Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 287 Supplier's Countermeasures (4K)

This wave of price hikes for pingos is just like Xia Wei's previous price hikes.

All the scalpers joined the battle, and the supply and inventory in the Pingguo Daxia area was quickly emptied. Even if it was a headset, it could be sold at a price increase of several hundred.

Moreover, after Xia Wei’s previous wave of price increases to make money, these scalpers have cooperated skillfully with the dealers, and often the products have just been delivered to the warehouse, and they are bought by the scalpers at a high price before they see the light.

The lovely Pingguo Ji was bought by scalpers for life before she could find her master.

Of course, such vicious sales methods have brought about the scarcity of goods in Pingguo Mall and the official flagship stores of major platforms, so that they can only release a little on time every day.

After Cook learned of this situation, his first reaction was not the joy of the product being out of stock, but the thought of frowning.

Because it's really not a good sign.

Among electronic products, there are two types of electronic products that have experienced this situation in recent years, one is graphics cards, and the other is Xiawei mobile phones.

Due to the prevalence of mining, graphics cards are profitable, so the graphics cards that players cannot get are directly sent to the mine boss by agents.

And Xia Wei is a real production crisis. One Kirin high-end chip uses one less, so it can be fired by scalpers.

Can Pingguo play like this?

Impossible, and Cook will never allow this to happen.

If a real consumer cannot get a Pingguo mobile phone, he can buy Xiawei, Rice and other mobile phones, which are parallel or backward compatible.

And now the experience of using the Android mobile phone camp is no longer the level of pulling the hips a few years ago.

Pingguo's loyal consumers paid for the smoothness of Pingguo's mobile phone system, the improvement of Pingguo's ecology, and the marketing b-price.

If you switch to the Android phone camp because you can't buy a Pingguo phone, you may even use Gonggong's perverted system.

"Oh Maikar, I can't imagine."

Cook scratched his scalp and turned on the emergency meeting notification.

Pingguo cannot be allowed to fall into the danger of being swept out of stock by scalpers in Daxia.

As for the supplier issue?

"Damn! Those who have signed quarterly orders are still issuing orders normally. Who is spreading rumors and causing trouble!? We, Pingguo, have always been committed to providing consumers with the best quality service. Please rest assured that Pingguo's product supply chain is Healthy, production capacity is also guaranteed."

Before the emergency meeting began, Cook tweeted on social media in an attempt to dispel rumors.

After the meeting, Cook saw the feedback of public opinion, which was called vomiting blood.

"My younger brother's younger sister's uncle works in a company in the Pingguo supply chain, and they will no longer take orders for Pingguo in the next quarter~"

"The big summer monkeys don't know that the supply chain of Pingguo is spread all over the world, and there is no shortage of supply at all. Let them grab it and keep enough supply in North America."

As the company with the highest market value among listed companies in the world today, every move of Pingguo Company has attracted the attention of the world, but will Cook's speech be useful?

Useful, but not very useful.

Distributors and directly-operated stores can't control the sweeping behavior of scalpers. After all, people buy it with real money.

Moreover, the supply of Pingguo cannot be increased instantly, and if the production capacity is increased, it can only be increased slowly. After all, if consumers do not pay the bill after the production capacity is increased, what should we do?

These newly opened production lines and equipment did not cost money?

However, for the actions of these suppliers, Cook also came up with a solution after communicating with executives and major shareholders.

Heeding the President's call to contribute to manufacturing in Greater America.

June 20th.

Pingguo announced that it will reopen several Pingguo Mac and Pingguo mobile phone production lines in North America.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was shocked.

Most of Pingguo’s products are produced overseas. After all, labor costs and material costs in North America and Europe are too high. Only by choosing component suppliers from these developing countries can the cost of Pingguo’s products be reduced and profits increased.

Therefore, Pingguo has never been authentic "Made in the United States", it can be said to be "Made in all countries".

Cook, CEO of Pingguo Company, said in an interview with NBC and Business Weekly that Pingguo will open several production lines of Pingguo products in North America in the third and fourth quarters of this year and next year. This is the first time in more than ten years that the production line of pingo products has returned to North America.

The production line will adopt the method of cooperation with partner companies, and the manufacturing of these production lines is not only the final combination of parts, but the manufacture of parts is made in the United States.

