There are expectations and praises, and naturally there are also belittling and even slandering ones.

Some netizens said: If the Gonggong system is really as good as their president said, can it use Google services? If not, what good is it?

The situation of foreign smartphone application software is different from that in China. Android phones often need to rely on Google services to use them. Therefore, foreign users are very dependent on Google services, and this service cannot be solved by technology. , but depends on whether Google gives you permission to use it.

Xia Wei, who was a big seller in the global smartphone market in 2018, was banned by Google in 2019. After that, his foreign sales directly dropped. Although he was still in the top three, his upward momentum was interrupted.

This shows how important ecology is.

Of course, after dealing with the media, Boss Gu smiled calmly when he saw the reactions of these foreign netizens.

"Pingguo will cut you off, Google will cut you off, you want us Kyushu Technology to be a spoiler, and then let Pingguo and Google not cut you so hard?

How can there be people who like to pick up cheap things so much? "

Yu Chengdong who was on the side shook his head.

"Our Xiawei can no longer use Google services, although we can continue to use the open source Android system to build our own mobile services.

And this incident has little impact on domestic users, but it has a very serious impact on overseas markets.

In foreign Android systems, Google services include: Google Play, Google Mail, Google Photos, and even Youtube (a foreign video platform), Google Music and other entertainment services.

In fact, in my opinion, Google’s blockade of Xia Wei is a lose-lose situation, but seeing how vibrant your company’s Gonggong system is, I am looking forward to our Hongmeng system even more. "

Boss Gu patted Yu Chengdong on the shoulder empathetically.

"You are one of the largest Android device manufacturers and communication equipment manufacturing and technology providers, and you are also an important builder of the Android ecosystem.

But in fact, we all understand that in front of the state apparatus, the so-called market share, ecological construction, and company relations are not worth mentioning.

For a long time, Android has attracted so many mobile phone manufacturers to use it by relying on open source and free and equal cooperation methods. Now it is so targeted at you, which can also be said to be in vain for the previous efforts for Android. .

Google can reject you today, but it can also reject rice and Korean stars tomorrow.

I believe that the current mobile phone manufacturers with large market shares such as Rice and Hanxing are secretly developing their own operating systems.

Maybe wait for Google to punish our Gonggong system again, maybe the mobile phone operating system will usher in a new era.

I hope that Hong Meng from your company and Gonggong from our company can both go on. "

Yu Chengdong nodded deeply. As for the words of union, Gu Qing didn't mention it, and he wouldn't mention it either.

They are all adults and far-sighted entrepreneurs. They all believe that their systems will come to an end. Naturally, it is impossible to bring forward the future enemy of ecological sharing.

At most, like now, there is some cooperation and some competition.

After chatting happily with Yu Chengdong, Gu Qing returned to the Kyushu Park after eating Yu Chengdong's mouth in the Chuanshu hot pot.

Sometimes life is less logical than fiction, because reality does not need human logic.

After the launch of Jiaolong X1, which received a lot of praise and the drool and shock of foreign users, the customized version of Jiaolong E1 also followed.

But at this time, Google began to lobby Congress for exemption from the ban between Xia Wei and Google.

That's right, Xia Wei didn't pay, Google took the initiative to pay for lobbying, and it spent a huge amount of money.

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts turn the millstone, so naturally having money can also make foreign ghosts turn the millstone.

The reasons given by Google's lobbying are also very "weird", yes, they are weird.

"If Xia Wei's mobile phone is not allowed to continue to use Google services, and is not allowed to receive continuous updates of the Android system, then Xia Wei will definitely install the mobile phone operating system developed by himself. If Xia Wei uses his own system, then Xia Wei's mobile phone will completely break away from Android. system, without the restraint of the Android system, Xiawei's new system may bring the world even more uncontrollable and predictable 'security risks' and even a 'crisis' in terms of data."

Say you are a security risk and deny service.

After stopping the service, and considering that after you are out of control, there will be more unpredictable "security risks", and then you are required to return to the Android ecosystem.

How can there be such a cheap person?

But the reality is what it is, ridiculous.

When Gu Qing heard the news, he also laughed for a while.

Of course, he knows that in addition to the "uncontrollable risk", this is also a kind of win over by Google to its own Android camp.

The war is imminent, so it is natural to have many friends and few enemies.

Xiawei is a powerful company, and its share in the mobile phone market is among the top three in the world. Naturally, this kind of power must be tied to its own boat.

As for suppressing Xia Wei before?

That is also normal, who called Xia Wei unexpectedly developed so many patented technologies in the field of 5G and chips, as well as in the field of communication equipment manufacturing.

And why do Google and Pingguo attach so much importance to the Gonggong system developed by Kyushu Technology?

After all, it is not that there have been no operating systems independently developed by other companies for so many years.

This has to mention the operating system and software platform, as the infrastructure of the Internet, inherently has a tendency to monopolize.

A single platform is always more efficient than coexistence of multiple platforms, which leads to a fundamentally great first-mover advantage for platforms such as operating systems and application stores.

Once the software ecology is formed, it will in turn further strengthen the monopoly position of the platform.

As time goes by, the content of the first-mover platform will become more and more abundant, and its first-mover advantage will continue to expand.

Under such circumstances, it will undoubtedly be even more difficult for latecomers to shake the monopoly position of the former.

But in this situation, meeting the Gonggong system is like a martial arts master practicing internal skills meeting a protagonist who knows Beiming magic skills.

You have created a large number of ecological software vendors?

Have you cultivated countless loyal users of smartphone software?

Gonggong system can directly install and use all these software, and it does not compare with you in terms of content innovation and platform advantages.

Even the CEO of Kyushu Technology said that such a powerful system can be shared with other mobile phone manufacturers in Daxia, and provide hardware and software adaptation services for these manufacturers without drawing water.

This stepping horse is like a shark man with a pig's heart.

Those who break the rules must be crushed to death.

It was also in this situation that Google once again opened its arms and extended the right hand of friendship to Xia Wei.

So how will Xia Wei respond after receiving this news?

PS: Thank you for recommending a ticket appointment, everyone remember to keep warm ~ good night

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