Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 218 The Press Conference Ends (4K)

clap clap!!!

At the press conference, warm applause lasted for a long time, and many users of bionic mechanical prostheses flushed with excitement.

The smart home robot of Kyushu Technology has brought great convenience when they have limited mobility, and today we see that this product has been upgraded to a more powerful smart housekeeper.

"The gift crab is really miraculous, wonderful, a gift from God!"

"Stop talking, take my money away!"

"Damn it, I'm going to buy it right now! What a sci-fi amazing creation!"

The live broadcast room on the external network was instantly swamped by these bullet screens, like a torrent.

When the atmosphere at the press conference cooled down a bit, Gu Qing waved his hand and said with a soft smile: "Although we installed a robotic arm on the highest model of the first generation of intelligent sweeping robots, the robotic arm at that time could only pick up Garbage, or handing over files that don't require a test of 'wisdom'.

Although we have received a lot of praise from users because of this robotic arm, it still has a lot of room for improvement for me, for the project development team, and for users who want to have a more convenient and smart life.

So the second-generation smart housekeeper, here it comes.

The butler equipped with the second-generation flexible robotic arm will be able to "hands-on" help users iron clothes and wash dishes, and even users can purchase multi-functional expansion parts to let the smart butler cook steaks and cook for you, as long as it can be done with one hand task, it can.

At the end of a busy day, you can lie on the sofa and play with your mobile phone, or you can choose to experience the massage service of the smart butler.

Don't want to cook or can't cook?

The smart butler can learn Chinese food and some western food recipes. Users can choose to buy recipes. After learning once, the smart butler can cook delicious dishes for you for a lifetime.

After eating, you only need to arrange the tableware, and it can put it in the smart dishwasher for cleaning, disinfection and display.

Thanks to the vigorous development of bionic mechanical prosthesis technology and its expanded application of flexible robotic arms,

The flexible robotic arm on the smart housekeeper can make intelligent, more specific, and more micro-manipulating actions, and the motor also has enough power to move each part.

A perfect flexible robotic arm, supported by various sensors such as cameras, infrared sensors, positioning devices, and laser sensing components, cooperates with the intelligent programs and intelligent chips that our company has been continuously developing.

The smart housekeeper can learn and memorize every understandable object through 3D models and images.

It's not what I'm bragging about, it's the process the user will go through after buying.

Yes, you can name the smart butler you purchased, register for a smart butler account, and then teach it to know your other family members and recognize objects that don't exist in the butler's data server.

Like a new partner, in learning, become a part of your life, a real intelligent robot. "

When the epilogue came down, the press conference and the webcast room were completely blown up.

Discussions, praises, and rebuttals abound.

"This is not a gift from God! Kyushu Science and Technology Company's fucking is God!"

"Wake up, this is probably bragging, just like the TV shopping advertisement a few years ago, what kind of high-tech intelligent AI robot, it is a voice broadcaster when you buy it home."

"Absolutely Fake"

"Kyushu Science and Technology Company is so big, it won't be fake..."

"Spicy chicken, why do I feel so dreamy, this horse has traveled to the future world?"


There was a lot of noise on the Internet, and the scene of the press conference was also full of noise.

Gu Qing pressed his hands down, and after everyone's voices quieted down, he continued: "Maybe some people will question it, some people will laugh at it, and some people will even wear colored glasses to discredit it.

However, there is an old saying in our Daxia, if it is a mule or a horse, you will know when it comes out.

Xiaohao, Taoyao who opened the bottle, sat in the hands of Mr. Xia Wei who was seated in the front row, and gave him a shoulder massage. "

As soon as Gu Qing finished speaking, the display screen under Xiaohao's round head lit up, and a pixel-style smiling face appeared.

"Okay, sir."

A slightly dull voice came out, but a flexible mechanical arm stretched out.

He took the opened light red drink from Gu Qing's hand in an orderly manner, and then drove towards the place where Yu Chengdong was without haste.

"The smart butler has been upgraded and can be used in two styles: mountain off-road tire design and crawler design. If you need a smart butler to walk up the stairs, we will recommend you to use another smart butler robot designed with multi-functional mountain off-road tires. .”