Not only that, but Cook expressed sincerity in the interview that Pingguo's purpose of returning to China to reopen the Pingguo product line is very clear, which is to create new jobs and move manufacturing jobs back to North America.

After the interview, the reporters and the general public were overjoyed by Pingguo's move.

Although Cook did not announce which state these production lines will be located in, nor does he expect how many manufacturing-related jobs these production lines will add locally, but after his interview, the interview has not been reported yet, so Received "kind and friendly exchanges" from many governors.

It's a pity that this matter cannot be decided by Cook alone.

Pingguo is a large-scale company with a complex shareholding structure. Cook can speak in the general direction, but when it is implemented locally, it needs the participation of more forces.

That is to say, the gentlemen should divide the cake well.

These governors just came to ask about the general situation, and how to fight for their interests in the future, it is up to their subordinates to see the truth.

At that time, the system designers in the United States designed the entire political system to be too decentralized, not only the separation of powers, but also the governor's autonomy was too high, and he was even able to tear his face and fight among himself.

For the sake of posts and votes, these governors and congressmen will "think of a way."

As for Pingguo's move, many people in the industry believe that it is extremely symbolic.

As an industry leader, Pingguo's move is to set an example, but some people think that Pingguo's move is just a public relations action. Recently, Pingguo's stock price fell by more than 20% within three months. The supply chain has also suffered a lot of damage, and many people in North America are currently condemning large companies for outsourcing jobs overseas.

Therefore, in order to restore its reputation, ensure the stability of the supply chain, and most importantly, increase the stock price, Pingguo chose to return to the industrial line.

As for whether this move achieved its goal?

The stock price of Pingguo rose by 10% that day, and the next day Google followed Pingguo's example and started a new round of "large-scale recruitment of talents".

All of a sudden, the American stock market was booming.

When the domestic pingo suppliers in Daxia heard the news, they had different attitudes.

Some manufacturers feel that they have changed their doors. Since they will no longer make Pingguo products in the future, it doesn't matter if Pingguo is transferred back to the production line.

And some manufacturers are a little trance.

They still want to do both, being both suppliers of Pingguo and domestic enterprises. After all, the market for Pingguo is not small. Although the suppliers of Pingguo have to be lowered in price, they can still make money.

But no matter how much they think in their hearts, they have to put it into action.

After accepting the benefits of Kyushu Science and Technology, it is necessary to participate in the meeting invited by Kyushu Science and Technology.

Hurry up, it's the end of June.

After entering the Kyushu Science and Technology Park, the supplier bosses also experienced an encounter with Lei Jun.

The current Kyushu scientists have a big business, and there are many industries to earn money, so new products have been increasing, and they will only be released after passing the test.

Boss Gu also walked out of the research room and met with the bosses of many manufacturers.

Of course, the national conditions of Great Xia are here, so everyone naturally eats and drinks first, and the first staff cafeteria even specially set aside a floor for this purpose.

As for why in the staff canteen?

From Gu Qing's point of view, in the future, everyone will eat in the big summer pot. Isn't it natural to eat in the cafeteria?

Anyway, Kyushu Science and Technology has never invited other corporate executives to eat at five-star restaurants.

After eating and drinking, the meeting was held on time.

Among the middle-aged people in the Mediterranean, the executive team of Kyushu Technology is very abrupt.

But this is not important anymore. After all, the structure of the management team cannot be optimized as the textbook said, and Kyushu Technology has its own special circumstances.

Facing the bosses and executives of various companies in the audience, Boss Gu said with confidence: "Pingguo Company decided to move its production line back to North America in the second half of the year. I believe some of the friends here are anxious about whether the current order can be stabilized.

Although I, Gu, is not an executive in Pingguo, but from the current point of view, it is not easy to move a large number of manufacturing jobs back to the mainland.

First of all, Pingguo invested only a few hundred million dollars in the operation this time, which is a drop in the bucket for Apple, the world's most valuable company, and the products it produces will only account for a very small part. Moreover, the labor cost in North America is high, and it is impossible for Pingguo to control the cost.

In addition, the North American manufacturing industry has suffered a serious loss in the past 20 years, and many companies have difficulty finding enough manufacturing talents to work. Cook himself has said that he wants to see more Apple products assembled in the U.S., but a lack of talent makes that difficult.

