Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 277 Is there really a pie in the sky?

Sitting on the tour bus, the wind blowing head-on is slightly cold in the coolness.

Lei Jun looked at the round-headed robots passing by from time to time with deep eyes.

"Jiuzhou Technology's intelligent AI has been developed to this extent, especially the humanization of intelligent voice response and the intelligent processing of information."

People are more angry than people, and AI is more angry than AI.

Reminiscent of his brain-damaged AI, Mr. Lei unconsciously sighed again.

How does this work?

Just now he shamelessly asked a few brain teasers, but he failed the AI ​​test.

Looking away, he saw the Kyushu science and technology worker sitting in front of the tour bus, and thought of this doctor who dropped out of school at a young age and came here to "work", and he felt even more frustrated.

Xia Wei has a project of recruiting millions of talents, and Kyushu Technology directly spends hundreds of millions, but Rice also has a project of recruiting talents.

Why don't these people come?


The tour bus stopped steadily, and after guiding Lei Jun and others to connect with the people in the service center at the front desk, Lu Ming took his own milk tea at the front desk by the way.

The hot milk tastes mellow, coupled with the sweetness of coconut milk, and a bite of taro balls is simply not too comfortable.

Rice and his team followed the customer service girl at the front desk to take the elevator to the meeting room floor. After another round of careful inspection, they saw that the meeting room was full of old acquaintances as soon as they entered.

The difference from before is that Yijia's boss Liu Zhanghu sat very close to the executives of OPO.

In the past, Yijia would not have been so close to the blue-green factory outside.

After everyone greeted each other, Mr. Lei sat in the seat behind his seat card.

As time passed, there were more and more executives of manufacturers in the conference room.

Yu Chengdong glanced at the various bosses, he didn't talk too much, just closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking about how Xia Wei should play cards in today's meeting.

Kyushu Science and Technology's move can be said to be vicious, and it even hits the nail on the head.

Comparing Xiawei Hongmeng's system with various magic modification systems of other manufacturers, it is simply a slap in the face, but... if Hongmeng was born, how can Gonggong be born?

Gu Qing saw that everyone was here in the lounge, straightened his hair and got up, ready to start harvesting, oh no, sowing.

"It was a small meeting. I didn't expect everyone to be invited. I felt very panicked."

The young boss Gu greeted the big bosses present very politely, although in many people's eyes, this kid was pretending to be 13.

"The performance of the Gonggong system on the Jiaolong mobile phone, I think friends from the labs of major companies have evaluated it..."

After the official talk was over, Yu Chengdong and the others patiently heard the last big dish.

Gu Qing still proposed win-win cooperation.

However, the conditions are very open. There is no need for the Gonggong system to monopolize the mobile phone factory. Even major mobile phone manufacturers can use their own modified Android system to leave the factory. You only need to add a download link to replace the Gonggong system in the system settings.

System optimization, hardware and software adaptation problems are all solved by Kyushu Technology, users can use the original system at any time, and even if it is based on the benefits generated by the Gonggong system, Kyushu Technology only charges 1%, almost no money.

After all, as long as the Gonggong system is used, the maintenance cost and optimization cost of the system will be within 1%, and mobile phone manufacturers do not need to pay more.

Even in the end, the Gonggong system can add the user centers of major mobile phone manufacturers, and each mobile phone manufacturer can also customize the wallpaper and icons of the magical system.

It's just a matter of sending the system naming magic to change the right.

Generous, that's all.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the scene suddenly got out of hand.

Yu Chengdong was the first to ask Gu Qing: "So the system communication protocol, other data protocols, and user receipts are all in the hands of our mobile phone manufacturers?"

Gu Qing nodded solemnly.

"User data can be kept by everyone, or it can be handed over to Jiulong in the cloud. Our Jiuzhou technology company will not be contaminated with even 1KB of user privacy data."

President Da Mi Lei asked sincerely: "So how long can we last this cooperation?

We must know that the total investment of all our manufacturers in the mobile phone system has already exceeded one billion. If we switch to the Gonggong system halfway and then cannot use it in the future, how will we compensate for the losses? "

Lei Jun's words did not say that users can choose to switch systems at will, but Gu Qing could hear the sound of fish biting bait.

He smiled softly: "Part of the permissions of the Gonggong system are open source, as long as the cooperative manufacturers do not treason, do not violate the law and discipline, and do not damage the system, we can permanently share them with the cooperative manufacturers.

This can also be written into the contract. "


Some people swallowed their saliva in disappointment.

First-line manufacturers have their own independent ecological dreams, and second- and third-tier manufacturers, such as Meizu, have dreams, but they want to make money by eating meat.

If your own mobile phone can be equipped with the Gonggong system, according to the compatibility of the current Gonggong system and the ability to control and release the performance of the mobile phone, wouldn’t it be possible to kill other manufacturers that do not use the Gonggong system?

For high-end flagship mobile phones, they can't beat the first-tier manufacturers with a pile of hardware, so are they afraid that they can't beat the most profitable mid-range market?

Seeing the light in many people's eyes, the young Boss Gu opened his mouth and continued.

"Before, Vice President Dong said in an interview with Xiahua News Agency: Kyushu Compiler can make programmers of cooperative manufacturers no longer need to deliberately learn language and system architecture, and carry out system conversion with zero burden.

Also, we can write in the contract that if there is a systemic problem, or the system is hacked, and the permissions are tampered with by users other than the partner.

Once we find out, we will compensate the partner one billion Xia Yuan.

If the problem cannot be solved within one natural month, five billion Xia Yuan will be directly compensated.

These things are not publicity words, but the true meaning of our company. "


Yu Shi, who had not seen him for a long time, took a breath.

This amount of money is too big, which is equivalent to that second- and third-tier mobile phone manufacturers can directly save a large amount of system research and development costs, as well as data maintenance costs.

Let alone second- and third-tier mobile phone manufacturers, he and Cheng Dong are both excited, and of course it's just that.

Xia Wei invested more than 5,000 R\u0026D personnel in the Hongmeng system, and spent 1 billion US dollars to build the ecosystem. It is impossible to use the Gonggong system.

Sunk costs are a common problem with large corporate projects.

But this is an advantage for medium-sized enterprises.

So he looked at Xia Wei's Dinghaishenzhen, Mr. Yu.

The old man looked at Gu Qing deeply.

How to choose?

He already has the answer.

Xiawei is not a company willing to die slowly.

Hongmeng will not stop, why not the United Gonggong system?

When three people walk together, there must be my teacher, and it is not shameful to learn from the strong.

As for discarding the Android system?

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