Before "leaving", Gu Qing gave An Hetang a special communication device.

"Even if I land on the moon, as long as I am not completely dead, this device can contact me. Of course, considering your mental stress, I have added a small design. As long as there is no flashing light on this device, it means that my physical condition is normal. If it flashes red, it means that I need you and the help of Jiuzhou Security.

The device will automatically send the coordinates to you, and then everything will be up to you."

General Gu's words seemed to still echo in his ears.

This is also the main reason why An Hetang can still sit here at this time.

Under Gu Qing's design, Jiuzhou Technology, a giant company, can be "hosted". Only the office AI [Xiezhi] can allow the company's business department to operate independently for a long time.

But even if it is "hosted", some key materials and core authority technology authorizations require Gu Qing's consent before they can be carried out.

When An Hetang meets with others every day, he behaves very steadily, but only he knows how anxious he is.

As time went by, the communication device did not change, but An Hetang felt that his heartbeat frequency was a little disordered.

January 21, 1029 of the Xia Yin calendar.

Tourists at Xiling Snow Mountain were all amazed by the snowy world in front of them.

"Wow, it's snowing! Heavy snow!"

"It's rare for the mountaintop Riyueping at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters and the ski resort at an altitude of 2,200 meters to have such heavy snow in this month."

"Please pay attention to your personal safety, always pay attention to your body temperature, and if you have any problems, please seek help from the staff as soon as possible..."

The staff of Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic Area shouted with a loudspeaker while cleaning the snow on the road.

The 21st was Sunday. Now the income of residents in Chengdu and surrounding areas has increased a lot compared to the reported level ten years ago. When encountering this kind of free time, naturally more people are willing to choose to travel with their families.

Although Xiling Snow Mountain is not as majestic as Siguniang Mountain and other snow mountains in Tibet, it is close to Chengdu and has convenient transportation, so the ski resort on the snow mountain is now overcrowded.

There is a pass on Baishagang in Xiling Snow Mountain, between Riyueping and Hongshijian at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, lying on the east side of Daxuetang in Xiling Snow Mountain, and is called the "Yin Yang Boundary".

Because it is located at the watershed between basin and plateau climate: the western climate is cold and dry; the eastern basin climate is warm and humid.

The warm air flow of the basin and the cold air flow of the plateau meet on Baishagang. There is often a clear sky in the southeast of the ridge, but the northwest of the ridge is hazy with clouds and mist.

But today, many tourists who come here for the name have found that this place is not as magical as they look in the short video.

"What is this? Is there any fake Lingjing Ecological Tourism? I chose to come here only after experiencing it. What a waste of my weekend."

"I was planning to shoot a video for my kid's geography class, but it seems that there is no good material this time."

"I heard that there has been no good scenery in Riyueping in the past half month. Is there something wrong?"

"Alas, the weather is getting worse and worse. Some are dying of drought and some are dying of floods. Now these natural scenes are becoming more and more inaccurate. In the future, I may only be able to experience them in the Lingjing Ecological Tourism Channel."

"Yes, but there is still a big difference between the experience of using the Lingjing Ecological Lander and the actual experience on site. The fresh air brought by the breeze is something that the Lingjing Lander cannot accurately simulate."


For half a month, similar complaints from tourists have been heard at major check-in attractions in Xiling Snow Mountain.

The official Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic Area is also very anxious. After verifying with many experts, they did not get a unified, authoritative and accurate answer.

Fortunately, the snow on the snow mountain is still there, the ski resort has not changed, and other animals and plants have not been affected.

Deep in the earth veins, Gu Qing's figure had long been covered by soil and rocks.

In the endless darkness, the silver jade plate in Gu Qing's mind had been circling slowly, undisturbed by anything, over and over again.

Just after a long breath, the jade plate suddenly burst into a gentle glow, and Gu Qing suddenly felt a little numb and itchy at the center of his eyebrows.

Although his eyes were not open, the normal pupil color had disappeared as the eyeballs under his eyelids turned, and a little starlight appeared in the gray pupils.


Too hot!

It was obviously deep in the earth veins, and he had not eaten or drunk for more than 20 days, but as the light of the jade plate in his mind became more and more, a heat began to spread from the depths of his mind to Gu Qing's internal organs, limbs, and even his skin, which gradually became red, like a cooked prawn buried deep in the snow-capped mountains.