Therefore, there is no need to make a fuss about Pingguo's move. "

Next, Gu Qing explained to the bosses how much the cost of returning the Pingguo production line would increase, and also talked about the embarrassing situation in Vietnam and other low-level alternative markets, which reassured many people.

"In fact, the initiative is already in our hands. If you really can't let go of the production line customized for Pingguo, you can place an increase order instead of a low-price bid. We all coordinate to earn Pingguo's dollars and also It can make money in the Daxia market."

Regarding Gu Qing's arrangement, everyone instantly felt that the bright moon could finally be seen after the clouds and mists were lifted.

"Genius is genius, really insightful, we are still confused."

"Yeah, we're confused. Except for Pingguo to supply products to us, it is impossible for other countries to have our price-performance ratio. Once the prices of raw materials and components increase, the prices of Pingguo products will only be further separated from the public."

The whispers of the bosses, to Gu Qing's ears, are as clear as face-to-face conversations.

But he thought it was normal.

The growth of many manufacturers is not due to how smart their bosses are. Many of them are really standing on the cusp of the wind. I don’t know why the wind has picked up, and I don’t know why their own industries can take off.

There are also many doubts about the prospects of the industry. Even some of the world's top 500 companies who are as strong as Ni Hong have pressed the wrong questions when the new century comes.

And Gu Qing is now a gold-lettered signboard, whichever industry he enters, he will definitely be able to flourish in this industry, and he can drink and eat meat after following Kyushu Technology.

Solved the problem of the supply chain manufacturers, and told the news to other mobile phone manufacturers. Let’s not mention how the bosses communicate in private. Anyway, the expressions of Lei Jun and others are shocked.

A young man not only convinced the supply chain problem, but also gave Pingguo a knife. Moreover, many manufacturers in the supply chain system have accepted the technical support of Kyushu Technology, and their production equipment and production lines have used a lot of Kyushu Technology products.

Although it has not been invested by Kyushu Technology, the technology authorization and production equipment used are all owned by Kyushu Technology. What is the difference?

Lei Jun, Ren Zhengfei and others realized later that in the semiconductor industry and the smartphone manufacturing industry in Daxia, in just three years, Kyushu Technology has a position that can be decided by one word.

However, Kyushu Technology does not have a monopoly in any industry. Instead, it has many friends and minions everywhere.

Therefore, the level of dedication to the Gonggong system has been raised to a higher level.

Dong Qi said in an interview with Xiahua News Agency before: "In the first and second quarters, the Gonggong system will fully embrace major domestic mobile phone manufacturers and foreign mobile phone manufacturers, and fully adapt the Gonggong system to third-party partners, including smart home, Health equipment, travel, education and other terminals."

This seemingly big talk has become a reality.

And many supply chain manufacturers returned to the enterprise, and after several meetings, they finally chose - to make money!

Some have completely abandoned the Pingguo production line, and countless have announced price increases for Pingguo orders.

As more and more news came to light, there was an uproar among consumer groups.

"My mother, it's actually true!?"

"If you do this, isn't Pingguo really going to increase the price?!"

"Upstairs, do you see that there are still Pingguo on the official website? Now they are all grafted Pingguo from scalpers, and the price has already increased!"

"I'm sorry, my mother-in-law's mobile phone suddenly broke down. I immediately bought her a Xiawei mate30. Brothers, did I do the right thing?"

"That's right! Where do you live, buddy? I'm going to pick up the trash can, nothing else, just a thrifty habit of collecting waste."

And when Pingguo faced this dilemma, the domestic manufacturers were like a dog in the water.

For the sake of style, high-end flagship products cannot be reduced in price, so there will be no interest for 12 installments and 24 installments!

And what about mid-range mass-produced products? Let go of the supply and reduce the price by one or two hundred.

For a while, the domestic and foreign sales of domestic mobile phone manufacturers soared, and the Gonggong system also sneaked into the night with the wind, and the number of installations and activations in a week exceeded 10 million!

PS: Are your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets guaranteed familiar?

Also, thank you Dashan Dashan for the silly 100 starting point reward. Goodnight, everyone.

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