Li Zhentang, the dean of the Institute of Biotechnology, has close communication with Yang Shixiong, the engineer in charge of the space station R\u0026D project, Sun Jiaduo, the person in charge of the commercial cooperation of the space station project, and other senior executives of the projects related to the business of Jiuzhou Aerospace.

Even two days before the company's high-level meeting was about to be held, there was no interruption of contact, and even every time they used encrypted channels to communicate and exchange ideas without getting tired.

This also made many other senior executives who returned to the headquarters and wanted to communicate with these senior executives feel a little "special".

Sun Changzheng, who was once the person in charge of animal experiments for manned space projects in the aerospace department of Jiuzhou Technology, is now a senior technical executive of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company. Although the work he is responsible for is not much different from before, his salary and dividends have increased a lot compared to before.

After all, over the years, the influence of the projects he is responsible for has increased day by day.

Even now, he has learned from official channels that he cannot travel abroad at will, including his immediate family members.

Dr. Zhou Binsheng, who was wearing a white lab coat and was in charge of the Taoyao animal experiment, is now one of the main persons in charge of Daxia's national fitness... However, the project he is responsible for is no longer just animal experiments, but also the collection and organization of a lot of social science data.

Unlike these serious senior executives with scientific research backgrounds, Guo Chang, the project leader of "Smart Machine Crisis", has now finished his "collection" in the major military areas of Daxia. With the weapon data with modified data, he returned to Jiuzhou Lingjing Company to carry out the major version update of "Smart Machine Crisis".

The long-awaited Second Global Martial Arts Conference will be a special competition project that will shock the world with Daxia's comprehensive strength.

In addition, Li Hongchang, the head of the laboratory of the Zhuyue Starship Department, Zhao Sun, the head of the Titanium Star Medical Team, and Liu Jun, the head of Jiuzhou Technology's Shanghai Branch... These outstanding elite talents who have been working hard on their respective projects have also sorted out their work reports one after another, and are ready to provide relevant materials as soon as the company needs them.

Time is not urgent, and it is the 15th of mid-February.

On this morning, all managers and technical engineers of Jiuzhou Technology postponed their unfinished work, and even the head chef of Jiuzhou Technology Canteen assigned the work to the chefs trained in recent years.

Everyone was actively preparing for today's meeting.

Haircuts, baths, and even people went to wash their teeth and pick their ears two days in advance, in order to leave a good first impression on others and be able to clearly hear the words of their own CEO Gu.

8:40 in the morning.

Jiuzhou Technology Building No. 1, Xinke District, stepped conference room.

Jiuzhou Technology management and core technical engineers, wearing various business suits, modified Zhongshan suits, and business suits with Hanfu elements, were in the same room.

There were still twenty minutes before the meeting officially started, and CEO Gu had not arrived yet, so everyone present had a rare chance to gather together and chat quietly.

"Manager Li, thank you for your chip design support. If it weren't for them, our project over there would have been difficult to carry out."

"Engineer Zhang, you led the team to solve the major problems of our project. I was thinking about treating you and the team to a good meal this time, but I didn't expect everyone to be so busy until now. After the meeting is over, we must have a good meal. The ice fish I caught from the Arctic has absolutely no fishy smell!"

"Brother Wang, it's been a long time since we last met. I remember it was the last time."

Wang Teng looked at the young man who greeted him not far away and said with a smile: "Zhang Tianhao, what are you doing here?"

"Hahaha, Brother Wang, where is the skin CDK you promised me before? You didn't even deliver after losing the team game. I was urged by the team members."

Hearing that Zhang Tianhao came to collect the debt, Wang Teng's smile immediately became awkward.

 ̄□ ̄||

Due to the occasion, he could only sneer and say: "The CDKs I hoarded before are restricted from being given away. Now our entertainment branch is cooperating with Lingjing Company to process these data assets in the past, which will probably take some time.

But don't worry, as long as I sort it out, I will definitely give the precious CDKs I got from mining and beating BOSS to my brothers."

Although he did not take advantage of the company and ask the technical department for resources, Wang Teng still explained the source of CDK and the processing plan very rationally.

Of course, he also knew that Zhang Tianhao was not framing him, but he felt that the other party was helping him.

After all, after the Lingjing project left Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch and became an independent enterprise, some people in the head office were gossiping that the internal management of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch was chaotic.

Wang Teng explained this in public, although the truth was questionable, but it was also for the public, and he could only do so reluctantly.

After years of development, Jiuzhou Technology has involved more than one or two industries. Just the number of large projects at the global level can play Gobang.

As a young generation specially brought up by Gu Qing, Zhang Tianhao chatted with Wang Teng for a few words, and then was led by several senior managers of the company to talk about other things.

If there is any party with the most unique performance in this large tiered conference room, it must be the management of Jiuzhou Security Company.

They are dressed neatly, have serious faces, and their eyes are not the slightest bit erratic or nervous because of the occasion.

Gu Qing had explained to them before, and in a sense, the management of Jiuzhou Security Department may have had the most contact with Gu Qing.

Because of understanding and regulations, they are extremely serious at this moment.

On the other side of the soundproof and signal-proof wall of the conference room behind the Jiuzhou Security Company team, Gu Qing sat cross-legged, his eye between his eyebrows opened again, his eyes were like torches, and silver light flowed, as if there were galaxies in his eyes.

Through the eye between his eyebrows, his field of vision is no longer limited to the visible area of ​​his eyes, but can pass through the wall and spread to the entire conference room.

In the field of vision of the eye of heaven, everyone in the conference room has a breath of different colors, like erratic water vapor, slowly emitting.

Some people are red all over, and there is a wisp of orange to red smoke in the center of their heads. These are excellent talents with excellent physical fitness, who are already condensing their qi and blood, and have not done anything against their will or evil.

Some people were pale with some gray and black. Although the gray and black were not strong, they were definitely not doing well.

Gu Qing glanced at the man's face and vaguely remembered that his business had not been doing well during this period.

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