Fortunately, Gu Qing had already traveled to the snow-capped mountains during his meditation these days, and his body's endurance had already surpassed that of ordinary people.

But after three days of being nurtured by the heat, Gu Qing still felt dissatisfied!

Not enough! Not enough!

With his mind on the snowy mountains, Gu Qing's thinking could be as slow as a drop of water wearing away a stone, or it could change the world in an instant.

The inheritance jade disc gave more than one method of improving the skills. Gu Qing had been promoting the future warrior project for many years and consciously mastered the core logic, so he chose to retreat and impact a higher stage.

It's just that because of the different training methods, his ability at this time can no longer match the stage division of the Future Warrior Project.

"In front of Emperor Zixiaxu of the Shangqing Dynasty, Lord Yuchen of Taishangdaodao. He lives in idleness and makes seven words from the pistil pearl, which disperses the five shapes and transforms into ten thousand gods.

The "Huang Ting Jing" scriptures indicate that the human body is a temple. It is said that "Yun Zhai is the Jade Emperor of the Qing Dynasty". There are gods living in the five internal organs, and each has its own name:

The name of the Lung God is Haohua, and the character is Xucheng. The shape of the lungs is tiger, and it controls the soul.

The name of the spleen spirit is Changzai, with the word Soul Court. The shape of the spleen is like a divine phoenix, which is responsible for storing the soul.

The name of the heart spirit is Danyuan, and the word is Shou Ling. The shape of the heart is like a red bird, and it is the main possession of the spirit.

The six internal organs, the five internal organs, the spirit and the body essence all carry the heavenly scriptures in the heart, and they are stored day and night for self-immortality. "

While thinking, Gu Qing already had a clear understanding.

To stimulate the potential of this body and forge it into a treasure ship that can adapt to the harsh environment of the universe, more stimulation is needed!

"Originally I didn't plan to play like this, but things have come to this, and fate has brought us together, so let's do it!"

After making up his mind, Gu Qing controlled his throat and coughed regularly.

In an instant, the space gradually became hot and dry. In addition, the motor started to work, and thunder and lightning appeared.

Beads of sweat began to appear on Gu Qing's forehead, and steam began to slowly emerge from the surrounding rocks.

But even so, Gu Qing still felt that it was not enough!

Still a little short of that!

He endured the pain in his body and coughed twice again.

After a while, the thunder and lightning became more intense, and the jade disc in his mind also appeared with more brilliance, and the brilliance was extremely dazzling, giving Gu Qingdu a dazzling feeling.

The brilliance of the jade dish, the electricity of thunder, and the energy of the snow-capped mountains and earth veins all combined into one, causing Gu Qing to scream in agony. He felt his heartbeat suddenly intensify, and his internal organs were wailing in pain.

After two lifetimes as a human being, although the pain was severe, Gu Qing still maintained his sanity.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, guarding the entrance, silently thinking in his heart.

"The spiritual platform Yu Ai looks at the yellow field. There are three different rooms with upper and lower rooms. In the middle is the camp guard Gaoxuan Shou, and the bridal chamber is the Ziji Ling door. This is the person who told me in the past. Master Shen on the left uttered a divine message, and there is Bai Yuan standing side by side on the right. In the golden and jade room of the Mingtang Hall, Master Shangqing is in front of me. Huang Shangzidan is constantly troubled. May I ask where the sun and the moon are standing in front of me?

This is a practice scripture in the "Huang Ting Sutra". The road to practice requires not only overcoming thorns and obstacles, but also choosing the right path. This scripture is an important instruction for monks not to go astray during practice.

Therefore, whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, as long as it is orthodox practice, it requires precepts and chanting scriptures. Only in this way can we survive this extremely difficult process.

Sure enough, as he began to recite the scriptures silently in his heart, some mysterious changes began to occur. Thunder and lightning began to deliberately circle Gu Qing's body, only affecting key acupuncture points, and the radiance of the jade plate in Gu Qing's mind also began to feel warm. .

Mountains exist as terrain, and where they are shaped, the energy of the earth's veins flows, and by chance, the dragon's veins can be formed.

This earth vein energy has been in contact and friction with Gu Qing's whole body energy for many days, and the human body has gradually been able to access it.

The energy of the earth's veins continued to flow into Gu Qing's body, slowly stimulating his body's potential. The vast natural aura made Gu Qing gradually enter a special and wonderful state.

