Although this reporter's question did not go in the direction that everyone is most expecting, it also scratched the itch of many people.

After all, after Jiuzhou Technology Company mastered the space station technology, it developed a space tourism project within a few years, and also opened up the supporting cradle technology, which attracted many rich people and industry professionals.

It is said that a wealthy person has already spent one billion Xia Yuan in the hope that Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will select him into the space tourism project.

If the development of the lunar base is completed, perhaps within a few years we will be able to see people leaving Blue Star and traveling to the moon.

Hearing this question, Zhou Yi saw that the eyes of the media reporters were full of curiosity again, but he answered unhurriedly: "There are many problems and difficulties faced by the lunar base development and construction project. Although there are many people in our company We simulate projects and formulate process plans based on the data obtained in recent years, but I believe everyone should know that no matter how rigorous the data is, no matter how scientific the plan is, various problems will arise when it comes to the environment of alien planets in outer space.

Otherwise, there are so many aerospace institutions in Blue Star now, and it is impossible for us to successfully land on the moon in the new century with more advanced technology. Only our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company and Daxia Aerospace Group have successfully landed on the moon. "


A soft reply of laughter appeared.

After all, everyone knows which institutions Zhou Yi complained about. They spent so much money. Although technology has obviously advanced, they can't even break through the old antique technology, or even restore it.

It's just that Zhou Yi's ridicule made some Western media reporters at the scene unable to laugh out loud.

This is simply a slap in their face and a slap in the butt of the capital behind them.

But for their own jobs and for the survival of the media company that employs them, they can only apologize and stay here, waiting for interview opportunities.

However, what Zhou Yi said next made these foreign media reporters break their defense.

“But we have plans for ordinary tourists to visit the lunar base.

After the first phase of the lunar base project is officially completed, approved, and operated safely for a period of time, more than 30 astronauts, scientists, and engineers should start living and working on the moon.

At that time, our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will also open living and travel quotas on the lunar base to our company's cooperative enterprises, institutions and some users.

The purpose of Jiuzhou Technology has always been that technology changes life and technology serves users. Our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will always adhere to this purpose so that our technology projects can benefit more users.

Of course, our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company’s projects will also use this list for companies, institutions, and bad users that are not welcomed by the Jiuzhou Alliance.

Considering that the development and construction of the lunar base costs a lot, the fees for traveling to the lunar base will also be based on our current space tourism project in Kyushu Xinghai. Travel fees will be charged to some commercial users, and free to some lucky users and project cooperative users. Discounted rates are charged.

In addition, in the second phase of the lunar base construction plan, we have designed and developed a residential area project. If this project is completed, it will provide long-term and stable lunar survival resources for more than a thousand users.

And now our company has developed technologies for recycling energy, water resources, carbon dioxide into starch, etc. According to virtual experimental deductions, after the second phase of construction is successfully operated, even without Blue Star delivering materials and energy, the residential area can Guarantee a life of sufficient supplies for more than five years. "

Although it was Zhou Yi who was announcing these project decisions, everyone could clearly understand that the leader behind it was Gu, who had become invisible.

Especially regarding the public blacklisting of Jiuzhou Technology, at first global companies and media felt that this company was making a fuss out of a molehill. Even those companies that were on the blacklist believed that even if they could not cooperate with companies in the Jiuzhou Alliance, The global market is so big that there are many other companies to cooperate with.

However, as those companies and institutions that have cooperated with Jiuzhou Technology, or want to cooperate with Jiuzhou Technology, have begun to reject business cooperation and job applications from the companies, institutions, and individuals on these lists, an invisible circle is slowly surrounding these companies, institutions, and individuals. Companies, institutions, and individuals make them feel uncomfortable and breathless.

As for the lunar base project, many media reporters can imagine that this second phase of the so-called residential area is likely to be the safest human gathering place in the universe in the next few decades.

Probably not even one.

After all, with the technology currently mastered by Jiuzhou Technology, it may not be possible to defend against these rockets at Blue Star, but it can definitely defend against "gifts" from Blue Star and from afar at the lunar base.

The threat level of nuclear deterrence will begin to slowly decrease after the successful construction of the lunar base.

I don’t know if he was considering giving more people an expectation to wait. After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds and then continued: "The second phase will verify that after we humans live on the moon for a long time, Physical status includes whether there will be adverse changes in genes and cell status.

During this period, there will definitely be some intractable diseases and problems that need to be solved. When we can overcome and perfectly solve these problems, the third phase of the construction of the lunar base will begin to increase the number of practitioners in various industries on a large scale, such as teachers, doctors, and engineers. , painters, musicians, athletes, physicists... and many other professional practitioners are on the invitation list for the third phase of construction.

By then, the cost of traveling to the lunar base, or even living there for a long time, and conducting research work will be greatly reduced to a reasonable range.

Here, I can reveal to you a special secret project of the company. Our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will make comprehensive use of resources from all parties to build an open, inclusive, free and peaceful lunar city within this century.

To this end, we will carry out large-scale space experiment projects.

Next, you will see that our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will cooperate with major medical research institutions around the world to collect relevant data and lay a solid foundation for biomedical technology for mankind's cosmic journey. "

It is not just a refuge for a very small number of people. Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, no, no, Jiuzhou Technology still wants to build a city on the moon?

Combined with the content of the previous answer by the person in charge, reporters from all media organizations were brightened up, and they jumped and raised their hands excitedly.

They really have too many questions to ask. If they are not selected, they think they will even suffocate to death!

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