When a friend comes, there is good wine. If the jackal comes, there is a shotgun to meet him.

"Come on, come on, I'll bring you something to eat, all of which are snacks or something."

Huang Chaoren approached the company carrying several large bags of plastic bags. Although his face was a little pale, he looked very happy.

It's a bit like um, the man who had a good night, although he stuck to the bottom line last night, he did drink a lot.

"It's all Shangri-La's meals, and I haven't touched them much. I simply packed them for breakfast for everyone."

Dong Qi opened the door of the office at this time, and shouted at Huang Chaoren: "You came back so early, is it okay?"

Huang Chaoren winked, put down the plastic bag in his hand, walked to Dong Qi's office, and said in a low voice: "What's the problem? The factory, otherwise you can go for a walk in our factory in the suburbs."

Dong Qi looked at the bloodshot eyes of this roommate, and sighed: "There is no need to work so hard, the factory has already achieved results."

Huang Chaoren shook his head and said, "I've looked at the materials, and there are no assembly line products, only a few laboratory products, so it's not good to be picky. It's better to have more than less.

Although Brother Gu's family has money, it's not much. After all, when swine fever broke out, those pigs couldn't stop dying, and many big pig farms went bankrupt. "

Dong Qi didn't speak anymore. He knew that his roommate just liked to think too much for others, and the problem of swine fever was indeed serious, and the price of pork had more than doubled.

"That's fine, go back to the dormitory to sleep after punching out the card, I'll grant you a half-day leave"

"How about that? I'm going to Brother Gu's factory. In case these inspectors come back and ask for something, it's easy to talk if I'm there."

"Your eyes are so red and bloodshot, can you bear it?" Dong Qi asked with concern.

"I pressed my eyes when I was sleeping, and I wake up like this. It's okay. If I'm really sleepy, I can sleep in the car for a while, and I can go to the factory to continue sleeping."

They are all adults who do things, and Dong Qi admires Huang Chaoren's masculinity.

When he clocked in, walked out of the incubator and took the Didi special car, Huang Chaoren said: "Master, drive slowly, I'll take a nap for a while." He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Tsk tsk, these kids are really desperate to work overtime. It's not worth it." The driver was an old Rongcheng man, and he didn't say much after complaining. He just turned down the music in the car a lot.

Sichuan and Shu have always been a slow-paced region. Although the people of Shu like to eat chili, they are notorious for having a lot of ears, and they are gentle in the subtleties of life.

But at this moment, the factory is full of vitality.

Gu Qing took Zhang Tianhao and Luo Yunjia to a small meeting.

Meeting place, cafeteria.

Zhang Tianhao took a bite of the meat bun, um, bit the meat, squinted his eyes and chewed it clean, then drank another bowl of seaweed egg drop soup, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "It's comfortable~"

Then he said unhurriedly: "Our team has stayed up for several nights. Finally, Xiaohao's behavior program has been sorted out and optimized, and a safety measure has been set up. In the future, if there is a problem, it will automatically restart and extend the system response time. This allows the system enough time to process the data.

Moreover, the shell shape designed by the design department has also been matched, and the finished product can be trial-produced today. "

Gu Qing took a mouthful of egg custard, nodded, and looked at Luo Yunjia.

"My smart dishwasher project team cooperated with the design department to make four sets of design plans. There are two models of different sizes, independent and integrated with the kitchen table. The smart program has been optimized and perfected several times, which can ensure the use There will be no program problems within a thousand times, but it depends on the quality of the robotic arm." Luo Yunjiahui reported.

"The robotic arms are easy to deal with. After all, the robotic arms you two are currently in charge of need not be too precise. I plan to start working on three of each model this afternoon. If there is no problem with the adjustment, I will go to Pudong in a few days to participate in the eight Daxia Intelligent Robot Industry Expo on the 1st of the month." Gu Qing gave a charter.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao and Luo Yunjia hurriedly finished the egg drop soup in the bowl, took two freshly baked buns in one hand, and called the other project team members sitting aside to go back to the research room.

He came to the cafeteria in a hurry, and went back in a hurry.

Gu Qing looked at the backs of this group of people, added some chili oil to his egg custard, stirred it and drank it in one gulp.

"You are really young..." Having lived in the basement for a long time, every time he saw these young men, he would feel a little old and late, even though he was only in his twenties in terms of biological age.

"We still have to make money steadily. The contract signed by Han Xing's memory to the mobile phone manufacturer here in Daxia is too loose. Maybe I have to set up a memory factory or something."

Although there are related technologies in his mind, it still requires a lot of funds to implement these things into products.

In particular, although the Sichuan-Chongqing area has enough water and electricity, it is located in an earthquake zone, so the earthquake resistance requirements for the factory area are much higher. The requirements are high, which means that more money will be spent.

Gu Qing also wants to find a good place to build a factory, but unfortunately there are so many good things in the world, plumbing and electricity pipes are cheap enough, the terrain is flat and free of disasters, low taxes, large consumer groups, clean officials and no troubles, that is heaven, not the world .

After breakfast, Boss Gu took a walk in the factory area to bask in the sun as if bored.

Walk here, look there.

There have been several meetings in the factory, so everyone else knows that this young man is the big boss. Naturally, no one will come up and say that the factory area cannot be wandered around.

As he walked, he walked outside a conference room. He glanced at Luo Songtang, who was talking non-stop. The management and some of the workers below listened to desire-immortal desire-death, but luckily no one dozed off, otherwise Boss Gu might be about to raise his butcher knife.

It's very cool to go to work by yourself and earn other people's money.

Others go to work and earn their own money, that's a shame!

Turn on the phone, communicate with [Xuanwu], put on the earphones, and there will be another person outside the window who can still listen to the live broadcast.

"I talked about smart dishwashers earlier, and now I'm going to talk about sweeping robots. Of course, it can also be called smart vacuum cleaners for products from other manufacturers, and the new ones in our factory are not just vacuum cleaners.

Through the materials given to me by the laboratory, our current products can automatically vacuum and clean the floor, mop and disinfect the floor, and can independently detect and judge according to the room type, furniture placement, and floor conditions, and plan a reasonable cleaning route , and then complete the cleaning of the room.

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