The fetus is formed from the subdued qi, and the qi is breathed from the existing fetus. Qi enters the spirit for life, and spirit leaves the form for death. Knowing that spiritual energy can always be generated, we should stick to nothingness to nourish spiritual energy.

There is no breathing, but the heart is beating slowly. I haven't eaten or drank for more than 20 days, but my heart is still strong and strong.

The heat flow in the body has been rushing towards the eyebrows, but there is like an abyss between the eyebrows. Countless heat flows have entered, but there is no response.

Just like that, one day, two days, three days.

January 28th.

In the core command room of Jiuzhou Security Company, none of the senior executives were in a calm state. .

"Director An, how long are you going to delay this!?"

"Although Mr. Gu has given you the authority, I am the deputy director of Mr. Gu's security team! If you stop giving out information, I will use my authority!"

Shen Jun did not sit on the office chair, but stood and asked the middle-aged man on the Yunjin monitor in a serious voice.

But just after he said these words, he suddenly became startled, and his sense of crisis developed through years of training made him subconsciously sink his center of gravity and take defensive actions.


An Hetang took a deep breath, and then slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was like the sharp edge of a cold weapon. Even if he did not appear in front of everyone in person, it still made all the executives of the security company feel a chill. .

"I will only say this once, please obey Mr. Gu's orders, no one dares to make any changes.

die! "

Zhou Xin, Wang Yun, Shen Jun... these elites who joined Jiuzhou Technology Company very early and were responsible for Gu Qing's security work all looked solemn and surprised at this moment.

Lao An actually had murderous intent towards them! ?

Although we occasionally had some disagreements about work in the past, we never had any differences in the general direction of our work. We have known each other for many years and know the basics.

Shen Jun frowned slightly and said, "Director An, calm down!"

"Brothers are all old men who started their careers with Mr. Gu. Their identities are assessed and verified every quarter. There is absolutely no possibility of betrayal or disguised spies!

Mr. Gu’s safety is more important than anything else! Whether it's Mr. Gu's order or other reasons, we cannot accept any accidents!

And it's not just us, the middle-level elites of the security company are also a little worried now.

In the past, no matter how absorbed in the experiment Mr. Gu was, he would personally handle confidential documents and respond to reports after a while, but this time it has been nearly a month! "

Shen Jun suppressed his suspicion and anger and argued with reason.

But An Hetang was not moved at all, and said coldly: "Mr. Gu has an order, we just need to obey it."

"Violators will be dealt with according to the rules."

His voice was as strong as iron.

The expressions of several senior executives were stagnant.

After so many years of brothers, it was not until this moment that they truly realized that An Hetang was a machine that only obeyed orders!

"Okay, okay, okay, since you are dead set on this order, then I will wait until the time is up."

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about in today's meeting."

"Since the order can only be downgraded to our authority on the first of next month, I will wait patiently. "

The high-level meeting of Jiuzhou Security Company came to an end.

In the underground base of Xiling Snow Mountain, An Hetang unzipped his chest and stared at the device on his chest with a deep gaze.

"As long as there is no flashing light on the device, it means that the body is in normal condition. If it flashes red, it means that I need you and the help of Jiuzhou Security. "

General Gu's words are still echoing in my ears.

It is also the reason why Anhetang has been able to sit still for so long.

After a while, he slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate and practice.

A few days later.

Under the ground veins, in the artificially dug cave, Liu Tang and others were still immersed in the state of practice.

Liu Tang still had his back to the wall, his feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, his hands clasped together, placed in front of his chest.

Unlike a month ago, Liu Tang can now feel a heat flow in his body that can move slowly, using the force of hitting the wall against the wall, the so-called opening of the chest Tan Zhong, making the whole body's Qi and meridians smooth, is to allow this heat flow in the body to follow this force and enter the chest Tan Zhong point.

"This is the second stage, the body is strong enough to produce this magical warm current, or Qi? It can move with the will, but if the will is not firm, this warm current will also cause some physical damage..."

In this month, Liu Tang has seen other people in the cave vomiting blood due to problems with their practice, and some even hit the wall and fell to the ground.

When the trainee fell to the ground, it was also the first time Liu Tang saw an "outsider" - a doctor - after entering this cave.

The next chapter will end the physical practice-

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