.

After reading it patiently, his originally calm temper became agitated.

"A horse-rider."

The pure Daxia accent blurted out the national curse.

An Nuo really doesn't know what the politicians are thinking, what are they going to do?

Kyushu Technology Company messed with them?

[Boundary Monument] Annuo has little experience with the excellence of smart home robots.

But looking at his identical hands, he couldn't help sighing: "They have the latest technology, and they want to benefit strangers like us.

If the gentlemen of Congress have this technology, it will only serve the rich and the elite.

I heard that there are mechanical prosthetics of this level in laboratories in our country, but they have never been provided to us for so many years.


How could the lofty shepherd sympathize with the old, weak, sick and disabled in his flock?

His mercy is only because our value has become lower. "

Since returning to Philadelphia from Rongcheng, Anno Bulu has become a thinker who loves life.

He often smelled the gunpowder from the muzzle after emptying the magazine.

This deadly and dangerous smell made him miss his life in the Kyushu Science and Technology Park in Daxia Rongcheng.

No disputes, no discrimination, no abuse.

Everyone is working hard for a better tomorrow.

There is also the light red drink, the researchers call it "Taoyao", although the pronunciation is a bit strange, and you can only drink one bottle a day, but it is really delicious...

If it wasn't for his career in Philadelphia, he might consider going to Rongcheng to become a rich man.

Xiaoyao from the Land of Abundance, after he learned a lot of Daxia language, was even more touched.

Playing mahjong, eating hot pot, and picking ears is simply not too comfortable.

Now, the countermeasures mentioned by the Kyushu Technology Company are what he cares most about.

He needs bionic mechanical prosthetics.

Although with his current status and wealth, he can live a better life than most people without bionic mechanical prostheses.

But soundness and incompleteness are like the dividing line between two worlds.

Chicken Soup for the Soul says to learn to accept incompleteness and imperfection, because the world is not perfect.

That's bullshit!

With a sound body, a wealth of billions, and a pampered life, how could it not be perfect?

It's a pity that due to the special degree, his power cannot touch those special areas.

And what about the people sitting in those positions?

Behind them are Cai valves, Ziben, and the will of some people.

Even the sudden emergence of a new king represents a certain part of the power.

At this moment, the new king is listening to the research report of the experts and staff.

At this time, he was no longer the ignorant rookie at the beginning.

After flipping through several pages of documents, the semiconductor industry expert said in detail: "A high-end lithography machine is made up of tens of thousands of precision parts, hundreds of actuator sensors, and thousands of lines of codes. composed of ultra-complex thinking systems.

Its internal movement accuracy error is no more than one-thousandth of a hair.

ASML is the only high-end lithography machine manufacturer in the world today, and only produces about 20 high-end equipment every year.

At present, the AS-ML laboratory has conquered the key technology of the 7nm lithography machine, so it will take about ten to twenty years for Daxia companies to realize the overtaking of our lithography machine and chips.

It is worth noting that, according to media reports: At present, many well-known companies in Daxia are starting research, or have already participated in the research and development and investment in the chip field. Within five years, it will be gradually drawn closer. "

We should step up efforts to support enterprises in related industries, introduce talents, and build patent moats. "


The coming and going of adults always seems a little lifeless.

Just like children eating meat, they all want to eat the largest and most meat.

It's just that some children will share the meat with other friends, so that everyone can eat as much as possible.

However, some children like to eat alone, and after they are full, they would rather the meat rot than give it to others.

PS: Thank you for the reward of 2000 starting point coins of Yu Neng Shen Shu.

Thank you everyone for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. I still have to be cheeky and ask for more. Would you like some more from Yanzu and Hepburn?

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