"Jiuzhou Technology is a stingy company. Not only did it not share lunar soil, but even the high-definition photos and videos of the moon were only sent to relevant cooperative enterprises and institutions. It has never been publicly given or authorized to NASA, SpaceX, Neon Aerospace and other institutions and enterprises."

"Just now, I interviewed the head of international business in our country. He told me that the reason why we have imposed special restrictions on the sales of Jiuzhou Technology's products is because Jiuzhou Technology has never had a spirit of sharing and is even more unwilling to open its arms to friends."

"NASA has been bullied by Jiuzhou Technology to the point that it has to rely on media platforms to express its feelings, because social media platforms such as Jiuzhou Community and TKTK Platforms are almost all controlled by Daxia's enterprises!"

"Help! Jiuzhou Technology is controlling the moon! Our other human organizations will never be able to land on the moon again! Just like the MIT professor we specially invited said, mastering the moon means mastering the rope of fate for all people on the ground of our blue planet. As long as we have any objections, any expression of dissatisfaction with the status quo, Jiuzhou Technology will slowly tighten the rope and suffocate! Even die! ! ! "


Although Jiuzhou Technology has been providing "moon soil benefits" to local and international partners after getting the first-hand moon specialties, these media reporters seem to have suddenly lost their memory and hearing.

They forgot everything Jiuzhou Technology had done, forgot their own praise for Jiuzhou Technology some time ago, and could not hear the dissatisfaction expressed by their user groups.

In a sense, they have made a choice.

At the beginning, they racked their brains to join the Jiuzhou Alliance, and even to guide excellent public opinion, but in the face of Jiuzhou Technology's rejection, these wavering people had no say in Jiuzhou Technology!

Facing such accusations from the global media, Zhou Yi, the head of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, logged into his company's full-platform account and responded concisely: "You seem to have forgotten the Wolf Clause and that Jiuzhou Technology is a private company."

Afterwards, Zhou Yi posted another dynamic on the company account.

[After this period of project operation, our company is working on expanding the number of people in the space station tourism project...]

As soon as these two dynamics were released, they immediately became the top five hot searches on major platforms.

Experts who have a clear memory of the "Wolf Clause" all bluntly stated that the "Wolf Clause" is a stupid move by NASA to limit itself and close the door to aerospace.

In addition, some analysts who have studied the field of international relations have pointed out that behind the "Wolf Clause" is a fusion of geopolitical security considerations and ideological prejudices, and it is a microcosm of Uncle Sam's desire to implement the "small courtyard and high wall" strategy in the global technology map of Blue Star.

However, the rapid development of Jiuzhou Technology's aerospace business has turned the "Wolf Clause" into the "Stupid Clause".

Many elites from other countries and regions have logged on to international social platforms such as Jiuzhou Community, Jiebei Forum, and X Platform to refute NASA's unreasonable request, and many elites have angrily criticized NASA as a short-sighted laboratory mouse.

"Because of various good luck, it has become the mouse with the largest muscle mass, but the mouse does not know that if it does not take good care of its body and restrain its desires, it will definitely die suddenly!"

"I vaguely remember that NASA also required Jiuzhou Technology's aerospace department to share all the first-hand lunar data. This kind of bandit logic thinking makes people feel speechless and angry."

"Everyone knows that our company has a lot of oil resources. Yes, I think if Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company do not refuse this unreasonable request, there will be even greater losses in the future! This is inevitable! Look at what happened to our company and you will know!"


These elites, while criticizing NASA's various rubbish words and deeds, are also "popularizing" Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's various humanitarian projects, rescue, and Jiuzhou Technology's outstanding contributions to scientific research in their own circle of friends.

Originally, the upper elites of Blue Star were very curious about Jiuzhou Technology, a mysterious Daxia technology company. Now seeing this situation, they are even more curious.

What is NASA?

Although NASA can send astronauts to the sky and take a walk on the moon, in essence, NASA is Uncle Sam's ass!

Zhou Yi, the head of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, and the elites from all walks of life in the international community of Blue Star, repeatedly tortured NASA, just like hitting Uncle Sam in the face.

Not only is it loud, but it also hurts!

After dealing with dozens of complaints and angry messages, NASA's public relations personnel began to close the dynamic comment area, and updated NASA's various easy and created technologies that lead human progress from its establishment to the present every day.

Those Internet celebrities who are thinking about increasing their channel traffic every day have also started the "Support Jiuzhou" activity.

A black singer created a rap song in response to the NASA's grab for lunar soil incident. Although many of the lyrics contain words that cannot be translated, it was forwarded by many people because of the catchy melody and some unheard words.

There are also cartoonists, directors, video editors, and TKTK video bloggers who have created many videos and cartoons in related fields for this NASA incident.

The heat of this incident has been pushed up again and again.

Not only did NASA's senior management not want to visit online social platforms, but also many elites within Uncle Sam were dissatisfied in their daily meetings.

However, due to the influence of Jiuzhou Technology, Daxia and other related forces, this dissatisfaction could not be accurately addressed. They could only reluctantly ask major social platforms to limit the flow of various works and dynamics created for this incident and deal with them coldly.

The result is obvious. Among the major social platforms, the vast majority only responded to the email files, but did not really "do it" completely.

Some people, however, have a clear mind.

Among the dynamic content released by Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, there is one that says "will start to expand the number of people in the space station tourism project", which may be just the development information of a commercial project for ordinary people.

But for the social elite and the wealthy, this information means that Jiuzhou Technology will increase the number of people who benefit from the "Life-Sustaining Cradle" project!

The class with wealth assets is often more unwilling than ordinary people to be defeated by diseases, die in pain, and grow old.

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