Luo Yunjia said calmly: "The boss is like this now, what are you thinking?"

Gu Qing shook his head: "This neural signal connection device still needs to be optimized, and the safety threshold needs to be changed."

Seeing Zhang Tianhao look away, he continued, "However, it's good for you to join in the next experiment, and the sample selection is diverse." Of course, he didn't leave behind Luo Yunjia who was beside him.

"Xiao Jia can also join this project. After all, one person counts against the disadvantages, and three people count on the strengths."

Although he is not very old, after all, Gu Qing regards them as juniors after all the accumulated experience of the two lifetimes.

When the two of them came back to their senses, [Xuanwu] on the other side had already printed out the confidentiality agreement.

After signing the agreement and entering the security fingerprints, Gu Qing sent the two young men away, returned to the laboratory, and then sat cross-legged on the ground next to the mecha.

"Xuanwu, today I was reckless."

Gu Qing looked at the solder joints and connecting devices on the mechanical skeleton of the mech, and said to the air.

A few seconds later, a mechanically blunt male voice came out from the audio speaker on the side: "Yes, sir."

"A person's energy is really limited. Even with your help, it's too tiring. High-precision equipment is either sky-high or impossible to buy. Making a mecha is just enough to complete a basic shelf."

Gu Qing complained a little decadently, maybe because he hadn't told anyone for a long time, he started talking a little bit.

"But there is no way, when these mobile phone manufacturers beat Apple and kick Korean celebrities abroad, then I will be completely exposed as the author of [Boundary Monument] and stand under the sun.

I need enough strength to protect myself. Now that I have you on the Internet, I can feel at ease, but in reality it is not enough.

The United States uses too many excuses such as falling down the stairs to commit suicide or having a heart attack. I don't have to be afraid, but my parents and family members in this life don't have this kind of safety awareness.

I have to make Guardian One quickly, even if I can't use it in the real world, but I can rely on it to connect with the military.

At least arranging enough retired special forces, sacrificing a small part of privacy in exchange for safety, is not a loss. "

"Sir, your anxiety is normal, but please take a deep breath and calm down, you are exhausted and need to rest."

Xuanwu's voice is very calm, but it is a strong artificial intelligence after all, not a super artificial intelligence.

He can learn and can replace a lot of locked and complicated work of humans, but he still has no emotions.

"I'm the one in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. I want to get involved in the mobile phone industry. I want to get involved in the home appliance industry. I want to do everything. I don't do anything. Do you think I'm a waste?" Gu Qing asked rhetorically.

Xuanwu's voice was still so calm: "Yes, sir, from the perspective of human history, many of your decisions and strategies are rough compared to relevant excellent humans, but you are not waste.

The mobile phone industry and the home appliance industry need to invest a lot of money and energy to build a complete ecosystem. You still have a long time to go, and you can walk more steadily if you walk slowly. "

"Slow down?"

Gu Qing said in a low voice: "But I don't want to slow down, the days of being suppressed are really uncomfortable.

Well, it's useless to think so much, let's bring up the completion of Guardian No. 1 first, and tomorrow I will give a surprise gift to my juniors. "

In the end, Gu Qing followed [Xuanwu]'s suggestion and fell asleep to the soothing music.

The next morning, Zhang Tianhao and Luo Yunjia got up early.

They rushed to the laboratory of the project team they were in charge of in the factory, and after hastily dealt with some problems, the two of them entered the underground passage.

After scanning fingerprints and passing the security check, he entered the underground laboratory.

"You guys came so early, have you had breakfast?" Gu Qing calibrated the parameters by the arm of an industrial robot.

The two replied against their will: "Eat."

Gu Qing smiled, did not expose their lies, put down the tools in his hand after a while, and came to the side of Guardian No. 1.

"Although you are considered high-achieving students, this project is too unfamiliar to you. Let's get acquainted with this guy first today."

Gu Qing picked up the tablet and flicked it a few times, and then said: "I almost forgot, you install [Boundary Monument] first, bind your ID number, the wifi password here is: 615717490."

It's embarrassing that my own product itself is useless.

"It's okay, you were too busy with graduation and job hunting, and didn't have the time to play with your mobile phone, I understand.

It’s just that now that you join my internal project, you need to install [Boundary Monument]. After you bind your ID card, the company’s database will verify the relevant information, and automatically upgrade your permissions to [Boundary Monument], including stronger data security and internal security. communication software. "

Gu Qing never forgot the fact that a certain account was not his own, and he would not foolishly chat about important news or upload files on other people's software.

In fact, this is stipulated in many companies, and even the Internet is not allowed during working hours. People can't even fish and chat.

After the two of them got it done, he continued: "As you can see, the one lying on the ground is one of the results of our project, and I call this type of mech—Guardian No. 1.

The main structure is made of special steel, and the driving device is not an ordinary hydraulic or mechanical spring. The energy is still the laboratory power supply, which is transmitted through wires. The most important control system relies on this safe-style device. The nerve signal converter.

The reason why I was exhausted yesterday was because the threshold of this neural signal converter was not set, of course, now I have adjusted it.

In addition to getting to know each other, your task today is to shoot videos, install equipment for me, and unplug the equipment and turn off the power at critical times. "

Everyone is familiar with shooting experimental videos, but when he heard about the installation of equipment, Zhang Tianhao became excited: "Boss, do you want to do human-body experiments today?"

Human experiments? Why do I suddenly feel a villain style of painting.

Gu Qing was a little dazed.

Seeing this, Luo Yunjia punched Zhang Tianhao on the waist: "A dog can't spit out ivory, this is not a test medicine."

"It's okay. There's nothing wrong with saying that. I've already completed the main body of this guardian. The connection rate of the nerve signal last night is also fine, so further experiments are needed."

Although the relevant setting parameters of [Xuanwu] were optimized last night, Gu Qing still wanted to make sure.

After all, it is necessary for the guards to stand up after waiting for a while.

As he spoke, he led the two of them to the side of the industrial robot.

"The price of these industrial robots is more precious than the guardians lying on the ground, so be careful."

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