The young Boss Gu is now very envious of those authors of black technology novels.

One black technology a month, single-handedly broke out of the siege and hit everyone in the face.

It's a pity that reality really gave him a slap in the face.

The knowledge he has received needs to be carefully studied and understood step by step before he can produce finished products, and there will inevitably be failures in the process.

After he has mastered a project, he has to teach it to the R\u0026D staff, so the R\u0026D progress is still a bit "slow".

The reason why the mobile phone system can flourish both at home and abroad is because the boundary markers have been hacked one after another. In the case of ten functions, mobile phone users have chosen the Gonggong system as a replacement. compensate.

The Internet of Everything is very powerful, but there are many users who are too lazy to use this function, or even to connect devices. The main reason for them to update the Gonggong system is because of several other features.

The installation package of the Gonggong system is small, only a few hundred megabytes; the installation time of the Gonggong system can be specified at will, and will not interfere with normal use; it is compatible with Pingguo and Android system software and will not freeze, and other advantages.

But software and systems are all soft power. This thing can be icing on the cake or embezzled, but it can never become a decisive leading force.

Projects such as mobile phone hardware and protocol patents really dominate the world of semiconductors and the mobile Internet.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Google, Pingguo and other companies will definitely not give up and hand over the market to others. After all, not all leading companies leave the market like Nokia and Motorola back then.

Ni Hong's slow construction of mobile Internet and mobile payment is not because the islanders are conservative, but because the old-age corporate leaders with vested interests do not allow emerging industries that are not under their control to snatch their market.

Therefore, they will manipulate legislation, public opinion cultivation, and social intervention to try to control uncontrollable emerging industries within a range they can accept.

This has also led to their institutional rigidity and economic market fragmentation.

However, social resources are extremely controlled by the upper class, and young people who have received education in the new era are more likely to appear "inadaptable" when they leave the small society of school and enter the big society of life.

Some will choose to resist and change, and then be beaten with an iron fist to teach them to be human.

Others just choose to lie down. Are fat houses and dead houses really willing to be people who have been labeled as "trash" from the very beginning?

Therefore, in order not to be beaten by foreign iron fists, Gu Qing almost made all R\u0026D departments enter into high-intensity work and study.

Guaranteed seven hours of sleep every day. If the spirit is not good and the physical strength is not good, everything can be managed by Taoyao. If the body is not good, all will be given leave to go to the Titanium Star Park for examination and physical therapy.

It is a blessing to be a grassroots employee of Kyushu Science and Technology Company, but as long as you want to climb up or are already promoted, you have to pay countless times of effort to keep it going.

lie flat? nonexistent.

Therefore, the good image once created by Boss Gu has gradually changed.

Tyrants are not counted, but scientific research madmen are real.

Some young people in the R\u0026D department even started fishing because they couldn't keep up with the progress and didn't want to admit their cowardice.

Gu Qing has several ways to deal with such lazy people.

Those who have contributed or worked hard will retreat to other departments that do not use brainpower for the elderly. Those who shrink back when they first come in, and after knowing the latest status twice, those who have changed can stay, and those who have not changed will be dismissed directly.

There will be no shortage of explanations of non-compete agreements and dismissal wages.

The company has always known this rule-the boss fires the squid, direct official procedures, and will not default.

The media who learned about this situation rated Gu Qing as the toughest boss in Daxia's new century.

This is true, but it is also very one-sided.

Anyway, Gu Qing doesn't know which manufacturing company has always followed the official process in the matter of dismissing employees.

People familiar with Dong Qi also felt the pressure.

There are not many meetings, but each time there are key tasks assigned.

The business is streamlined, but no business can be completed easily.

In the eyes of Cook and others, the entire Kyushu Science and Technology Park seemed to be accumulating thunder clouds, depressing and dangerous.

The commercial spies sent out were either caught or disappeared.

The tentative attacks on the network have wasted countless broiler pedals, and even their own servers have been compromised several times, causing fluctuations in user services.

They can only understand that everyone in Kyushu Technology is working hard to do things.

What is their project?

have no idea.

What are they going to do next?

have no idea.

What about their system?

have no idea.

"Fuck! Walt fucks with Fuck!..."


A minute later, the assistant skillfully opened the door, walked in with his head down, and sorted out the files.

Cook took a sip of his coffee.

His swollen gums have fueled his recent temper tantrums.

Pingguo Company is very powerful and can lobby the national council, and even the leaders of some small places have to behave like a younger brother when they see him, and greet him with a smile.

But this Kyushu technology really made him.


The gums have been inflamed and swollen for several days, and the oral ulcers have not healed.

Looking at the reports on the display screen and the numbers on the documents, a devil was released from the prison of reason by Cook.

May 25th.

Dong Qi walked into Gu Qing's office with a slightly gloomy face.

He didn't chat privately through the boundary markers, and didn't use office software to share files. He put his Jiaolong X1 in front of Gu Qing.

Gu Qing just came back from the semiconductor department, and his ass was still hot, so he took a look at the phone.

"What the hell?" Boss Gu's brain circuit just returned from the research and development state, and he was still a little uncomfortable seeing this kind of news.

Dong Qi nodded to show that Gu Qing was right.

"It's really something."

Gu Qing read the news carefully.

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a formal lawsuit against Kyushu Technology, arguing that Kyushu Technology and its subsidiary, Suiren, engaged in federal extortion and conspiracy to steal trade secrets from U.S. companies.

Prosecutors are calling it a years-long conspiracy to steal trade secrets.

According to this news report: The Department of Justice filed 17 indictments, including charges under the Anti-Extortion and Bribery Organization Act.

The indictment stated that as early as 18 years, Kyushu Technology had stolen the trade secrets of at least five American companies, and the stolen information included source code and system permission files.

The news even gave a detailed example of a small item in the indictment: During the Pingguo press conference, a certain executive of Kyushu Technology secretly ran back to the hotel after stealing the key technology of its competitor, and the executive " In the middle of the night on the closing day of the exhibition, he escaped from the sight of Pingguo staff” and was found to have “taken down the camera inside the hotel.”

PS: This pit is in Chapter 168

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