In Gu Qing's commentary, Xiaohao escaped the interference of other people at the press conference and the obstruction of the equipment, and finally came to Yu Chengdong after going through "thousands of difficulties and dangers".

"Please taste the drink - Taoyao, it can restore your energy."

A drink bottle with the lid opened, not a single drop was spilled.

Yu Chengdong inhaled for the 2+2 times, and then took the drink bottle.

Ton ton ton, gulp it down.

Before he could express his thoughts, Xiaohao continued to say: "Long-term sitting in office is not good for the waist and shoulders. Do you need a shoulder massage?"

Looking at the display screen on the body of the robot cylinder, he glanced around again.

Under the attention of everyone, Yu Chengdong nodded.


"Okay, please get ready, I'm going to start the massage."

Xiaohao retracted the mechanical arm, and a few seconds later, there was a part like an octopus suction cup on the front end of the extended mechanical arm.

"Huh? o((⊙﹏⊙))o?" Mr. Yu asked.

"Oh~ Take it easy, take it easy. (tД)!!" Yu Zong was in pain but also happy.

"〃-ω)" is the general afterthought.

Yu Chengdong's 2+3 air-conditioning appeared.

"You have mild frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis, do you need me to contact the relevant hospital for you?"

"No, thank you ヽ(ー_ー)ノ."

"You're welcome, I wish you a happy life."

Xiaohao retracted the flexible robotic arm and returned to the stage.

When it calmly stops next to Gu Qing.

Clap clap! ! !

Applause swept the audience, and everyone was amazed by the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Gu Qing smiled at everyone: "Thank you for your cooperation, if you need to experience the smart butler massage-massage, you can go to the second floor of this building, where there is an experience area for today's product launch.

We not only develop parts with massage-massage, but also small handle parts for controlling tableware when cooking, and multi-functional parts for cleaning.

Users can choose according to their needs.

But one thing is crucial.

The smart butler only has the authority to control kitchen knives and fruit knives in the kitchen area. In any other place, the smart butler cannot control dangerous items such as kitchen knives and gun-shaped objects through the robotic arm.

Therefore, tasks such as logging and digging cannot be completed by smart housekeepers. The reason for this setting is to consider the user's own safety.

In addition, no matter whether it is connected to the network or not connected to the network, the user cannot instruct the smart housekeeper to attack any person or animal.

So when cooking dishes, please buy fresh poultry that has been slaughtered.

And when a thief breaks into the user's home, or the user does not welcome someone's entry, the smart housekeeper can use the robotic arm to fix it somewhere and give an alarm synchronously. "

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time.

Boss Gu naturally knew what everyone was expecting.

"Since this is the first smart housekeeper and also a milestone beginning of Titan Star's smart home robot, so..."

In the eyes of everyone's expectation.

Boss Gu said slowly: "Of course everyone knows that a rigid industrial robot arm can cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, and our bionic mechanical prosthesis offers customized prosthetic services starting from 100,000 Xiayuan.

Therefore, it is impossible to set a price acceptable to the public for the first smart butler robot.

R \u0026 D costs and manufacturing costs are very high, so on this issue of pricing, our entire department of Titan Star has been arguing for a long time.

If you want to come up with a price that makes friends with users, then you will lose a sum of money by selling one, or our company will go bankrupt in a few days.

But if the price is too high, the smart housekeeper will become an exclusive product for a very small number of people, which does not meet the expectations of our entire R\u0026D team.

So in the end, after many discussions, we made a decision that violated market principles.

A limited number of 1,000 basic models are sold each month, and there is no smart butler equipped with various special functional parts.

One thousand units will be divided into two product pages, the price of five hundred units is 100,000, and the price of five hundred units is 500,000!

Friends who need to buy, after 5:00 pm today, enter the [Boundary Monument] mall, or log on to the official website to snap up. "

As soon as the price came out, everyone in the audience exclaimed.

Applause, boos, and even madness.

What kind of weird pricing is this?

Judging from Boss Gu's speech, this pricing strategy is.

