"The sweeping robot project has been largely successful. Now that the site is cleaned up, let's go to the smart dishwasher." Gu Qing led the research team out of the factory after speaking.

At the same time, Xiaohao, the sweeping robot, also automatically toured to the charging equipment placed in the factory building and started charging.

The smart dishwasher is a very "magical" machine, at least for now.

It is a good helper in family life, a gospel for lazy people, and a well-known IQ harvester.

Anyone who has used it knows that the dishwasher is only for washing dishes. It requires the user to roughly clean the dishes and tableware before washing, and it cannot be placed too much at one time, otherwise it will not be cleaned at all.

When I walked to the back kitchen of the staff canteen in the factory, the busy figures of the aunties who were washing dishes here had disappeared, and only a large freezer-like device stood in place.

Because it took a long time to test the sweeping robot in the morning, it was already noon and the staff canteen was crowded.

Since the change of the factory owner, the sanitation level and the taste of the dishes in the cafeteria have improved by more than one level. Coupled with the preferential and cheap prices, employees come to the cafeteria to eat more.

Naturally, there are many dinner plates, most of which are stainless steel set meal plates, but there are also many porcelain plates for side dishes.

Luo Yunjia, the name sounds a bit childish, although he is just twenty-four years old this year, he is a young man with a quick mind.

He is the person in charge of leading the smart dishwasher project, and this project is still a work he is doing in college.

After graduating, he rejected big factories such as Haiergeli and came to Kyushu Smart Home Appliance Manufacturing Factory.

Well, Luo Songtang played an important role in this, and the relationship between father and son is really difficult to break.

The cleaning of traditional dishwashers consists of water pumps, sprays, and water tanks.

When the machine is started, the equipment will heat the water to the water tank. When the standard water level is reached, the water supply will be stopped, and the water pump will start to operate, continuously pumping water from the bottom of the water tank to generate high-pressure water column, which will flow along each spray pipe to each The spray port produces a small water column with a certain pressure, and the oil stains and residues on the surface of the tableware fall off naturally under the impact of the upper and lower water columns.

Most of the hot water used by the dishwasher is continuously recycled, and a small part of the running water will be replenished slowly. At the same time, an overflow port is designed on the upper water level of the water tank, which can not only remove floating oil stains, but also ensure water quality. A certain degree of cleanliness is guaranteed!

After the tableware completes this process, the tableware will be impacted again with completely clean high-temperature water, commonly known as the second water pass, to fully ensure that the tableware meets the hygienic standards for use.

The method used by the public for household dishwashers is to change the water several times and rinse the tableware several times to ensure the cleanliness of the tableware.

So this is why it is necessary to put the dishes in the dishwasher after preliminary treatment-the dishwasher only washes the dishes, it does not throw garbage.

Luo Yunjia opened the washing compartment of the dishwasher and put the dinner plates brought by the aunts in the cafeteria into it. These dinner plates were not treated very well, and there were many bones, leftovers, and even some fishbone and chewing gum on them.

It stands to reason that these should be put into the dishwasher after the trash is thrown out, but Luo Yunjia didn't do that.

He opened the cleaning compartment simply and roughly, put in the plates and porcelain dishes, closed the cleaning compartment, and pressed the start button, then he walked to the side of the crowd.

Because it is an engineering prototype, this dishwasher is as unpretentious as the sweeping robot Xiaohao, but through the transparent glass of the cleaning compartment, everyone can still see clearly the working conditions inside.

The water inlet of the water tank is heating, but before the high-pressure water column is sprayed in the cleaning chamber, a mechanical arm wrapped in rubber gloves appears in the cleaning chamber.

The robotic arm precisely picked up a dinner plate, and then moved it to the upper level of the dishwasher. At this time, several high-pressure water guns sprayed and cleaned the dinner plate in an instant, and then the dinner plate was put aside.

In such a cycle of operations, the dishes and tableware piled up in the dishwasher were cleaned...

I took out a few tableware from the disinfection cabinet above, and saw that the tableware was clean on the outside, and smelled it carefully, there was almost no smell of detergent.

"Successful, send the tableware for testing to see if there is any detergent residue."

Hearing Gu Qing's affirmation, Luo Yunjia felt relieved and smirked.

The hard work during this time was not in vain.

Zhang Tianhao also patted this good partner on the shoulder, and the rest of the project team were also filled with joy.

Luo Yunjia looked at Gu Qing with eagerness in his eyes, as if a die-hard fan saw his idol.

From a graduation project to a real commercial application, the time to come to this factory is the shortest, but the most important, because this robot is assisted by Gu Qing.

"The first stage of testing is almost done. Zhang Tianhao, Luo Yunjia, your sweeping robot Xiaohao and the smart dishwasher will first go to the design department to optimize the shape, and then try to produce a small batch of finished products. The production line has been adjusted for so long and it is time to officially move. .”

It shouldn't be so urgent, there are still many procedures that have not been done in the middle, but Gu Qing can't wait any longer. To be precise, the Kyushu Smart Home Appliance Manufacturing Factory can't delay.

It is necessary to produce hard enough products in the shortest time, otherwise the factory will be optimized.

This is the news that Luo Songtang rushed to the office last night and brought it over.

Gu Qing still remembered that he was speechless when he read the report last night. It was not because he was too good, but because his teammates were too rubbish, which made him included in the news to some extent.

According to the latest industry data reported to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology after the investigation by the Information Commission, there are a total of 1,000 robot companies in Daxia, including about 800 ontology companies. This statistics has included the name of the robot in the industrial and commercial registration but is not currently engaged in the robot business, as well as the entrepreneurial team company with only a few people, or many companies with a small actual robot business scale and little relevance to the robot business.

According to a white paper led by the Pengcheng Economic and Trade Information Committee, by the end of Xiayin Star Calendar 1015, there were 200 professional robot companies in Pengcheng City alone, and more than 3,000 companies have entered the field of robots and smart products through business expansion. Home.

It seems that Daxia's robot industry seems to be extremely prosperous, but in 2016, the sales volume of Daxia's robots was only 70,000 units. Even if one industrial robot worth 200,000 yuan is calculated, the output value is only more than 14 billion yuan, excluding the proportion of foreign-funded products. 85% of the domestic product sales are only 2.1 billion yuan. According to this calculation, the average annual sales of the 1,000 robotics companies counted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is not only 2.1 million; and if it is replaced by the large-caliber of private statistics, most of the robotics companies actually have almost no sales at all.

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