NASA is like this, and the European Space Agency is actually the same.

Although Jiuzhou Xinghai Company has signed a cooperation agreement with them, in a sense, this cooperation agreement means that Jiuzhou Xinghai Company can provide some data files at will according to the situation, and then the European Space Agency must pay real money for the cooperation project every year.

And most of these data files are landscape photos of Jiuzhou Space Station and Jiuzhou Moon Landing Point, and some filtered lunar soil and rock data.

Moreover, the European Space Agency not only has to pay to see them, but also has to ensure the confidentiality of these data files.

Each data file provided by Jiuzhou Xinghai Company has hidden encrypted symbol technology. Once the data is leaked, Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's engineers can follow the map to find out which unit the data provided to was leaked.

Perhaps NASA's engineers are not careful, or there are accidents in some other links. Almost every month, Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will ask the European Space Agency to pay for the encrypted pictures leaked on the Internet according to the terms of the cooperation agreement.

As a result, every time the European Space Agency sends information to NASA, it has to take the initiative to add a heavy mosaic to these pictures and film materials before it is willing to pass them on.

When the Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's lunar landing spacecraft entered the long-planned orbit, the engineers of the European Space Agency all stretched their backs at the same time.

"This launch is over. The next one should be in about 20 days, right? I can have a good sleep now."

"I don't know when we can have deeper cooperation with Jiuzhou Xinghai Company. It would be nice to go to Jiuzhou Space Station to have a look."

"I heard that Jiuzhou Xinghai Company is going to develop a lunar base on the moon and build an alien city. If we can cooperate, God will reward us."

"The beautiful and lonely moon has been ruined by those foreign engineers from Jiuzhou Xinghai. Every time we transport so much lunar soil and rocks back to the blue planet, I don't know when Jiuzhou Xinghai Company will give us hundreds of grams of such large-scale samples."

"What's a few hundred grams? We have engineers from so many countries and regions in the European Space Agency. We can study kilograms of lunar samples!"

"Wait! Something went wrong! Jiuzhou Xinghai Company is sending us a letter to inquire!"

The originally pleasant working atmosphere immediately became serious and solemn after this voice sounded, and some engineers even looked extremely nervous.

These days, they rely on the information provided by Jiuzhou Xinghai Company to publish articles and mix up their qualifications.

They dared not give any discount to Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's requirements and must complete them 100%.

The staff member who was watched by everyone was also under great psychological pressure. He opened the email and read it carefully: "... Our company's lunar robot found unauthorized and unrecorded electronic equipment debris at three places marked A21, N12, and J316 in the east of the lunar landing point..."

After carefully reviewing the content of this email, the engineers and staff of the European Space Agency nervously flipped through the archives.

The lunar exploration project is the only remaining ambition and persistence of the European Space Agency.

After the first lunar probe "Intelligent 1" was successfully launched in September 1003 of the Xia Yin calendar and successfully hit the lunar surface as planned, the goal of the European Space Agency became "realizing manned lunar landing and completing the construction of a lunar base in 1020".

Of course, this goal is obviously beyond the scope.

Now the European Space Agency also has a lunar satellite network plan called "Moonlight", which is to launch lunar probes as much as possible while trying to launch satellites around the moon to provide communication transmission functions for these lunar probes. After collecting enough data, it will upgrade from lunar exploration to lunar landing!

The idea is of course beautiful, and the program customization is also scientific.

But Europe, like the American continent, does not have the industrial soil to develop, design, and manufacture lunar spacecraft, rockets, and other complete lunar landing facilities.

And the probes launched to the moon and the communication satellites and exploration aircraft around the moon naturally become space garbage for various reasons, or wander in orbit, or become garbage on the surface of the moon.

An important task of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company in cooperation with these overseas aerospace agencies is to trace the source of unauthorized electronic equipment or technological products when exploring the moon.

The suspense of "what if it is an alien creation" is something that all aerospace agencies cannot easily ignore.

Soon, the European Space Agency provided a more detailed and detailed document to Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, which recorded everything from the design of each lunar probe to the final test report on the ground of the Blue Planet.

It clearly stated that these three unknown electronic devices were not assets of the European Space Agency.

At the same time, the engineers of the European Space Agency were also curious whether these three suspected electronic products were alien creations.

"How could this be something from aliens? There are obvious English letters in it, but the content has been burned on a large scale, and the specific complete words cannot be seen."

"Looking at the craftsmanship of this motherboard, it was only a few decades ago, but this trace does not look recent..."

Jiuzhou Xinghai Company handled the problem very quickly. Five hours later, all the partners of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company received an internal project open letter.

"After investigation, the company's lunar landing robot found the remains of A21, N12, and J316 marked with unauthorized and unrecorded electronic equipment due east of the lunar landing site. They are the remains of Indo's third lunar landing mission probe."

Indo's "Chandrayaan-3" probe successfully soft-landed on the lunar surface, making Indo the fourth country in the world to successfully land on the moon. It was also the first time a human spacecraft landed near the lunar South Pole crater.

It can be said that it made the 1.4 billion Indo people feel excited and greatly stimulated their self-confidence. Indo netizens even shouted: "100% success! This is Indo's technology today, which is formed with the Russian bear." A sharp contrast! We easily surpassed them, and it’s Daxia’s turn next!”

"Now the spotlight at the center of the world stage is on Indo! What is America? Where is Daxia? What wonderful news!"

But then Jiuzhou Technology successfully manned a manned moon landing, and Daxia Aerospace Group successfully manned a manned moon landing. The double hits directly rendered Indo netizens speechless.

But now, after the equipment wreckage of Chandrayaan-3 was found by Kyushu Xinghai Company, Indo Aerospace officials took the initiative to come to the door, hoping that Kyushu Xinghai Company can "return the property to its original owner."

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