If you think you are lucky, Ou Huang or a fast-handed scalper can try a smart housekeeper with a price of 100,000.

If you want to get the goods quickly, you can choose the smart housekeeper with a price of 500,000.

But their models are all the same. Isn't this a waste of money? Will there really be so many people who are taken advantage of to buy the price of 500,000 yuan?

Perhaps only when they rush to buy, will they realize that there are really many local tyrants in this world...

Gu Qing noticed the commotion in the audience, but he didn't intend to stop it, he even introduced it.

"Customers who need to purchase please note that this is only the basic model of smart housekeeper. If you want it to cook, massage, and bring you a more comprehensive smart life, you also need to purchase corresponding service accessories.

For details, you can buy the goods in a rush, and communicate with the customer service after payment. The customer service will upgrade your [Jiebei] account. At that time, you can log in to our official website to view the corresponding privileges. "

After speaking, the atmosphere at the press conference became much quieter.

Gu Qing bowed to everyone, and said with emotion: "From [Boundary Monument] to [Zhu Rong], from the Titan Star mechanical auxiliary series, the bionic mechanical prosthesis CSDYX combined with smart home robots, to today's smart butler robots.

From the display screens that we need to purchase in large sums, to the OLED screens that we can now produce independently.

Scientific and technological knowledge is the tool we rely on most, and research and development is what we have been doing.

On behalf of all employees of Kyushu Technology, I would like to thank all users and partners for their long-term company and support.

The stars are bright, and our next new product launch will be even brighter.

goodbye! "

The entire press conference has come to an end.

Gu Qing waved goodbye to the crowd, and did not let out a long sigh of relief until he returned to the backstage lounge and sat on the ergonomic chair.

If it wasn't for his physique having improved a lot, he would still insist on cooperating with the exercise program and diet program given by Xuanwu.

With such a long press conference, I'm afraid he would have been killed before.

Of course, the press conference is not completely over yet, but the part where he needs to play hard is almost over.

Next is the broadcast time, as well as the experience session of the media and other invited users.

For the media and users, everything said in front of the press conference is a kind of alternative "advertisement".

It is the product experience that can really move their inner desire to buy and report.

Therefore, basically the manufacturers of major technological attributes will set up experience areas after introducing their products at the press conference, so that users can actually experience them.

The experience feedback is very good, naturally it is hello, me, hello, everyone.

The experience feedback is very poor, and the corresponding crisis public relations can also be carried out.

For example, products need to be optimized and upgraded in order to bring users a better experience.

Or in repeated use, it is found that some special individuals have different experiences when using it, and then deal with it accordingly.

But for Gu Qing, let the newly appointed Wang Teng and Dong Qi handle the matter of crisis public relations.

Boss Gu started his leisure fishing time.

The big boss has rested, but others still need to stick to their posts.

Dong Qi is at the press conference at the moment, directing the work, and has also learned "experience" to avoid direct communication with reporters.

And Wang Teng, who had only been in office for a few months, was encouraged by Huang Chaoren to walk to the product display and experience area on the second floor wearing his work card.

Of course, there are also security personnel and camera recorders of their own company behind them.

In public, every executive of Kyushu Technology Company knows one thing clearly in their hearts.

Their personal image represents the image of the company, and they cannot be careless in any case.


There were no journalists and media that surrounded Wang Teng like they once surrounded Gu Qing and others.

"Ahem, being in the same dust as the light is the best." After Wang Teng comforted himself, he told his assistant: "I will inform everyone in our department again that we must cooperate with the security personnel to watch Tighten these reporters and users.

When someone coughs, they will go forward to care for them. Sometimes there are minor problems, or there are some small conflicts on the scene, and they must be stopped and dealt with in time.

Be gentle, resolve conflicts as much as possible, and avoid damage to the company's image. "

The job of public relations is a job that tests people's vision and reaction ability, but it is also a group job.

Both the upper management and the middle management have attitudes and ideas, but when implemented in the work of each employee, if something bad happens...

It's not uncommon for a rat droppings to ruin a pot of soup, so he couldn't help worrying about it.

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